Reminder that Cracker > Doffy
One Piece
Other urls found in this thread:
>He kicked her soul
That slash is deep as shit
Luffy almost lost an arm
>Nami restraining Luffy and telling him they can't fight without Zoro
Not so fast bee thread. Not until everyone views this image.
Let's be real: Sanji doesn't hit *pretty* women. Ugly women get btfo all the time. Pretty women suffer non-defeats or get beat by Nami
To the bone for sure.
One of those things were it bothers me that he healed so fast.
Post your age and the year you started reading One Piece.
Why does the WG even bother putting bounties on pirates in the New World when they have no way of controlling that part of the world
What are those?
Did we find out yet?
I was just thinking that and remembers he eats meat and recovers from fatal injuries.
November 26, 2002 30
Post the moment you decided you would read all of One Piece
fuck off attentionwhore-kun
23, 2015
Been following the show since it first aired in German tv though.
Why didn't Luffy's arm deflate when this happened?
She knows Luffy just fucks off to fight the big bad and nobody will take care of the side fighters, so she'll get raped while Luffy enjoys.
This is day time, so instead of a serious reply, the reply you'll get is from a hackposter looking every nook and cranny to find an opportunity to shitpost that is this: "BECAUSE ODA IS A HACK HURRR DURRRR AND IF YOU DISAGREE THEN YOU SUCK ODA'S COCK DUUURRRR HUUURRRR"
Didn't you just basically do the same thing? Please stop actively bringing the post quality down.
Haki, probably.
you need to be 18 to use this site
Oda will just claim Haki, I suppose
Post edgy Gear 5th fanart
where is he now?
same moment desu
I think they do it so that pirates like blackbeard hand them over if they happen to beat them. this way they can execute the guy to discourage other pirates.
Reposting in this thread for maybe actual discussion:
Permanent rooms, maybe?
Would be fun to imagine Law as a Big Mom like villain who has his own island that he rules over with his permant giant room around it. As a bonus, should he not be in that room, he could always create another room around him and use it to teleport back to his HQ room on his home island. So basically, he always has a free homeward ticket if he is on a cruise, and at home he is borderline unbeatable.
>tfw you're the first yonko to go down
Big Meme is going to down first. She will job to Luffy after he awakens Gear 5 from seeing Sanji get killed in front of him.
bye bye
Its Jinbe who will die
>more people now think Jinbe will join than Carrot
Getting played by Oda fishfags
It's not gear third or something, his arm isn't inflated.
It is actually inflated, Gear 4 consists of Luffy performing a similar act to Gear 3 in terms of blowing air into his CoA-coated arm, said air being distributed around his body, giving him a bouncy form; hence why he can't stand still in Gear 4. The major difference to Gear 3 is that the air is pumped into Luffy's muscular structure, especially his upper body, meaning then any limb-based attack in that form is going to contain air.
Despite not really needing an explanation, you could say that the reason a noticeable amount of air didn't exit his body from the arm cut, dealt by Cracker, is due to the blood being ejected out first and Luffy covering the wound quickly enough.
Reminder that Zoro is an alcoholic and he spends more time getting drunk and sleeping than he does training.
>not doing all 3 in perfectly equal proportions
Although to be honest he doesn't seem to drink much on the ship, but he does sit around and train for fun. Besides, best and most muscle growth and protein synthesis is done while sleeping, so he's actually living the ideal
Add in that he gets meals tailor made for him that are designed to maximize his health and development and it's an even more ideal setup.
It was when I saw the clip from Thriller Bark with Zoro and Kuma.
19 - 2014.
Is he GOMADpilled?
>Mr.Oda's wild ride
Even my grandchildren are going to be reading this bullshit.
21, 2009. Goddamn time flies
27, 2002
Why did he do that again? Just to prove a point?
>Sanji canonically prepared meals to make Nami and Robin sexier
Has anyone else noticed Nami's boobs get smaller every chapter she doesnt eat Sanji food?
Online 2009
The dude he was fighting was targeting a wound Zoro was still recovering from so Zoro cut it to prove he didn't give a shit
Now that's what I call edgy.
He was basically saying he doesn't care at all about injuries as long as he wins.
Pretty common Zoro theme ever since.
It's like if you punch yourself hard in the face to intimidate someone. "First ones on the house"
Zoro edge - 3x as edgy
You'd think that but Zoro used to show way more emotions back then. Now he's a walking edgelord
He's happy a lot of the time too, but hes only got 2 emotions, happy and edgy
You might be on to something there, user.
I seen this in a AMV one time when i was casually watching the 4kids dubs and was like "whoa one piece is cool"
now im here 11 years later shitposting
I didn't like Usopp the first couple chapters he was in but goddamn he quickly become my favorite Strawhat
He has a Disorder where he jobs to directions of course he's gonna drink when no one helps him.
More thread deading post than top 10 waifu
Actually now that you mention it this AMV convinced me to give it an earnest try:
I had tried reading it earlier with Naruto and Bleach in mind but could never get into it because it was too different from what I expected. After the AMV I tried reading it with Legend of Zelda: Windwaker and it finally clicked.
Those three weeks of catching up were great. It was summer vacation and I would have dreams at night of grand adventures on the ocean
Dofla >>>>> Cracker
Cracker was fresh when fighting Luffy.
Dofla already had his guts shredded by Law when fighting Luffy and was activating Bird Cage at the same time.
Canonically in every manga swordmanship beats close quarter, probably in reality too.
I hated it then and I still do
>you're 42 years old
He deserves Perona
in the same boat as you, but I started reading it back when I was a kid, but only read 12 volumes before quitting and didn't pick it up again until 2014 then I read the whole thing up to the latest point
Really? What did he do wrong? She is a massive bitch.
>but she is hot
Every woman in One Piece is "hot".
Not quite.
She looks fine to me
I'd have loved to have seen the moment Sanji realized what Big Mom actually looked like. Fantasy Big Mom was a qt. Suppose the poster of Pudding made up for that disappointment at least.
we didn't even really get a "luffy meets big mom" moment. they talked through the den den mushi and then in the wedding no emphasis was put on their first real meeting.
Was it ok for him to take advantage of this tittyfiend?
2/10 made me click
Shanks putting his hat on Luffy was enough for me
That sounds awful even if it wasn't bait.
>Chapter 869 was very controversial, due to the scene between Sanji and Nami, mistakenly considered as a possibility that the Sanji-Nami couple is the real one
> next to Sanji, in fact, there is Carrot, who, with her strength and agility, could have picked her Nami very well from the fall
>Notice that Nami, in Sanji’s arm, is right in the middle of the scene that Luffy is watching: so it’s clear that Luffy was watching Nami.
How just one image deal so much damage to ability read manga for the entire L*N* fandom?
>that pagan logo on forehead
total cringe, sonic coldsteel level
>already two underage faggots who got banned from replying to this
High on painkillers
Nice, we should do that sort of post more often, weed out the underage b&