Season 2 villains will steal Croix' cube technology to create an evil army of mass produced robot witch monsters who run on rage to take over the world, right?
Little Witch Academia
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Phyrexia confirmed for season 2?
Hopefully there are no contrived plots that just rehash whatever happened in the first season.
>this image
But why
First cour is up on netflix
Enchanted Parade remake with young Chariot and Croix.
>sub 4k sales of the first volume
Pick one
Having evil robot enemies would just be an excuse to have cool 1v1 battles.
>Chariot will never look at you like this
realistically, season 2 should be about Croix looking for the cure
That isn't main plot material. She can have a short arc of 1-2 episodes for that.
the dub is so bad
It is time to let go, Sup Forums.
That could be interesting.
Not until Tattun returns.
>season 2
Just 1 or 2 episodes of this is more than enough for me.
>It's your belief in yourself that makes up your magic
Fucking Netflix.
Remember Polaris?
Me neither
It just came out on Netflix. We got a few more days where we can complain about their official subs and dub. THEN it'll be time to let go.
...Until cour 2 drops on Netflix.
>Croix asks Diana for a permission to look through her family library for the cure
>Season 2
>We find out why the Grand Triskellion was sealed away in the first place
How bad?
I thought that there's gonna be a Q&A after AX? That's really the only reason, aside from Diana /official/fanarts, that I'm still here.
Did Trigger acknowledge the card in some way?
Shut the fuck up you fucking troglodyte shit brain.
Every fucking time I see you fucking retards posting this shit and it makes my blood boil. This game is an atrocity against mankind and you down syndromes keep making threads about your 20 year old "game". I hope todd remakes Skyrim again you fucking ape.
Season 2 needs more Sweden episodes, sapmi magic is interesting as fuck.
Are you ok user
It sounds like they were reading from the script the whole time, Also the Your believing heart is your magic line was translated in the weirdest way possible.
I feel like there aren't enough LWA PTI pics.
Elder Scrolls will be Trigger's next IP
sales tend to pick up after all the volumes are out tho
You mean
Why doesn't Diana have a British accent?
Netflix, you son of a bitch.
>We could have had a neat dub where every character has a proper accent, including a Japanese accent for Akko
>Instead we get this "Everyone is a North American" crap
Because it's a bottom of the barrel low budget dub.
>No French accent for C&C
>No Brit accent for Diana
>People complaining about the shitty dub
make your own dub
>watching the dub on Netflix
You all need to an hero
Think of it this way; if the production budget was cheap for the dub, it would be easier to net income for S2.
All dubs are now unless it's a Ghibli film getting dubbed by Disney. This fucking sucks. Japanese use their best voice actors to dub Western stuff, but we use bottom-of-the-barrel non-union jackoffs for theirs? It ain't fair.
A lot of people think weebs just prefer Jap voices because we wouldn't acknowledge English voices even if they were good. That's a load. I'd love to listen to good dubs, they just all but don't exist.
I think its also that ridiculous speeches and shit sound a lot less silly when its not in languaFUCK MORROWind
They are watching specifically to get mad and complain about it. It's a form of masochism. Trust me on this.
I love Sucy's voice in the spanish dub
>Not enjoying godawful dubs
It's because the US has such a huge monopoly on western media that they don't even have a real dub industry because everything that matters is in english anyway.
>watching Little Sup Forumsitch Academia
>On Netflix
>Not wanting to give Trigger dosh to make season 2
>giving dosh to Trigger
Leave Akko to me
>over one month until Comiket
>not giving dosh to Trigger
I wonder if they edited the Yuri scenes in 8 and 10.
>giving money to a studio physically incapable of producing anything but low-effort unfunny forced meme shows
>the preordered OST, Akko nendo, and BDs
>also ordered Luluco artbook
My wallet hurts.
Everything Trigger has done has been painfully mediocre
Do you even see some of Netflix's "original" shows? They're as progressive as they get. I would even surprised if they did edit them out.
>this will be better than LWA TV
Can someone post that image of Sucy looking at Akko and Diana?
>just bought the Akko nendroid
>hoping for a Diana one soon
I did my part, senpai. Also gonna marathon the show this weekend.
This one?
I still want a heartbreak story out of it.
So does netflix use the TV versions or Blu rays?
The hypothetical Diana nendoroid should come with a blushing face so I can put that on and place her next to Akko.
Lotte stop what are you doing?
This, I almost want to apologize to Betrayalfag then I remember how crazy he was.
Are there any sample scenes from the Netflix dub? I kinda want to know just how terrible it is. And I mean from the Tv series specifically, already saw the one for the OVA.
They look like TV to me but I haven't check BDs yet.
>>It's your belief in yourself that makes up your magic
>in yourself
But that's not what the original slogan says?
What are even the changes for the BD?
Being cute
Thanks, that one
The Sucy will rise again
Is Lotte a fujoshi?
Always remember "It's your belief in yourself that makes up your magic" .t reflecting carriage
what did she mean by this?
11 minutes epilogue
Have you ever made a dub before?
Why does that even matter.
Well, you'er not alone with that idea if Yoshinari's idea for a S2 is anything to go by.
With all of Shiori's present and future DIANA! fanfics I hope.
>mfw the Spanish dub uses (sometimes) Twilight as the translation for Nightfall
>loves Twilight: LWA Ver.
>ships the two main male characters
Gee, I dunno.
What did she mean by this...?
No really, what the fuck was she even doing?
>We will never see them bullying Akko again
Why live
>Chariot is kill in a flashback trying to stop the new villain
I'm more upset that we didn't even get to see Hannah's sweet feet.
Tiny Croix dub has the man-voice, so it's spot on for now
>It's Croix who killed her
wtf netflix
>No really, what the fuck was she even doing?
trying to snap her own neck
Anyone got the sauce of this?
>man voice
Like, an actual guy or just a girl with a deep voice?
The BDs come with english subs too.
Anyone know if they messed up the believing heart line too? No way, right?