What must a tomboy do to win?
What must a tomboy do to win?
Not be in a series that already had a tomboy
Be in a real harem not waifu wars garbage
abandon the boyish look
Be the main girl, is that easy. Nisekoi was won by a tomboy.
Not be a tomboy because they're shit.
Be the star of her own webcomic
oh wait, that didn't work either :^)
She would've been wasted, she's lucky.
>star of her own webcomic
What are you talking about? Tsugumi gets all the perks of being in a relationship with Raku, with none of the responsibilities. The only difficulty she may experience is coming out with a good excuse for her baby physically resembling Raku that much.
Be a girl instead of being a boy
>tfw it's happening again
follow the simple rules. Dont be a childhood friend and do be the first girl introduced
I miss Nisekoi Sup Forums
Get her name in manga title (Fuuka, Asuka, etc)
Be called Chitoge Kirisaki.
She would never do that to Ojou don't fool yourself retard
I'll never not be mad about Onodera getting CAKED
user, the first one you mentioned got trucked.
Good Otter, now you have new series
"We never learn" you can again enjoy the ride.
Let their hair to grow up.
And saying since the beggining that she's a girl and she likes a guy.
be in a tomboy focused hentai manga
thats the only way
>Let their hair to grow up.
>And saying since the beggining that she's a girl and she likes a guy.
technically, it was at the beginning of the manga, not when they've met
Best girl.
I read this one chapter years ago. Didn't she die right after this?
Threadly reminder that if you like tomboys you are, for all intents and purposes, a homosexual.
I already read We Can't Study...it's not the same man. WCS doesn't have the emotional impact Nisekoi does and so far Sup Forums is ruining it completely
It's just not the same
>She would never do that to Ojou
It already happened. Shitoge even babysits her Husband's sons while he's downtown rocking Tsugumi's world.
Just murder all the femgirls, ez
Where is our nigga Komi?!
I want some goddamn romcom with bullshit like sleeping while your crush confesing.
This. Only gays want pussy.
Not look like a male
>being an onoderacuck
Only in your fantasies. Tsugumi would never betray Chitoge or do anything to hurt her.
I love how even in the end Chitoge's and Raku's kiss was covered by a fucking leaf.
Komi was a troll 'till the end...truly a master of modern japanese comedy. Whatever he makes in the future I doubt he'll top Nisekoi. Tokidoki sucked after all.
Be first girl
I love this post. It reminds me of the good old days of weekly Nisekoi threads on Sup Forums.
Never stop user!
But based empress is not a tomboy user, she was mostly a yandere who put on boys clothes because plot. If she's a tomboy then everyone in that show is a tomboy too.
>truly a master of modern japanese comedy.
Only if the idiots who stuck till the end are the punchline.>Tsugumi would never betray Chitoge or do anything to hurt her.
What she doesn't know won't hurt her user. And she's not betraying anyone, both Raku and her have needs and obviously Shitoge can't satisfy Raku, this way everyone is happy. Why do you want everyone to be unhappy user?
She must invite her lover to a night of oyakodon!
>What she doesn't know won't hurt her user.
It's honestly sad how delusional you Tsugumicucks are. Komi's Tsugumi(the canonical version) would never do that.
Stick to Nisenisekoi you bitter loser.
Big tits and long hair helps a lot.
Why are you being so insecure? Shitogay is a strong independent woman who travels the world for her fashion shows, of course she doesn't have time to satisfy Raku's needs, and he gets lonely sometimes. This is literally a win/win for all parties, so I don't see why this is making you upset.
Hair cut
Nisenisekoi is canon
>Why are you being so insecure?
Says the Tsugumifag
Top kek
Worth reading yea or nay?
Is this true?
No. I'd say Anons are the filthiest.
>NTR scat ganbang fetish
yeah no
I wish Starless was more brutal. I'm the antithesis to purity.
Be in a Mitsuru Adachi manga.
Be fucking proactive. Must tomboys don't do shit and then feel upset when the MC doesn't choose them.
That's also why the tomboy chilhood friend never wins, because that combination makes her passive squared.
>tfw we're all the purest
>know of the dick
>have touched the dick
>some anons have probably sucked it too
We are fucking sluts.
Or maybe because these male MCs are always dense fucks and the japs have shit taste.
I know you wacked it to some jap girl getting fucked by dog, user.
The MC is at fault too, but when the girl realizes the dude is super dense and instead of making her feelings more obvious she just gets mad then it's her fucking fault too.
Ayu is a childhood friend, not the first girl introduced, is kind of a tomboy, and wins at the end.
Crash her series.
Be in a good show.
I don't even a good kick to the head will pierce an MC's rune plating. Our only choice is for an entire harem to be that of tomboys.
Be the protagonist.
But user, what if Truck-kun visits?
Tomboys are there to be the buddy/servant of the main girl. Just like Tsugumi in Nisekoi.
It's funny how people actually want them to be heroines and win when they aren't even feminine kek
Yeah Japs have shit taste for not liking traps. Fuck outta here user...most people are not degenerate trash like you.
>tfw no land of the manly men with 10in penises
If boyish girls weren't popular, reverse traps like Kino, Naoto, Haruhi or Oscar wouldn't have the long-lived popularity that they have.
>you will never shove your huge, manly, smelly dick in front of Kino's face and tame the submissive girl inside you with their overpowering smell alone as she stares blankly at it, your cock's smell wafting through her brain raping her senses leaving her an awestruck, drooling mess left gaping at your dick
She's not a tomboy retard
Might as well call Chitoge a tomboy by that definition
>have blue hair
blue haired tomboys are my fetish
You wouldn't classify Haruhi as a reverse trap though?
Be the childhood friend.
Tomboys always win.
What is the proper way to impregnate one?
Good thing it's not tomboys I like but handsome women.
Handsome is equivalent to ugly
Who the fuck is that?
The only Haruhi anyone knows is the Melancholy bitch
>tfw once impregnated big titty semi-tomboy
It doesn't sound true or like a living nightmare, but it sure was both.
Puberty must be rough for you
Ouran Host Club was a pretty popular anime back in the day, user.
Before she get trucked, Fuuka Unit-01 dating MC for a while and didn't get you know? FU-02 (Fuuka Unit-02) is quite a tomboy as well, count it done.
You dont? Why are you even here?
>Handsome is equivalent to ugly
How did you get taste so bad, user?
Its summer
>didn't watch a shitty obscure anime
>Le summerfags xD
Fuck off retard
But user, best girl is still trucked.
We will never get a double Fuuka threesome. We will never get Suzuka/Fuuka oyakodon
Best girl or not, trucked means trucked.
Matter not, FU-02 still a tomboy, getting a name in title means winning girl is applied.
Handsome man or woman is just a compliment of courtesy, the correct term should be beautiful. For the record, i do love tomboy
>We will never get Suzuka/Fuuka oyakodon
have a penis