The best weapon for killing Nigs

a claw hammer.

Other urls found in this thread:

Dont be evil, user. Pray to God and you'll feel better.

Go away, leaf.

Work boots.

They have a severe and explosive allergy to them.

>not using a nailgun

Doesn't hit hard enough

Sledge, then rope


No gunz

Hello CIA

Enacting a Stand Your Ground law.

Nigger Twister 5000


20 feet of rope

dylan roof should have just become a pool of water

a rope

I really want one but they’re fucking expensive. I would hunt with it

t. ((((((FBI)))))) leftist trying to distract from the memo.


It's pathetic when they plagiarize my shitposts from a week ago.

>The best weapon for killing Nigs

A job application

fucking coon

im not for killing nogs but obviously a ball peen hammer would work better

I got mine for 1600ish, it was on sale at Turners.

Some say that soft tip hunting rounds have feeding issues but on my last hog hunting trip I didn't.

Nope. Paternity test.

Hell, ANY test.





Sweet battle rifle broski.

i wish i had the vidya of the nigger getting slammed in the head with a bat.
he got hit and still got up to fight before the other guy jumped him too.
a hammer might not be enough.

This is best weapon for killing jooze.

i came here to post this

You're right. I should use that to nail them to a cross.

I'd take cyanide watermelon personaly

Funny, when I see pictures like this, I know that my reaction is supposed to be "wow, those evil people!" but I've now come to realize that lynching wasn't just something white people did to party. They actually caught criminal niggers and gave them justice.

It's like we've been trained not to ask "what did they do to deserve that?". We've been trained to see them as victims, and not even of 'mob justice', but victims of a racist society that simply wanted to hang niggers for fun. But the more I read about it, the more I realize that's not the truth. And we've canonized a few thousand criminal blacks who got hanged over 100 years.

So now when I see those pictures, I think "what was the crime?" And I hope that everyone here is adopting the same mentality. Lynching isn't some shameful part of our past. It's a beautiful part of our past. From a time when we didn't take shit from niggers and drew a line in the sand about how one ought to behave in society. I don't revel in the death of the niggers. I'm not a sociopath. I just admire people who had the guts to enforce proper behavior with deadly force.

>not using a naaaAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIiiil gun



nobody does it better ...



There is always a relevant Whitest Kids U'Know sketch.



remember to wash your hands

leaf thread.

pipe wrench
random lead pipe

things like that
it is hobo level weaponry but if you have shit like that on you and use it as a weapon people will think you're a fucking psycho

Are niggers literally the original Sims?

If you put them in a pool and remove the ladders they drown.

Wait nvm, my Sims were always able to hold down jobs.


I like Stihl chainsaws. Made in the USA.

BASED black man am I right fellow pede?
theres a difference between blacks and niggers
colour doesnt matter, idwology does

I'm a Stihl man myself, Grampa was a logger upriver back in the day. He also really hated niggers. RIP.

Well played.


Abortions are a far more effective nigger killer

The best way to kill the feral North American pavement ape is to withdraw police protection. They’ll do it themselves.

Color doesn’t matter. But their race does. If it didn’t, they wouldn’t be so universally fucked up. They behave the same everywhere on planet earth.

Nice post completely unrelated to politics my CIA friend

The number one cause of violent death in niggers is another nigger.

>Not using an Estwing™, the last hammer still made in the USA (and best hammer out there)