Who else /tedpilled/ here

Who else /tedpilled/ here

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The /tedpill/ will come in waves throughout your life. During your hardest of times you’ll wake up in the morning without even the strength to pick yourself up, and you think “Damnit. Ted Kaczynski was right. This is all too much, humanity can’t handle it, we’re going off the deep end. I need to throw it all away, travel deep into the woods, build myself a cabin and I’ll sustain myself through hunting and foraging, like how man was meant to live.”
But you just can’t. The average person is plugged into the system, trapped forever as a slave to their devices, yes, but they’re still redeemable, because it’s not their fault, it’s the companies that take advantage of their psyche. Instead of running away from it all, do what you can to wake others up as much as you can, and try to change the system from the inside. Humans are social creatures anyway, you’d go mad out there.
The whole bombing thing also didn’t help, definitely don’t do that.

Q predicted this

The liberals are described perfectly by his manifesto, it's true


I like it, but you don't have to associate this pill with Ted Kaczynski.

Read for enlightenment.


Transhumanism > primitivism

That's extremely short-sighted

How? Anarcho-primitivism is far more short sighted.

The irony is that transfuturists are limp-wristed bugmen with no balls and anarcho-primitivists are decisive, testosterone-fueled alpha males.

Who's in control of the tech grid, user? Do you also think everyone is going to get their own spaceship?

Which demonstrates your short sightedness. In the future it will likely be possible to use gene editing to go from bugman to Chad.

Q predicted you'd tell that guy to fuck off

Transhumanism is for soyboys afraid of death. Eugenics is the true way to godhood

If you guys are Ted fans, try checking out Neil Postman. He's as close to you'll get to a neo-luddite without literally "going postal" kek.

Speech is from '98, check out his books too though.


The tl;dr of his message is technology is not a one sided door. It has negative side effects. Not every invention actually benefits mankind, and there are questions we need to ask before we go down the road of creating more technology just for the sake of "convenience".

>he doesn't realize that transhumanism is less primitive eugenics

>it will likely be possible to use gene editing to go from bugman to Chad
>being this delusional
Sorry kid.

>muh the joos will control it
That is a risk that must be taken. If bad actors or an unfriendly AI control it, they would probably just kill us and we will experience eternal nothingness. If it works out, it will create a utopia far better than what anarcho-primitivism can achieve.

Not an argument

I am tedpilled, the worst of it though is being involved in the fields which ultimately need to be destroyed.

I have considered giving up everything but the reality is it won't be enough. The system needs to be killed from the inside.

It's not "primitive". It's possible. Unlike your far-fetched escapist vision of the future

>unfriendly AI
>gene editing
You are living in fantasy that is designed to replace religion. We consider the vast majority of DNA to be "junk" because we don't comprehend what it does. We consider intelligence to be "emergent" because there is zero relationship between AI pattern recognition and actually forming thoughts. Technology is massively flawed and has to be ripped out of the Earth, it will never be able to create intelligence or edit genes in a meaningful way.

>Moravec transfer
haha. That his 1980s idea of tapping the corpus collosum "data bus" to upload the mind? Good luck when nobody has a clue at breaking the statistical code of the brain's private language. Throwing around cool sounding terms without knowing shit about them = fail.

Using CRISPR/Cas9 and related technologies to edit human DNA is currently in development and isn't that far away, and would be much more efficient than crude selective breeding over multiple generations.


>people not understanding how the brain works means that they never will

Human rights need not apply

>being able to understand the brain with a brain
>being able to recreate the brain with technology
Do you know why the term "emergent" is used? All the facts point to it being impossible to understand how the brain works. That's why I say you are delusional, you just have "faith" that suddenly technology will turn into magic.

>We consider the vast majority of DNA to be "junk" because we don't comprehend what it does.

>We consider intelligence to be "emergent" because there is zero relationship between AI pattern recognition and actually forming thoughts.
The Human brain isn't supernatural though. The fact that AI is primitive now doesn't mean that human level AI will never exist.

>it will never be able to create intelligence or edit genes in a meaningful way.
Do you have a single fact to back this up?

It's a complex electrochemical network nothing like stored program computers as we know them. Simulating the whole thing as a massive set of differential equations make count as computable, however the scale of said task can be appreciated by a heart simulation I've read about that computes about 50 million variables.

Nothing is impossible, so we'll see.

>All the facts point to it being impossible to understand how the brain works.
Do you have a single fact to back this up? It being difficult to understand doesn't mean it is impossible to understand. Are you implying that the brain is somehow magical or has supernatural powers?

I once believed in the tech singularity too user, you're not saying anything I haven't heard. Remain realistic and think long term, it's the only way to live your life productively. Waiting for the singularity isn't going to incentivise you to create strong, intelligent white sons. Working toward a godly generation 500 years from now however, will

Any transhumanist who thinks he is going to get a beautiful magical life one with the machine, explain, why You? You will obviously never yourself develop the technology. That means it will be Google™ making the technology. What is more likely, they will sell you whatever you want for pennies or they will cheat you and make you a transhuman slave to them?

Transhumanism is reddit-tier naivety x9001.

I'm stating that technology is not magic. You can't just assume that anything that can be imagined can also be created. That is magical thinking, and you have been fed that narrative to replace the old narrative about heaven and judgement day and blah blah. There's no evidence that you can "edit genes" and create a superior human. There is no evidence that you can create a consciousness or a brain that can function in the world. Wishing it would happen is not the same as evidence or likelihood.

>they will cheat you and make you a transhuman slave to them
And, this is what that slavery would look like as depicted in haunting 1970s Japanese cartoon form: youtube.com/watch?v=c5XjjmGlzu8

I'm overdosing on /tedpills/ here in my life. I'm pretty shocked that I'm not out in the woods in a shed living for myself by now.

>There's no evidence that you can "edit genes" and create a superior human.
Have you done no research on this at all? Technologies to edit DNA are already in development, with some degree of success.

>There is no evidence that you can create a consciousness or a brain that can function in the world.
The fact that the human brain exists proves that it is physically possible for a consciousness/brain to function in the real world.

>I'm stating that technology is not magic. You can't just assume that anything that can be imagined can also be created.
You can't assume that anything that can be imagined is impossible to create either.

Ted would've been GOAT if he just realized that you can't change anyone else, only yourself.

This attitude is so childish. Becoming Chad won't make your life that much better. If you're not Chad already it's probably because you don't want that lifestyle.

Someone needs to break him out and make Luddism great again.