Holy shit, meat in japan is expensive!
Explain this to me.
Also money in anime thread I guess.
Holy shit, meat in japan is expensive!
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Holy mother of god, no wonder Japs have a hard time, meat prices are through the roof there.
Wait 'til you see the fruit prices op
Why do Asians like meat with bones instead of just flesh meat?
Is it true they eat raw fish?
You can boil bones for a flavorful broth.
Japs are racist who refuses Chinese meat aid/trade.
Love is really expensive.
Just look at this steep pricing, I'd be fucking mad to pay that much for food. At this point importing food wholesale could be a lucrative business, I mean it's almost a 300% price range from where I live. More for salami.
Has to do with nobility. Bony meats were considered delicacies and desired cuts among Japanese and a lot of Asian nobles.
Forgot the picture like a retard.
That's cheap as fuck though. What are you even talking about?
Yea but what about other countries? I didn't even know China had a meat trade.
1500 yen for a kilo chicken breasts (hopefully boneless)?
That's lunatic, I'm legit interested, where do you like to consider this normal?
>150 dollars for 100g of meat
1500 yen for a kilo of chicken THIGHS, not even breasts! And thighs almost always have bones, so roughly 1/3rd of that weight isn't even meat.
chicken from brazil or thailand is cheep in japan
domestic brand chickens are expensive
Im from France. One Kilo of chicken breast cost 15 euro. I think 1500 yen is pretty cheap
I guess girls that are fat in Japan have money.
THIGHS are more expensive than breasts in Asian culture.
The picture isn't chicken breast, can you read? It says chicken thigh.
Chicken thigh is a lot cheaper than breast since it is a dark meat.
You guys are cucked and you don't realize it.
>Why do Asians like meat with bones instead of just flesh meat?
All cultures like meat near the bones. But at some point some cultures forget what good meat taste like.
Proof; any butcher would tell you that lean meat taste horrible, but that the customers insist on low fat for everything. So chicken breasts are now barely edible, and pork is so lean that old school recipes create dry meat.
China has the 3rd largest dog population in the world dude
Yeah, and money grows on trees in America. Get fucked retard.
Chicken thighs are 13euro/kilo its the same expensive shit here.
Japan doesn't really have as much intensive animal farming as the west.
Chickens thighs are tastier than chicken breasts
>The picture isn't chicken breast, can you read? It says chicken thigh.
>Chicken thigh is a lot cheaper than breast since it is a dark meat.
In America Thigh is cheaper than Breast, but it is the reverse in Asia. Personally I love thigh but struggle to find any Western restaurant that serve them.
It's just the effect of anti-fast promotions for the last decade. In Asia no one like Breast meat.
>my 3rd world shithole has cheaper meat
No I'm serious, Asians prefer chicken thigh instead of breasts so it's more expensive.
anti-fat I mean.
but they import the meat from australia
>Japan doesn't really have as much intensive animal farming as the west.
You should read up on wagyu meat farming. It's absolutely disgusting.
> Check the weekly burger flyers
> Chicken legs $.60/lb
> Breasts $1.50/lb
> Mountain of burger $2.50/lb
Damn it feels good to be an americlap.
>Chickens thighs are tastier than chicken breasts
Every single chef in the world prefer thigh to breast. But chicken breast is culturally link to healthy meat. Frankly the only people who should eat chicken breast are body builders. Modern chicken breast is nearly pure protein but taste like chalk.
i can confirm this at least in dining
I recently realised that turkey leg meat tastes like duck if cooked properly, but half the price of actual duck. It's my favourite protein now.
Shit taste user, turkey tastes like shit while beijin ducks taste like heaven.
Duck is fucking fat
> Fat is unhealthy
Enjoy your suicide diet of rice sugar and bleached flour, fatty.
I am sorry, does your anus still hurt?
>Shit taste user, turkey tastes like shit while beijin ducks taste like heaven.
I said LEG meat. I am assuming you are talking about breast meat.
Europoor here, the thighs seem a bit expensive, but they are from a butcher and not ALDI, so 12€/kg seem somewhat okay-ish, if the quality is good and you want to help the local shops.
The Deals thou seem reasonable, the chicken breasts* for 580 Yen / 4,5€ per kilo seems alright, same with the 880 Yen / 6,9€ per kilo pork chops*.
But the deli meats and salami seem expensive.
*I assume that what these two things are
>beijin ducks taste like heaven
amen. I had that duck once when I went to China town but its far away from where I live
Yeah but it has worse macros.
>not supplementing every meal with peanut butter
but why. do you really need that much fats?
1500JPY ~= £10GBP (£10/Kg)
tesco 1kg chicken thighs = £3 (£3/kg)
at £10 a three fold difference isn't that big a jump considering variable supply, marketing and product quality factors included in the price.
though cheap chicken is surprisingly unhealthy.
if you want cheap quality protein buy in bulk dry foods wholesale, a 25kg bag of beans for under £40(£1.60/kg)
Just a large spoonful with every other meal helps when you're bulking. It's so calorie dense.
Looks like normal prices to me. At least for Europe
>a 25kg bag of beans for under £40(£1.60/kg)
Europoor food prices are expensive....
The pound weighs less than it used to.
UK adult minimum wage = £7.50/hr
>living in a country with minimum wage
Top kek friend
I'm from Hungary and quality chicken breast fillets are 1400/kg.
All our meat prices are relatively low and the quality is heavily checked.
You can't tell me a threefold price difference is totally normal, I smell heavy fuckery behind this. Not like my opinions matter.
Austrians like to take huge shopping trips near the border for a much smaller difference.
> heavy fuckery
The natural state of a non competitive market is to charge whatever people are willing to suffer.
>Chinese meat aid/trade
You mean dog meat labelled as cow meat
Japan puts insane taxes on rice/dairy imports, so countries that produce most of the world's meat as well as rice/dairy (USA, Canada, Russia, Argentina) retaliate by putting taxes on their meat exports to Japan.
It's not actually that simple user.
>150 yen for 100g of meat
You fat and retarded american
Bullshit. If a normal person can make a road trip to save money, then there's no way a big ol' truck can't do the same. The only reason it doesn't happen is either it legally can't be done or the market is fucked.
Jokes on you. I don't eat meat.
This. Japan taxes the shit out of agricultural products that come from anywhere other than Japan. Japan has a serious problem with rural voters being over-represented, a lot like the United States with our corn farmers.
in my country that whole pan of chicken would cost you like $4
> US corn farmers
> represented
If your corn farmer begins with Mon- and ends with -to, then yes. All the rest are basically being bullied out of business.
Heavy taxes, no government aid, limiting laws and all that jazz.
Not to mention corruption of course. There could be people who massively profit from this and refuse to let it go.
That's a good price, really
t. swiss
>At this point importing food wholesale could be a lucrative business
until you see the tariffs, and other food related regulations.
How does this 1 yen deal work?
Let's see, I can but a chicken thigh for 0.44 USD and the breasts for 2 USD a piece, the wings for about 0.16 cents a piece, and so on. Would that be considered cheap?
Asians aren't retarded enough to think breasts are better than the clearly superior thighs.
Go into the shop because of the 1 yen deal, leave with a bunch of other normally priced stuff too
>This. Japan taxes the shit out of agricultural products that come from anywhere other than Japan. Japan has a serious problem with rural voters being over-represented, a lot like the United States with our corn farmers.
Japan does this to protect food security. America just does the same thing via a different means of massive subsidies. The argument is the same, that a country can't be too dependent on imported food. Or you end up like Venezuela.
Because Japan is an island connected to nothing.
this, fuck nationalism.
Go back to the wilderness and let us know how it works out, user.
What would happen of Japan couldn't buy oil anymore? Would their cars still work? What I want to say is that no country is independent.
>this, fuck nationalism.
Do you really want to have your food supply be nearly entirely imported? You have any idea how dangerous that is?
Free Markets, by its very nature, meant food would only be produced in a few laces on Earth. But that is lethal to national security. You can't let a few nations have control of your food supply. Thus it is the interest of any nation that they at least be able to feed themselves if under blockade. That food security is why you protect your farmers.
>What would happen of Japan couldn't buy oil anymore? Would their cars still work? What I want to say is that no country is independent.
If that happens then Japan will go full nuclear with breeder reactors. They have the means, they just doesn't want to do it unless you force their hand.
And any nation that assumes oil supply will continue for ever is too stupid to survive.
You're right, but even if having no oil plunge your society in chaos, at least your population can still fucking eat. Being self-reliant when it comes to food is what's most important.
At worst can replace oil with electricity. You can't replace food.
>Would their cars still work?
But then suddenly you retractor need oil for instance. Autarky is a meme of the farmer's mafia.
your tractor needs*
Dumb autocorrect
> Can replace oil with electricity
He says, typing on his plastic phone eating hormone laden food made with petrol medicine.
Oil is used for so much physical shit it's not even funny.
What the fuck am I missing here, it says ¥150 not ¥1500
100g cost so much. 1000g cost ten times as much.
Okay, since the issue is food how about we actually replace oil with food in your little problem ? Do you really think that energy problems are more important than dying of food shortage.
It's true that it's also used for a number of materials, technologies, etc. But what I meant is that you can find a lot of alternatives to those things or abandon them without dying. Something that you can't do with food.
>Okay, since the issue is food how about we actually replace oil with food in your little problem ? Do you really think that energy problems are more important than dying of food shortage.
I give up. You can't be serious. I see a lot of farmers using tractors that need gas. How much will they produce without their tractors?
Oligopoly. Price fixing. All that "free market" stuff.
Definitely the dumbest thing I've read in a few weeks. Try to not shit in the thread next time.
Well they do have fast food restaurants like McDonalds, is fast food cheap in Japan?
Yes they'll produce less, but producing less when your production usually covers more than 100% of your needs is far less dangerous than producing less than whent your production only covers 80% of your needs. Both food and oil shortages are bad obviously. But if you can take measures to avoid at least ONE of them, why wouldn't you take them in the first place ?
It's like refusing to take an insurance because it won't cover every single thing that you might need, it's fucking retarded.
I literally just go on Myprotein and get it from there.