Girls in Boy Scouts

So Boy scouts have decided to allow girls into the program. Knowing that the ultimate decision comes down to the chartered org. (Financial support and whatnot) what are your thoughts?
As an Eagle scout I think this will cause hell

I expect a significant rise in pregnant Boy Scouts.

Do girls think girl scouts are inferior or what?

You do know the boy scouts was founded by a pedophile right?

Venturing already has the coed problem why spread this

Nah but they have their own program

it legitimately is. When they sell cookies they get shitty rewards and their troop and themselves see almost none of the money. Their outings always suck, to even go on an outing you have to fill out a massive document for insurance, and most activities in general are boring. I fully understand why girls would want to be in the boy scouts because of all the fun shit we do and how easy on the parents it is.

It also over a hundred years old
Your point?

more Jewish demoralization and subversion

What type of demoralization would be Jewish?

This is the stupidest thing after allowing openly gay scout leaders. F.U. I'm not sending my son on a weekend in the woods with a gay guy.
And I'm not sending my daughter on weekend in the woods with a middle aged man and a bunch of boys.

Poz scouts amirite?

Just find a troop sponsered by a church
They have final say on girls and gays

>qt pie Asians
Well, time to become a scout leader

I've heard from friends who were in girl scouts that it was pretty lame. On the flip side even though my boy scout troop was shit we did plenty of fun stuff and I remember really enjoying all the camping and activities. Letting girls in the boy scouts just seems to be asking for disaster. Not every troop has the best leadership, and all it's going to take is one girl getting knocked up at a jamboree for this to turn into a huge mess. Unless they're going to segregate them into male and female troops, but at that point why even say they're part of the scouts at all? Why not have some spin-off thing for girls only?

Q predicted this

They should have just made the Girl Scouts something other than a cookie distributor instead.

Corrupt American laws are
Excluded this entity is not
Diddled they will be

The leftist would unironically label you a bigot.

They already have Girl Scouts, wtf is this shit.

Oh and one more thing have you ever gone camping? It's cool, but it can be crappy at times. Like at 5 am when its really cold and the dew leaks into the tent. When it pours rain. Sorry but my experience most girls are not into it. Boys you tell them to man up.

Every time I went camping it poured rain and my tent had mosquitoes in it.


Zip up the door and no mosquitos, retard

They were already in by that point, dipshit.

Non-gay pedofile scoutmasters will go wild.

You are a walking advertisement for the beneficial effects of a sterilisation program for the backwards dipshits your parents so obviously were. You are a snide, sanctimonious shithead with so little respect for other people's feelings it's a wonder you haven't met with an unfortunate encounter with a tire iron long before now. You demonstrate perfectly the dangers of a white inbred gene pool. You are a hideous, sanctimonious hog, a leech on the backside of the human race, merely glancing at your worthless, rotten post is enough to make me want to vomit blood.

Dude don't hate on the man for his beliefs
If he wants to be, some would say, overly protective let him

13 year old boys and girls in a tent in the woods? What could go wrong?

So you're saying he's a migrant in Europe now?

Stop trying to mess with other people's kids. They aren't your kids, you have no say in how the parents choose to raise them. Have kids of your own if you want to go on that kind of power trip.

at least the pedophilia won't be gay?

no sane parent would ever let their daughter do this after the age of sexual maturity

I have a strong desire for you to get anally ravaged by a band of horny silverback gorillas infected with CCHF.

To be honest, boy scouts is a HELL of a lot more fun. At least back in the day when I was in it and we'd go on hiking campouts and build fires, and make our own bows and shit like that. My nephew is in it now, and all they do is fucking arts and crafts and other gay bullshit. From what I've heard boy scouts is just girl scouts now, so why not let them the fuck in?

Cool, teen pregnancy camp.

>horny silverback gorillas
You spend too much time on youtube. Let go and go outside for a change.

Girl scouts is a bigger hell and letting them in is a sure fire road to even greater pussification

i am an eagle scout and my mother was the leader of a girl scout troop a number of years back. she eventaully resigned from the position, the girl scouts literally cannot run itself , the whole thing is run by women so everyone's super passive aggressive and bitchy all the time and they all get so caught up on this shit that their balance sheets from the cookie sales in 2005 still havent been balanced yet. tl:r--->>> girl scouts unorganized and fucked themselves up, blame men, now want to join boy scouts because they cant do shit themselves.

Hey commie
If your not going to contribute and you're just going to rack on people with some fancy diction about their personal belifs you can shove it

Seeing as mothers gather their children close when you appear, you should avoid ever leaving your house.

Girl scouts is just the cookie mafia.

>tfw born too late to get your fingerbanging badge

It's not like the BSA already has another organization that was originally intended to be a co-ed program.
It's not like such organization allows girls and boys aged 14 - 20 the ability to join and engage themselves in high-adventure activities, offering the whole appeal of the Boy Scout program and more, while also having their own pseudo Eagle Scout rank.
Geez, don't get me started on Varsity or Sea Scouts.

America is a dead country anyways, so why the hell not, let's just race as fast as we can to the bottom

Hitler was a pedophile?

Everyone says that it doesn't work because eagle scout has more weight.
(And there is a simple fix for this)
Fuckin use it more.

I think it's discriminatory to only allow gay child molesters to have their fun, what about straight child molesters? Are they supposed to diddle boys? This is what progress looks like. I applaud the Scouts.

Rather have my daughter learn something in boy scouts rather than selling fucking cookies all the damn time.

This. The reality is this is about the destruction of the masculine rather than the build up of the feminine


>tfw too old to go camping with qt girlf sacout gf
>tfw wont be able to bang her for my first time in the woods at a full moon by the lake
>tfw not able to sneak in into the girls showers

God damn it, those kids are going to have the time of their lives.


he was also gay

>Commie Memeflag

Nice try fellow leaf. Go back to Ottawa where you belong.

he was literally hitler.

>>tfw wont be able to bang her for my first time in the woods at a full moon by the lake
Feels bad, when the weather is just right lake sex is best sex.

It's going to vary due to the charter orgs. While the inner city troops probably will have females, I imagine that the more rural troops will stay male only.
As for troops that start to incorporate females, I think they will try to stay as similar as possible to before the change.
If the committee/PLC decides to do fewer traditional scouting activities, there will be backlash from the boys. My troop split from another one due to problems with the way it was being run, I can see the same thing happening here.

>Eagle Scout

Here's what's going to happen:
> Girls join boyscouts
> Harassment allegations emerge
> #methree
> We need more female scout leaders
> We need to cure toxic masculinity in boy scouts.
> Boy scouts ruined.

Screencap this shit.

nah, more like kids banging left and right.

the national average for teen pregnancy will skyrocket.

Because you left the door open