How many Americans need to die before we ban them

When can we ban guns and finally stop the bloodshed

>but..but muh gubment
o yeah because your assault rifle can stop a drone

Other urls found in this thread:

>because your assault rifle can stop a drone
It stops the drone pilot, that's for damn sure.

Fuck off to Brownstainistan with that shit you commie shill

I agree, the 2nd amendment was meant for muskets, not machine guns. At the very fucking least, make 30 round clips illegal and reduce them to about 5 shots per clip. I think it's absolutely fucked that even the biggest retard can go get an assault rifle 15 from wal-mart, now that, is scary.

Or his family

Wtf is a clip? You mean a magazine? Yeah, we'll need those for when we invade and put you leafs out of your misery.

Quality shitpost, leaf.


Guns eradicate Communist

Why would banning them accomplish anything? Communists are banned in the US and yet you are here posting.

He was trying to kill our families so...what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

The 2nd amendment, executed properly, would mean that we should have drones, tanks, grenade launchers, missiles, etc. The jews are cucked us to only guns, and then throw it in our fucking faces. Not for much longer =]

>I agree, the 1st amendment was meant for books, not the internet. At the very fucking least, make anonymous shitposting illegal and reduce them to pre-approved tweets. I think it's absolutely fucked that even the biggest retard can go online, now that, is scary.

fuck amerimutts


The Founding Fathers wanted ship owners to have cannons on board. I think they would be cool with machine guns.


The girandoni rifle, a semi-automatic 45 shot rifle was on the market before the American revolution was even finished. To assume that people a decade after it's creation didn't know it existed is pretty fucking stupid. Semi-automatic rifles have been available to the public since before the 2nd amendment was ever written.

mate, if you wait another 2 years they'll disarm themselves, bin their knives, then you can just walk in a take any property you want


Last argument for guns seems to be "defense if the government goes bad", but that no longer holds water. If the government wants to get you, they can just drop a bomb on your house.

If you should be able to arm yourself enough to defend against a tyrannical government, then you would need missiles, landmines, etc. Does anybody honestly believe we should legalize nukes? and let everyone carry one?

tl'dr, pro-gun arguments are stupid and we should just ban them

Silly OP, guns don't kill people nogs do

That's what I'm literally planning on doing as the border is within sight of my home.

Q predicted this

All of them have to die. All. Of. Them.

>o yeah because your assault rifle can stop a drone
Don't you faggots EVER get tired of posting the same shit? You don't even reply.


Sandy Hoax

All of them

Yeah that really worked out well. Fabulous!

it was not a hoax your monster

you should be ashamed

>on post by this ID as usual

Manifest Destiny... I like how you think.

My dick would get so hard if they made shit posting illegal, I would monitor shitloads for hot pockets

You should be shot after being brutally raped by a pack of wild dingos.

Ahh Julianna, seen your posts before. Monsters are those who subvert democratic governments with paid shill posting. Die you fucking cunt.

1st amendment was only designed for the printing press, not modern printers.

Based on murrican banter levels I assumed it was already illegal for you


I mean... if we all start banning things that cause deaths... when will the line be drawn... We could start banning a few certain ethnicities and the world's crime/murder/rape rates would drop significantly.

The Canadians will give their land to just anybody so that means they don't really value it. So it should be taken from them. We can do better things with it after killing off all the Chinks, dotheads, Junkies and Drunk Indians.

I would post the thousands of inner city faces but frankly that wouldn't fit your narrative. Fuck you shareblue.

thank you for posting this I was wondering when someone was gonna do it lol

>We could start banning a few certain ethnicities
you know in canada that would mean whites

The only good argument I have heard for having a gun (an ak47 kind) is that the problems that arise from a society having more freedom (like mass shootings) is preferable to the problems arising from less.

>How many Americans
Well, you'd have to start by killing all the gun owners. Good luck with that.

It won't be a challenge, that's for damn sure. Stupid fucks got rid of their military. Taking land from Mexico would be a problem for a while, though...


I don’t know why I am replying, but did you know Holmes’ hi-cap meme magazine caused his rifle to jam stopping him from using his AR15?

As far as Mexico goes we'll just take the mineral-rich North and Baja, Sonora in particular. The rest of the country is pretty much worthless.

yet still 12, innocent people lost there lives

No one is innocent

>not knowing how to clear a jam in 0.0 seconds or less
>not having a backup AR

This is why Breivik got the high score. Nowegians think things out first and aren't MK-ultra'ed fags with clockwork orange hair.

>no one innocent
>they deserve death

>watching (((Hollywood))) movies
nothing of value was lost.

we all deserve death

You can't get an AR from Walmart, you stupid canadian dick. You have to get it from an authorized dealer with and FFL and get a background check. And you are fucking retarded if you think 1) people will voluntarily give up their guns and 2) the government actually has the balls to try this.

You see, leaffag, south of your border we actually have balls. That's what makes this country so much better than yours. While you willingly accept terrorists, murderers, faggots, trans fucks, isis members, we still have balls enough to say fuck you to our govt. So take your faggoty shill bullshit and shove it up your ass. Now go copy paste this and send it to your minister of truth, or whatever the fuck you call it. I could give a fuck less about you faggot rainbows in leaf land. Do what the fuck you want. Stay the fuck out of our business

You are a racist

Why do you think that's a bad thing?

You can't get an AR from Walmart, you stupid canadian ****.


So? Niggers, Jews and spics are proven to be subhuman beasts you fat bitch. They should be exterminated with guns, lots of guns. Especially the scary black ones.

>Calls someone racist as though that somehow means anything
Can you provide a proof as to why "Racist" somehow means anything, or carries any weight?
How does someone being a "racist" invalidate or validate anything?
Why are women such vapid fucking retards when it comes to any form of discourse?

but y?

>So? ******, Jews and ***** are proven to be subhuman beasts you fat *****.
They arent

Um, user, this is embarassing but yes you can in fact buy AR-15s at Wal Mart and other grocery stores in most US states. They still have an FFL and do a background check.

You are hating people for nothing but the colour of the skin they are born with

Reported your Duplicate shit thread.

And only whites can be racist, right?

You know whats really strange? I remember this exact thread being posted here last week, with the exact same image, and the exact same text.

Fuck off, shill.

Why is that bad tho?

Show me where the AR15 is.

what do you think those things were

all of them

>30 round clip
> clip

Yeah doesn't matter if the MAGAZINE can hold 10 or 30 rounds. People who want to use guns to kill other people are still going to get a hold of guns to kill people.

>How many Americans need to die before we ban them


Those are all accessories

Yes they are. How is it they all want to live in white countries with racists? Must be all the FREE SHIT they are given by us. Well, that's coming to an end. Niggers going back to Africa of getting put down with gunfire. The White Man has had enough.


These retards don't get it. Drones and tanks can't occupy a building. They can't kick in your door in the middle of the night. They can't do anything at all if Fred the drone pilot gets sniped from a tree on his walk to his car in the morning leaving for work at the drone-facility.

Also see Waco.

>Nothing but the color
Except that there's vast and serious differences between the races?
Why can you acknowledge the positive differences but somehow magically overlook negative traits?
We all know sports teams are comprised chiefly of blacks, because of their physical aptitude; you won't dispute this.
But you won't look into the realities in different brain structure, overpresence of the warrior gene, and incredibly slower synaptic firing rates. Why's that?
"Racism" is a sensible outlook, unless you're a brainwashed cunt with no fucking independent thought.
Go look yourself in the mirror really hard and start asking if it's worth taking some Jew's money to post endless rhetoric you can't even defend on a site that doesn't care.
You're pathetic.

Parts, you fucking idiot

Pic related is what's going to happen to all the niggers. Rotten corpses with a mouthful of maggots.

No you can't faggot, Wallmart stopped selling 5.56 AR15's after sandy hook.

it was a false flag cia / fbi op! think about it? hillbilly was supposed to win the election and this op was part of the after election gun control campaign.

don's victory fucked it up!


Kek. Also anybody near a military base knows as soon as the Zogbots deploy to the field their slu wives are spreading their legs for every guy in town. They'll be drone striking their own houses is they want to kill any insurgents.

>AR from Walmart link
Literally AR parts and accessories. Try harder, fruitcake.

Maybe in your shitty state.

There doesn't always have to be a why. Sometimes people just lose it, some lose it and instantly do something crazy, some people lose it inside but also have the presence of mind to say "I am now crazy, but i'm not going to waste this crazy just yet" then they plan and do stuff like this. There is no reason that we will ever know about many psychos and killers.

>I agree, the 2nd amendment was meant for muskets, not machine guns. At the very fucking least, make 30 round clips illegal and reduce them to about 5 shots per clip. I think it's absolutely fucked that even the biggest retard can go get an assault rifle 15 from wal-mart, now that, is scary.
Being lectured by a fucking Leaf who has no clue WTF he is talking about.

Classic. You fags never cease to entertain.

Post a link where I can buy an AR from Walmart

Even name fagged with a dumb bitches name. Bravo

y's racism bad?

I buy all my AR-15's from Amazon, it's cheaper.

why is not liking other races bad huh? huh? huh?