Post you're waifu, others explain why she is shit

Post you're waifu, others explain why she is shit


Pino slut

Lost to a midget baba oni


Cow tits.

Please don't just say something like "she's an elf".

Stupid armor.

Town bike, and an elf.

But she isn't a town bike. Maybe in your headcanon, but this criticism has no basis in the manga.


All elves are sluts, user. This is common knowledge.

An alien.

Come on user, we are supposed to talk about these waifus, not emply bog standard memes that have no basis anywhere. Have you even read her manga?

user, elves live to be hundreds of years old. What makes you think that them being sluts is a meme? And don't mention bog, you'll summon Sup Forums.

And where is the logic? Alright, prove to me that elves in the setting of her manga are sluts, with citations from said manga. I don't care about your ebin skyrim memes from your Sup Forums folder or whatever. Only anime and manga now. No headcanon, no memes.

I bet you can't find anything wrong with her

She technically got an anime adaption, right?




Hime cut.

Sexual favors for Kamoshida, even if he never put benis in bagina.

Literally flawless.

There is nothing wrong with hime cuts

be creative

I dunno, she's not really something to lose your head over.

Posting her here, but I have no problem with anyone's choices. Most of you have good taste.

I'm struggling


>Honey Kisaragi
My fucking nigga. We're about due for another remake.

Is a bad actor, would probably be the most likely to rat about the phantom thieves if Ryuji wasn't around. Also Carmen>Hecate so romancing is not an option.



Looking at these responses, most waifus are great.
I think the purpose of this thread isn't to expose everyones waifus as a shit, but to expose her to criticism that the guy that waifus her will be able to endure and keep one being faithful

Not that user but the metal breatplate that is the exact form of her tits is fucking retarded, why even make it metal when its going to be so nonsensical



She's a strong girl

Go easy pls.

>lips of a meta girl in modern anime

Also who?

Is this one from a LN manga? Wouldn't surprise me if she was.

Mobage I think

This going to be easy.

Probably doesn't taste very good.

She got old in that godawful movie and then died

Asuna ripoff

>inb4 "girl"

>Yellow ears on white hair

If you have children they'll inherit her cuck gene

Can her Tulpa even be counted as a waifu?

My waifu is Sup Forumsnon.

She's autistic

Weird hair horn things
Expiration date

Is your you retarded faggot


During that moment when she first goes berserker, the show sets the tone like dun-dun-DUUUN but all I felt was pffft hahaha.

The better I get at art, the more I realize how mediocre KS's art is.



Superpficial, greedy.


That only makes her cuter.

My wife Chino is flawless though.


I don't have a waifu because I am not a neckbeard basement dweller like you lot.
I am a fully grown functioning adult

Coffee Whore who loves getting blacked and Kebab

Too little development and characterization for a being the main girl of her own show. Also why the hell would you post such a lewd picture?Have some respect for your waifu

Complete garbage show

always and forever



Furries need to be gassed.

You win.

She gets fucked by a big wolf.

nobody replied anything to my waifu, so therefore, she is objectively the best

Dead. Also crazy.

Oh boy, I'll be an easy target, won't I?


It's impossible to find a fault with her.

brace yourself user

i don't know, i don't really like her hair

Thankfully, I have Shidare's non-canon obese body to defend myself with.

Might have some sort of developmental disability


Happens to the best of us user

She's obsessed with candy, so I'll give you that.




>international terrorist
What's wrong with that

This needs some updating, there's more than a few waifus that need to be put on this chart.


Sister does her better.

>she failed
can't breathe

Only exists to sell merchandise and show up in different outfits pretending to be another character.


no self-respect, clingy and a voyeaur


Has lord only knows many issues. Also there's no bathroom in her apartment so her hygiene doesn't exist.

>No Shidare
You'll have to do better if you want to insult MY waifu.
