Norway is the best country. prove me wrong, pro tip you can't

Norway is the best country. prove me wrong, pro tip you can't

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England is the best country. The Anglosphere is proof of that. What the fuck have you done?

>They don't even execute their criminals

Breivik isn't a criminal though

Oh, I'm not talking about him. He's a national hero, but you fucks treat criminals like angels.

no gunz socialist shithole country

Brown cheese....

End of discussion.

They have guns, ya fuck.

some people don't deserve death though, is better that they can sit and rot in a prison the rest of their life, knowing they fucked up

not as many as us

wanna compare who has the most mass shootings also?

Who cares?

alot of people. don't wanna send my kids to a school were they get shot up either kek

Why would anyone send their kids to some shitty marxist public school?

Your flag is a palette shift of sweden.

lol norway actually has freedom of speech, you should try it some time

>irl Skyrim
It’s neat, but America is better.
>actually has freedom of speech
>the country is becoming Sweden
I hope you guys do well, but you suffer from th Nordic curse

lol nah, see the right actually wins the elections here

What does that have to do with public school?
Also you dont have freedom of speech

> Limitations to expression included defamation, hate speech, and deliberate contempt of religion.

OP makes good wood stoves. That's all I can vouch for desu

You’ll get there. Is Norway comfy?
Are the waves large?

>sweden ranked 2nd
seems like a reliable list

This pic looks like shit! It's a disgrace for the Norwegian Sup Forums delegation.

Sweden has hate speech laws coming out the wazoo
They cant even homeschool

If Norway is the best country then why it's not defending freedom fighters all over the world? Maybe because it's not free?

ssh ssh ssh

Yeah, you're not wrong, Norway probably is the best. My Grandparents and my Uncle (Queue the 56%, I'm actually part X meme) live in Bergen, I've been there a few times it's the most beautiful fucking country on the planet, best looking people, best looking landscape, great economy, maybe the food can be improved a bit but yeah there really is not much bad that can be said especially coming from someone in America, I got to University in Southern California, the 56% meme is wrong, it's fucking 25% here, when I go to class and work I see at most 1/5 of the people I pass who I can definitely tell are white, another few mongrels and happas here and there but it is Browntown down here, then I go to Bergen to visit family and I walk down the street and it's almost all fucking White with the occasional asian it was so fucking relieving not to hear Spanish anywhere I went, it was nice not to see large groups of young hispanic men with their super gelled up hair, white T-Shirts and Blue jeans fucking around the parks or niggers with their pants around their knees walking around bix noobing everywhere, getting on public transportation and seeing mainly white faces instead of nothing but old mexican women and mentally insane niggers shitting themselves was just too good to be true. Also, not sure if it's just my family members but as far as I know, Norway (outside of Oslo) is fairly conservative by Western European standards. Also, it was so nice to hear English and Bokmal instead of English, Ebonics, Spanish, Spanglish and Korean for once.


"Ansvarlig redaktor NRK"

Everything of media is owned by three publishing companies. Except one, that's owned by discovery.

The biggest one, Schibsted gave hundreds of Swedish kroner to Clinton foundation. And every year they all send one or more representatives from several of the media outlets to the Bildenberg and such meetings.

Our press is not free.
They all frame this memo like straight uo shareblue shills on reddit. Focus is on what the dems say negative about trump regarding it, justifying the means for the FISA and ending with "and here is trumps connections to Russia"
Our government is part of the fucked uo cult that ruled South Korea, so is Denmark.

>Norway is the best country

how many nukes do they have?