Tsuki ga Kirei FINAL

For the first time in years youre allowed to be happy. Enjoy it, because there wont be anything like for a while.

So, who really won?

Is this the Amagami of the decade?


Right, she got DAISUKI DA'd



What happened to Ayane's husband?

Reminder that the ending montage was just one of MC's fictional stories after he and Akane broke up.

You literally can't prove otherwise.

Someone please crop Chinatsu in the background

So, to get a qt gf, you need to use LINE and become a writer.

For fuck's sake.

Chinatsu won at the end.

Lack of fan art is depressing

>Is akane cuter with shorter hair?
Not cute but more mature and beautiful

I know right?
Isn´t LINE™ beautiful?
We should all download it guys!


Nips wouldn't watch a romance that actually goes somewhere, who are they supposed to self insert as? There's no dense harem protag.

This, Akane found love with the old man she is sitting with, you can see they are both texting each-other.

This. Why even talk to people face to face when you could use LINE™ instead?

Morale of the story: dont ever listen to your big sister

Did CR finally decide to translate the texts?


Love is war, user.

Damn son, subs finally out?

She should have listened to her big sister and dropped Chinatsu.


I think it's implied he dated Chinatsu while keeping contact with Akane.

Do you think she got her closure or will she now try to ruin their marriage?

I think its implied that you got dropped as a child




Strength to fap for sure.

I'm still surprised she didn't slap her at least once during the ending
>don't ever dare t pull that shit again

This is a good day anons, I hope you all have a good day.

I'm so glad this endend on a happy tone. I'll really miss this dorks, the only thing I was looking forward every week.

Chinatsu probably ended up getting used for those niche JAVs with tomboys and never found real love.

Welp, she tried.

looks like she's trying to get a squeeze of that sweet sweet curly-kun ass.

Chinatsu-nigger on suicide watch.

The greatest love story ever told.

This should say wife instead of girlfriend at this point, user. They're well beyond that stage. I actually believe Hira may have offed himself at some point. This is some next level NTR by Curly right there.

23位/***,*23位 ◎ (***,918 pt) [*,**1予約] 2017/09/27 「月がきれい」Blu-ray Disc BOX(初回生産限定版)
28位/***,*28位 ◎ (**1,137 pt) [*,**0予約] 2017/09/27 【早期購入特典あり】月がきれいBlu-ray Disc BOX(2BD+特典CD)(初回生産限定版)

The last episode really boosted sales, It should be noted that all the episodes are sold at the same time.

This entire show is probably a 9.5/10 for me.

So cringy, but cute. Reminds me of my middle school days and how nobody knew how dating worked. I think it was very realistic with how characters interacted.

My only qualm is the ugly CG ruining an otherwise beautiful show. The ending credits for this last episode brought it from a 9/10 to a 9.5/10 because knowing what comes next is really nice.

I'm hoping for a second season that's all about the ending credits.

RIP in peace Hira, someone gotta be that guy.

>tfw akane and azumi is /fit/ and /lit/

>proposing through a chat messenger
Best LINE™ advertisement I have seen so far.

>that boost
Holy shit.

God I miss /fitlit/. Never forget the day an actual ubermensch board was made.

That cringe is a part of what makes it so good. It just reminds us of our middle/high school days where no one really knew how this love and dating shit were supposed to work. Of course I didn't experience any of that naturally, but I saw friends who found their first loves and it just reminded me a lot of that. A refreshing blast of nostalgia. The one of the cutest, most relatable romance anime I've ever seen. Easily a 9.5/10 like you said if not 10/10 even. I'll be ordering the BDs of this. It's worth the cost.

Obligatory gay train scene in japanese media .

Yeah. I was "he's gonna go for it the next second. Okay, now. Nah, but now". Then she ran away. I was genuinely angry but the ending remedied everything.

>tomboy and chad were cucked
>/lit/ wins /fit/ girl for the first time


Thank you japan.

Yeah. I'm just waiting for an interview with the director and he just casually mentions that Hira committed suicide after receiving news of the marriage. The guy pined after Akane for 3 years and on that last year she gets stolen by a literature Chad and continues the relationship through college and actually fucking gets married to said lit Chad. I'd commit suicide too if I were Hira.

>My only qualm is the ugly CG ruining an otherwise beautiful show.

hopefully the next time these authors/directors want to make something they get the funding they need.

Sudden season 2? I know it won't happy but would be cool to see the Chinatsu route.

They got fucking married and had a fucking child folks it happened. It really did happen. We got it. We got the happy end.

this show does not need a season 2, its great and has been wrapped up in a neat little package.

I just hope this paves the way for more feelgood romance anime by the same or even different authors.

Proof that everyone loves closure, instead of that dumb hurt-no-feelings pandering shit.

Not surprised. This is genuinely one of the best romance anime I've seen. It gives you all the shit you want out of romance without the melodrama attached to it. I'm buying the Blu-rays. I want to support this in any way I can for giving me this amazing 12 week rollercoaster ride of emotions. Definitely will be recommending this anime to anyone asking for good romance. Downloading LINE now too.

Why is Akane's sister so shit?

What about an OVA?

From what said apparently this last episode exponentially boosted sales. This is a good sign. Maybe the studios will take the hint that feelgood romance anime like this sells and start a new trend about such anime. Personally, I want this director to make another anime like this to try and top himself/herself. From the sales even the Japs can see this director can make an anime that sells well. I really hope they take this hint.

The entirety of Sup Forums should just move over the LINE right now.

I cracked up tears of joy.

I'm unironically downloading LINE now. Apparently this 12 episode LINE commercial works. At least it worked on me.

Pretty good, everything went as expected.It would be some cruel work for me if the cute, soft overall ambience of the animation went crazy with the relationship drama.

because her sister is one of those people who doesn't understand that if you want to make something work, you have to try. Some people are so quick to throw something to the wind because it becomes a little inconvenient to them, and it's a shame.

Don't forget to delete it tomorrow.

And this took them all that time? Quality translation.

I want to get on LINE and take JCs to love hotels with me. And they'd even pay!

>sitting next to Chinatsu every day
>she puts on the moves constantly
>seeing Akane involves a 4 hour return trip
>high school is 3 years of boredom and stress
>constant fear that Akane has something on the side already

There's no way that the ending montage wasn't one of Curly's stories that he wrote to deal with their inevitable breakup.

If people make doujins of this wouldn't LINE sue them for copyright infringement?

Also, to those who never used Line before, what will you do with it? By the stamps and get 1 friend on it you you can use them?
Line is great (getting too bloat though) but only if you have friends on it too.


This must be reverse trolling. It must be.

Stop samefagging

>reverse trolling

Is this some reddit term?

Actually I had an independent thought this time. Also, calling samefag is reddit af pls get out.

Someone put this Chinatsu-fag on suicide watch.

Why do some autists always have to project their insecurities like this? This even more retarded than the Candy store mother of renge theory some Sup Forumsnon made a few years ago

>if you want to make something work, you have to use the POWER of LINE™

I chose to believe that they did this on purpose to bait the audience into believing that he ended the relationship. However, considering the scenes placement that makes no sense whatsoever. I really dont get how they could possibly mistake final chapter/last chapter for end.

It's what baiting used to be called.

>Candy store mother of renge theory

Do go on.

I think Chinatsu and Azumi became fuck buddies. Akane probably also found one.

>Chinatsufags still clinging on

Please get better taste.

There were three different hood kisses with the main couple in this show in 12 episodes. I think that's a triumph.

>hiding going on vacation together from his parents

For what purpose? At this point they already knew he liked her.

>this is how a ntr fag actually thinks
Some autist elaborated a theory saying she was raped and the baby was renge. The town agreed to keep quiet about it. Something like that. Pure autism.

Was this AOTY?

I'm crying hold me Sup Forums

Yeah I gathered that much considering Renge and Candy Store were at school together (though Renge was still a baby at the time, not a student), but what evidence was there for it?

it doesn't seem like the mc ended up being a writer...

That or they fucked every weekend.

you only say that because...

Nothing. Is a autism from Sup Forums. Just like the buttdevastated chinatsu fag here

For me, yes. So far.