Shingeki no Kyojin

Do they have a good friendship?

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No, literally every other friendship Eren has is better.

first for Based Captain Rico

They have a boring as fuck one.

>Muh ocean

Patrician's taste right here.

Eren's "friendships" with every character is either boring as fuck, or just plain terrible. Eren is just an uninteresting shit.

Yes. Literally the best friendship in this entire series.

Nope. Even Isayama agrees since he says that their friendship isn't strong enough to even last through the story

'Sup brats

anime kino

Very cute.
I want to rape her.

Endgame right here, brothers.

Four babies soon

This. Eren does not have a single interesting relationship in with anyone. He's just that bad. And he really brings down AM. Armin is better with Jean, Mikasa is better with literally anyone else. Shitren needs to die already.

Should have been friends with Connie from the start.

Best boy Connie doesn't deserve to be anywhere near Eren.

Who are your favourite artists

If only Isayama didn't try to hamfist his beloved innocent baby into a story he didn't belong.

Mikasa barely speaks to anyone else

This, but deluded Shitren shipperfags always pretend it's the most interesting thing ever.

He has autism, don't be so rude please.

eww no
eren is shit with everyone else besides mickasa and armin.

>Mikasa is better with literally anyone else.
Who? Literally who else is she friends with aside from Sasha (other than EAr)? And even then they don't have many interactions.

Eren is in Marley right now, so his stink aura won't affect anyone thankfully, aside from maybe Reiner. But Reiner is good of a character that he can withstand him.

Post your favorite SNK mysteries. Mine is Isayama EM doujin.

NO Isayama should have develop EM not even as couple just friend and family that just talk to each other

Nope. It comes across as two people using each other. Eren uses the crybaby wimp Armin as an emotional crutch and Armin uses Eren (and by extension, Mikasa) as bodyguards.

His entire character just screams bland. Even his outward appearance is bland and generic. He's terrible.


I bet her favorite position is doggy


Why is Mikasa babysitting Hisu's child?

Only in your wet neckbeard dreams

That's some high-quality "WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH!" right there.

His titan would have been so handsome. It's gorgeous here.

Being queen is hard job

How do you want Eren to die?

Seriously what is your problem with Eren?, he is not that bad.

I would like to bite her neck and her bum. Amongst other things. She's lovely.

The worst possible death a character can have.

After finishing his mission and ending the cycle of violence. Maybe with removing everything Ymir Fritz set up with Eldians.

Go away krista

She would kick you in the face.

such handsome man like him deserve better than bald flesh


>getting eaten by Armong
Yeah that's perfect.

The best.

Mikasa is looking after Hisu and Ymir Jr.

Annie is made for Bert cock

The second best, but still lovely.

holy fuck i hate armong

I remember how before I read the manga tumblr had me convinced Reiner and Bert were canonically a thing in the way YH were.

EM named their babies after YH?

Mikasa and Armin are better together. I like Mikasa's friendship with Historia and Armin with Hange.

With all the powers inside him he decides to free th world from titans and with FT magic die with all of them. He lays down and gently pads Mikasa, his kids and his finally words are "keep fighting" with a smile.


I'm sure they also convinced you that manlet is gay for Erwin and Eren is gay for manlet

No, Mikasa is babysitting YH's kid.

Krista janai Historia da

Not even the AMfag or anything, but Mikasa and Armin's friendship is actually good. It's cute and not forced down your throats like every single one of Eren's forced MC friendships.

Connie is the only best SL boy left

On Hisu's lap.

>Protect her smile at all cost!

Keep dreaming mate. Maybe some fanfic will help, if EH even has any that is.

What couldve been

I forgot the picture.

That little Hisu is adorable. She looks so light and friendly.

It's canon, my man.

They have those kind of relationship you only have when you're a child. Isayama has said they won't be friends forever because they're totally opposites. I think they will take different paths and their friendship will end but they would remember it until they die.

Am user write some Eren Hanji fanfic once. It was actually really well written.

Friendly reminder Annie is coming back alive

Get that shit away from Pieck.

Bless you user

It's ok, you can keep fapping to your waifu in your dreams

Ok. Out of the three SnK shifters. Which one would you marry? Which one would you kill? And which one would you fuck? Personally I'd kill Grisha, marry Eren and fuck Kruger.



Marry Kruger
Fuck Grisha
Kill Eren

Kill Eren, fuck Grisha, marry Kruger.

>Araki is huge EM shipper
>He directs the anime
>Buds with Isayama himself
Why would Isayama blue ball his friend, EM is practically confirmed, what other prove you want.

>kill Kruger
>fuck Eren
>marry Grisha
But I'm not a faggot, so none of these would happen.

Murder Eren, marry Kruger, fuck Grisha.

Fuck Kruger
Kill Grisha
Marry Eren

RE alliance soon.

Very soon. Spoiler week is upon us.

Their friends.

Absolutely, super cute friends. Do you have any new picture of them? I'm on my phone so I only have a few.

People act as if Isayama hates Araki or something, when I'm pretty sure he's the one that asks for all the extra EM stuff.


Mikasa sex

He can't take it.

Do Eren and Jean count as friends at this point?

Annie is a stinky shit who doesn't even deserve to be on the bottom of Pieck's shoes.

Kill Eren, any combination with the other two.

I have a couple.

Killed by evil Armin

I found this one.

Best boy Jean doesn't deserve to be anywhere near Shitren.

And in his final moments, Eren sends his consciousness back to let Levi save Erwin.

They're very good friends, Jean and Eren started out with Jean being nothing but an obnoxious braggart but growing into someone with quite a few valid points to make about Eren at times. Eren takes those criticisms seriously and grows from them like he does with anyone else while at the same time calling out Jean for preaching so much. It's a solid relationship.

Suicide after he fulfills his original mission and wipes out the Titans (Eldians).

Nips are saying chapter starts with a baby crying.