A lot of new anthologies came out, and I never saw them posted in any thread.
I'm going to dump them in the vague hope of a translation and nobody will stop me.
Made in Abyss
should probably have spoilered that, oh well
That's all, if some kind anons could even provide the basic gist of what's happening in them, it would be fantastic.
why papa bondrewd and mommy ozen looks so fun in these?
This is far too lewd.
It's the wacky parallel universe where wholesome fun is had all the time and nobody is beaten into a pulp, stuffed into a box or strapped onto a torture chair.
These are the best.
Man, Maruruk is handsome af looking older.
>lewding Nanachi
Riko is a serial molested and must be stopped.
>Magnifying glass
Is she going to try and measure Reg's dick?
Have you even read the manga user? The ruler has been used for "deeper" research.
Ozen is a fucking lunatic. A loveable lunatic.
It breaks halfway in.
So am I a furfag now or what? I've fought heresy all these years but this doesn't even feel wrong to me now. Is this the magic of Nanachi?
I can give it a try, but I've only read the raws so I don't know how certain terms are translated. Also I'm probably not a good translator.
Maruruk: (Master has called me to her room...)
Maruruk: E- Excuse me..
Orzen: You're late. My apprentice should show up before I call for him.
Maruruk: Wha-
Orzen: Well, whatever, I need you to get a few things. Right now.
Maruruk: Yes... ah. There's kind of a lot, so I'll split up the work with the others...
Orzen: No, Maruruk. Go by yourself.
Maruruk: What? Why?
Maruruk: YES MA'AM!
First 4koma:
Maruruk: Oh well... I'll just have to try and gather everything efficiently so I can get home by the end of the day...
Maruruk: Let's see. First is... nakikabane feathers... preferably the soft variety from the chicks...
Maruruk: All right! I should be able to get these right away!
Maruruk: (After all, I'm heading straight toward some chicks at high speed...) (I've been caught.)
Nakikabane: Help meeee
Panel: Food.
Second 4koma:
Maruruk: If it's just a few chicks I should be able to escape! Now to just borrow some fea-
Maruruk: -thers....
Maruruk: EEEEEEE!!!
Maruruk: (eeeeeeee...)
Third 4koma:
Old man: Looks like he's having a rough time.
Orzen: Honestly, he's beyond help.
Orzen: That's supposed to be my apprentice... truly incorrigible....
Old man: Ho ho ho ho
Old man: Well, with that many, what could he do?
Orzen: Hmph.
Nakikabane chicks: (help meeee!)
Maruruk: (No, help ME!)
Orzen: Oops, my hand slipped.
Old man: Oh, looks like things will work out.
Orzen: ...I guess he was lucky.
Nakikabane chicks: (seriously, help...)
Maruruk: (t... time to go...)
Old man: Not very honest with yourself, are you? Ho ho ho.
Orzen: You handle the rest. Later.
Old man: Ho?
Nakikabane: (what did you do to our kids?!)
Thank you very much for the translations, user. You're great.
Maruruk: (Ugh... that was a close one. Good thing I brought a change of clothes...)
box: And yet master's mysterious shopping list continued
box: But somehow... it was really tough, but-
box: I was able to gather everything!
box: and so...
Delver: Yo, Maruruk! Good work.
Delver: ...
Delver: The eyes of a warrior...
Delver: (What happened...?)
Maruruk: Master! Maruruk has returned!
Orzen: You're late!
Maruruk: Whaaaat?
Orzen: My apprentice should be able to gather things before I ask him to.
Maruruk: Aw come on...
Orzen: And look at this. Your clothes are all torn up.
Maruruk: It was really difficult...
Orzen: Good grief... hold on a moment.
Maruruk: uuu...
Maruruk: Eh!?
Orzen: Here. Wear this.
Maruruk: These are... the materials I gathered...!?
only a true heretic would not love the bunny
Maruruk: You dont mean... you did this for me... !?
Orzen: What? I was just bored, that's all. (Don't get cocky, kid)
Maruruk: Eeh....
Maruruk: But I went through so much... (you were just bored...?)
Orzen: Well, you know...
Orzen: Anything you can get easily won't leave behind any nice memories, right?
Maruruk: Ma...
Maruruk: Masteeeeeer!
Orzen: Ah.
Orzen: You are sentenced to hang naked!!
Maruruk: Eeeeeh?!
box: But after my sentence was over, some patched clothes were waiting for me.
My beloved master - END
Nanachi, let me wash those clothes!
Nanachi: (nnaa...)
Riko: Mmm, Nanachi...
Riko: (sniff sniff) !!
(humid environment)
(body covered in fur)
(clothes that never seem to come off)
Nanachi: ...?
Crap, here come the captchas
(smell: very pungent)
Riko: (dizzy...) (ah...)
Nanachi: W- what?
Riko: ...Nanachi...
Riko: Let me wash your clothes.
Nanachi: Nnna
Nanachi: I- I'm fine...
Riko: No! We have to santize it. (pull)
Nanachi: Are you calling me unclean!?
Riko: I'm saying if we don't clean it you might *become* unclean.
Nanachi: Just do it later...
Riko: W- wait!
Reg: What's all the commotion?
Nanachi: REG!
Reg: e.... eh?
Nanachi and Riko: Perfect timing.
Nanachi: Do something about her!
Riko: Help me hold her down!
Reg: What the heck are you two- (clunk)
Nanachi: NNNAAAA!
Riko: Kyaaa!
Nanachi: Geez.
Nanachi: Are you a piece of junk!?
Reg: S- sorry.... I was careless.
Reg: I'll keep a lookout... also, as penance I'll wash Nanachi's clothes.
Nanachi: Nnna!
Riko: But you know, I always wanted to take a bath with you Nanachi.
Nanachi: Nnaa!
Nanachi: You two!!
Heartwarming Abyss News
Reg: M- my arm's all tangled!
Riko: What are you doing, Reg!
Riko: Hold on, I'll save you!!
Shigee: (won't it go back to normal if you leave it alone?)
Natt: Hey, if you pull on there, it'll just get worse.
Riko: Natt, wait, don't pull!
Shigee: Guys, calm down.
(gyaa- gyaa-)
Leader: Hey, what's going o-
>Steamy bunny undies
I have no idea if the Abyss alphabet is listed anywhere - these 4koma titles may be something but I couldn't say.
Riko: My dream is to become a white whistle!!
Reg: (become a white whistle!?)
whistle Riko: (I'm Riko!)
Riko: My mom is a white whistle too!!
Reg: (Her mother too!!?) (she's beyond help...)
Riko: Leader! I have a question!!
Leader: What is it?
Riko: Have you ever been strung up naked!!
Leader: Wha-
Leader: Of course not! Now get ready for bed!
Riko: (eeehhhh)
Director: That really takes me back...
Leader: Please stop.
Delver: Maruruk, help us out over here!
Maruruk: Okay!
Delver: You're cute today, as always Maruruk. (pat pat)
Maruruk: Oh, not really.
Delver: Well, you ARE the one bright flower of the Seeker's Camp!! (HA HA HA HA)
Maruruk: (flower?)
Delver: I was wrong!! There was one more pretty woman!!
Delver: What are you doing.
Old delver: You really slipped up.
Orzen: And? When are you going to start working for me?
Leader: No, I... don't intend to...
Maruruk: Master! I brought some sna-
Maruruk: -cks...
Maruruk: You can't kidnap him!!
Orzen: He's drunk, I'm just looking after him. (How rude)
>nanachi wearing reg's clothes
too precious
Riko: (soft n' fluffy...)
Nanchi: The way you touch me is really indecent, so keep away.
Reg: What part of the way I touch you is indecent? (I wanna touch...)
Nanachi: Nna, what part? Well...
Nanachi: The way you always do it... it's like...
(fluff fluff)
Nanachi: Nnnaa... nnnaaa...
Reg: ?.... this smells like Nanachi.
Riko: (yawn)
Nanchi: (gulp!)
Prushka: Papa's tail! (squeeze)
Bondord: You like papa's tail, Prushka?
Prushka: Yeah! I love it!!
Bondord: Upsy daisy!
Prushka: Kyaaa!
(ascending burden)
Riko: I'm gonna do some impressions!
Riko: Muu... beyond help... !
Prushka: It's Reg!
Nanachi: That's Reg.
Riko: Correct!
Riko: How about this!? Nnnaa, nnnaaa
Nanachi: Is that me?
Prushka: Nanachi!
Reg: It's Nanachi!!
Riko: Wrong! The correct answer was a nakikabane!
Nakikabane: (nnaa)
Nanachi: Hey, I'm being eaten here!!
Meetie: Nanachiiii!
Nanachi: Meetie!?
Meetie: I missed you Nanachi! (fluff)
Nanachi: Meetie...! I missed you too!!
Nanachi: ...Meetie (fluff) (fluff) (fluff) Hold o- (the way you're grabbing me...) (fluff) (fluff) nna-
Nanachi: This is Reg!!
Reg: I'd lost my memory... I had nothing.
Reg: But I met so many people... and now I have so many people to protect.
Reg: I must protect Riko and Nanachi!
Riko: Reg!
Riko: So, while you were sleeping I tried investigeting your butthole again...
Reg: (I must protect myself!)
Damn, the first one actually makes me feel for her.
Brief Stories of Adventure
Prushka: Then Riko, you'd be the Kid Lord! (giggle)
Riko: What, give me a cooler one.
Prushka: Well, what Lord title do you want?
Riko: Hmmmm.... Ah.
Riko: Let's think of some together!
Prushka: Yay--
Riko: I call it, "Rally to Determine White Whistle Names!"
Riko: First up, Nanachi!
Reg: For Nanachi, there's only one option.
Riko: Yeah, for Nanachi...
Prushka: Well of course she'd be...
Nanachi: Quit smiling like that!
Riko: Next is Reg's turn!
Reg: That's okay! I'm not going to be a white whistle!
Riko: (ignore) Hmm... Reg...
Reg: (she's beyond help...)
Riko: Ah.
Riko: (fidget) Lord of peni-
Prushka: Papa stick?
Prushka: Come to think of it, they're starting a Made in Abyss anime! Papa was talking about it!
Riko: (amazing!) Wah! Our daily lives will be animated!
Reg: ...
Reg: I have a question... what is "ah-ni-may"?
Reg: Nanachi.
Nanachi: Nnaa... why does everyone always ask me...
Nanachi: We didn't have any recreation when I was here in the lab, so I don't know.
Riko: I got really excited, but actually I don't know either.
Prushka: Pff... so you don't know, Riko.
Nanachi: Prushka really makes fun of you a lot.
Prushka: Oh well... (rummage)
Reg: We're gonna use something?
Nanachi: Nnaa! I told you I don't know!
Prushka: We're gonna use this! Third class relic.... a television! (box that captures waves)
Cute. Why is Ozen so tsun?
Fuck me that's way too cute
Riko: A relic not in the relic record!!!
Reg: So this "ah-ni-may" is something you watch on this box?
Prushka: That's right! You watch the... "airwaves"?... it receives! (I'm glad I could teach him)
Nanachi: Sheesh! We don't know what could happen or when! We should get ready to move at a moment's notice!
Riko: Wow, it's on! Incredible!
Prushka: Papa gave this to me!
Nanachi: (They aren't listening...)
All: OOoooooh!
Nanachi (making preparatoins): (We don't know what Bondord could do to us, but they're...)
All: Aaaaaaah!
Nanachi: .... (peek)
All: Hyaaaa!
Nanachi: ... (turn)
All: ...
Nanachi: Nna! na... Nnnaaaa, prepare, prepare.
Reg: I kinda want to eat something while watching anime.
Riko: Agreed!
Prushka: I have some portable rations type 4.
All: (Tastes like wall...) (chew chew)
(Nanachi has joined them)
Reg: I feel like we're still missing something...
Prushka: Hmmm
Riko: Ah! I have a good idea!
Nanachi: Nnnaaa!
Riko: Fluffy...
Prushka: Blessing fluff...
Reg: Irresistable...
Nanachi: Would you watch the anime please?
(Bondord's room)
Bondord: Heheheh... good, Nanachi. Just like that... What!?
Nanachi: Enough! I'm not watching this anymore! I'm gonna prepare for our trip and then get some sleep!
Bondord: (slam) You mustn't, Nanachi!
Bondord: Please watch the anime!
Nanachi: Don't peep my vision just so you can watch anime! (bonk)
*Do not throw food
Last one...
Prushka: Riko, you had so many adventures before you got here. I only saw them on the "television", but they were amazing!
Riko: It was hard, but I had a ton of fun!
Prushka: Hey... you know... well... if you could... (fidget)
Riko: ?
Prushka: Could I come wi-
Nanachi: Hey. It's late, so let's get to sleep, Riko!
Riko: Okaaay, coming! Sorry, what did you say?
Prushka: Oh... sorry... it's nothing.
Prushka: Goodnight, Riko.
P.S. Fuck you Bondord.
>Nanachi: Nnnaaa!
>Riko: Fluffy...
My thoughts exactly.
Thanks for the translations user.
What a way to end it too.
See I had no idea what "oobaado" was supposed to be. I think the only non-english relic name I ever managed to figure out was Sparagmos.
So what's "Yuaa waazu"?
Thank you so much for the fantastic work, that's wonderful. Can I get greedy and ask you to translate a few one-page pixiv comics, too?
I'm gonna go jogging for a bit, but I can do some when I get back. No porn please.
Okay then, that leaves me some time to dump then. Thanks in advance.
just imagine pressing your face into that velvety fluff and tickling the firm muscles underneath with your nose
Man they cram so much text in this one
And then there's this one too but it's fairly easy to udnerstand what's happening. Thanks user, don't get hit by a car
All right, let's give it a shot.
Maruruk Collection
Riko: Maruruk, we're done with the bath.
Maruruk: Ah, okay.
Riko: Thanks for the change of clothes.
Maruruk: W- w- w- w- why are you wearing those? (awawawawa)
Riko: Hm? They were laid out in the dressing room, so I thought they were for us to wear. (Was that bad?)
Maruruk: (I forgot I left those theeeeeeere!)
Riko: (These clothes are cute!)
Reg: (They're easy to move in!)
Maruruk: ...
Riko: They're girl's clothes, but they look good on you Reg!
Reg: They have Maruruk's name on them. So aren't they boy's clothes?
Riko: Eh?
Maruruk: (I want to die) (tremble)
Rebellious Phase
Bondord: There there there, Prushka's a cute little girl!!
Prushka: ...
Prushka: ... hey, papa.
Bondord: My my, what is it?
Prushka: That's gross, cut it out.
Prushka: And your breath stinks.
Tell me how you would defeat him without a bunny or megaman shota. Loli is ultimately useless against him.
Beyond Sexy (I am not sure how to translate this title)
*Beyond help*
*Beyond help*
*Beyond help*
(*Beyond help*)
Nanachi: What is Reg doing? Is he broken?
Riko: He said he's gotten fond of the "beyond help" sound effect! I'm gonna try too!
Riko: Ready, set, *kind of an idioooot*
Nanachi: Ah...
Nanachi: *sexy* *sexy* *sexy* *SEXY*
Nanachi: I'm not doing anything! *SEXY*
Jewel of the Abyss
Nanachi: ...hey
Riko: What's up Nanachi?
Nanachi: ... ha... has Reg...
Nanachi: ... always been like that?
Reg: (Duhhhh)
Riko: Of course. You're so silly, Nanachi.
Nanachi: Nnnaa!?
Nanachi: (Hah?)
Nanachi: ...
Somellier Showdown
Reg: Haaa, I could eat three helpings of the scent of Nanachi's tummy...
Nanachi: Back off!
Meetie: Hold it!!
Reg: Y- you're!?
Nanachi: Meetie!?
Meetie: I could eat TEN servings.
Nanachi: What are you saying!? Meetiiiiiiee!!
Reg: W- well I always have more room for Nanachi's armpit smell!
Nanachi: Not you too!?
Meetie: You're just an amateur who doesn't even know the smell of Nanachi's butt!
Nanachi: Don't say stuff like that! You're my treasure!
Reg: I'm confident I could live off the fragrance of the bottoms of her feet alone!
Meetie: You fool! The scent from the base of her tail can take you to heaven!
Nanachi: (Nnaa) (I can't keep up!)
Reg: Hmmm
Nanachi: Nna?
Nanachi: What's up, Reg? You look serious.
Reg: Hm? Oh, Nanachi. Well you see...
Reg: I found these boob rocks a short while ago, and I'm having trouble figuring out which one is closer to your boobs.
Nanchi: Chuck.
My fucking sides
Not What He Thought
This one's a bit past my lewd limit, but it's pretty much as you see. A very naughty nakikabane is tricking Reg.
I wouldn't.
I would just let him make me cute.
Thanks a thousand user, I had been waiting for a translation for these for ages.
What is the deal with the white whistle hunch?
It's one of the lesser known abyss burdens.
they store their powers within the hunch.
it also helps them with their secondary jobs as fairy tale monsters
>Nanachi gets hugged
>Nanachi tries on Reg's clothes
>Prushka being a cute daughter in Hell
>Nanachi being bullied by a joke
Best one.
Even lewder than Nanachi getting forecestripped scent of her undertail being discussed? Wew
Has the new chapter come out yet? The mystery of the Princess is too much to handle, I need to see Reg manhandle her like he does with Nanachi..
>Bondrewd getting bullied
I have waited all my life for this
No, comes out on the 10th
Fuck. Is it the 10th yet?
In order to attract mates and and intimidate prey, while whistles inflate their hunch. Making themselves appear larger and inhuman.
Eeeh, it's all relative. Nanachi smelling nice is canon. To me it's a big leap to outright sexual themes.
Fair enough, user. I didn't imagine the text would be that explicit
It's not particularly explicit, but it is suggestive.
Like this, get this crap outta here.
Crap? Isn't this drawn by Akihito himself?
Nanachi is prime bullying material
Someone replaced the lines with peepee talk.