"Homosexuality is normal"

I need help understanding people who think homosexuality is normal and its should be considered normal...
I was in an argument about it and i coudnt wrap around my mind why would people consider it okay. If someone has some good information and statistics that would help me a lot in my future generations.
Thank you anons

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It's not normal because it occurs in less than 10% of the population.

Fags are degenerate and should be gassed along with the kikes.

Homosex doesn't exist, there are just varying degrees of sexual perversions. Homosexuality is a social construct.

Man penis in woman vagina is natural. Anything outside of that is perversion by definition of the word perversion.

They absolutely cannot argue their way out of it, since only penis in vagina produces babbys.

Ever heard of artificial insemination, or cloning? The definition of natural is a social construct as well, as is the definition of perversion, in a sense. Many things in nature occur that we do not deem moral or ethical, murder, rape, etc. This is not the 1950s, and soon, if not already, they will be able to create babies in labs in artificial wombs.

it's "normal" in the same way other psychological stuff is "normal." It's a result of the genetic interactions occurring throughout your entire body. It's not super common, but they're just wanting to live the lives they can help but lead. Almost sad, in a way

>artificial insemination
Abort yourself, faggot.

>Imagine being a pilot in that sortie.
>Flying with so many other bombers that you black out the sun
>reigning death and destruction on Euro cities
>REsponsible for the lives of your crewmen
>You're only 28 years old and only rode in a car once before the war

Must have been a hell of a lot on their minds

That image
>lets defeat teh fascist!
>lets work togather with the same religion group that intends to kill us
The mind set of these libtards

My point, high school pupil, is that you can create babies without men and women having intercourse, try to keep up sub 80 iq nigger. Your argument was:
>only penis in vagina produces babbys
I'm not a faggot, bitch, I am just saying you sound ignorant and poorly educated. Your argument was half retarded.

They're just brainwashed automatons, repeating PC propaganda and believing it to be their own thoughts.

natural means "occuring in nature" homosex occurs in nature. you're a retard who doesn't know what words mean.

if it was normal a larger portion of the human population would be gay. Normal = common = because a lot of people do it. For example, driving a car is normal. It is normal because it is something that is common for a LOT of people.



Putting your penis in another man's shitter isn't normal, it's deviant. Pretty simple.


The ass isn't a sex organ and nothing that doesn't breed to continue on it's species is natural.

Homosexuals live for nothing other then their own pleasure and have not contributed anything to society other then child molestation and disease.

You could always point them to NAMBLA for an argument against them, it's an organization founded by homosexuals solely to remove the age of consent laws entirely.


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Here's some information from a variety of sources about homosexuals:

Statistics on gays and marriage:


Science on gays as parents:


The benefits of gay marriage:


Genetic Evidence of Homosexuality:


Does conversion therapy work:


HIV information:


Are gays more likely to be pedophiles?


Is being gay a mental illness?
