Females are shitty MC's for the most part.
They have to copy male tropes to be cool, they don't truly understand the consequences of their actions and their feelings always get in the way of making logical decisions.
Females are shitty MC's for the most part.
They have to copy male tropes to be cool, they don't truly understand the consequences of their actions and their feelings always get in the way of making logical decisions.
Well yeah, they're women.
Why would a vagrant orphan teenager do irrational and impulsive things, wow
>They have to copy male tropes to be cool
I didn't know sukeban were male.
Action shows should have male mc, everything else needs innocent and naive little girls
Have you stopped to consider why it is that they are using male tropes to appear cool? Did you even think maybe it has something to do with the fact that "coolness" is inherently a masculine trait and it's impossible for someone to have a 100% lack of masculine traits and still be "cool"?
What you're saying is basically "Males have to copy female tropes to be cute"
There's nothing wrong with guys wearing pink dresses.
Pink was once the color of manly men symbolizing blood, after all. Blue was the fru-fru girly-girl color.
>They have to copy male tropes to be cool
I think you're on to something here.
Adult shows should have male mcs, shows for fat smelly pathetic manchilldren should have innocent and naive little girls.
Women are iternal teenager though
Those adult shows are for kids and poorfags. Everything else are for adult rich men.
Lurk more
>shows for fat smelly pathetic manchilldren should have innocent and naive little girls
The Nippon gobinment will make sure that the smelly pathetic manchildren will be eliminated during the Olympic Games.
Or at least forced into hiding as to not bring shame to Nippon.
Anime will now be made for foreigners and nip normalfags.
Only Your Names now, no more Gabriel Drops.
>The Nippon gobinment will make sure that the smelly pathetic manchildren will be eliminated during the Olympic Games.
They don't go outside, so that isn't very hard.
First post best post.
As always
But when moeblobs suddenly go full GAR it's the coolest shit ever, what the fuck is wrong with you OP?
>making logical decisions
Then every show would be over by the end of the first episode. Fallibility is the charm of a good character.
Fuck off from this board you pathetic piece of shit
Male MCs are shitty for the most part
They're either beta cucks or arrogant beta cucks
Male MC's do the exact same thing, they ape someone older and cooler than them and fake it till they make it.
Those are all true of male MCs too though?
Lurk more for what? So I can figure out there's more shit, dumb/unfunny slice-of-life cute girl and loli MCs?
>and their feelings always get in the way of making logical decisions
Literally fine when Goku, Luffy or any of those types never follow a plan. Fuck you and your double standards, OP.
>"Males have to copy female tropes to be cute"
I don't watch that gay shit.
>Fuck you and your double standards, OP.
Women are best at being eye candy and supporters. Deal with it.
It's 20somethingcurrentyear.
By watching anime at all, you've confirmed that you like taking dicks from men in your butthole, no matter what your original gender or sexual orientation was.
Yeah, right.
>They have to copy male tropes to be cool
>their feelings always get in the way of making logical decisions.
Doesn't this undermined your argument?
This is how you female mc
That sounds like my wife. She is not the MC and I still love her though.
That's just a fairy pretending to be a female.
>Being THIS butthurt at female MCs
Jesus Christ I don't even like Trigger and I'm glad they're making camcerous shits like you upset
What is it with you people and your "loli" obsession? I don't think even lolicons are as obsessed as you are.
Honestly, her and the plot were the 2 main reasons this anime never did and never will surpass TTGL.
This show almost put me to sleep a few times. Nothing fucking happens.
Every single time someone says nothing happens, something always happens. What the fuck is happening to the English language?
TTGL is a shitty meme anime that became shittier when Kamina died.
And then they had to out shit themselves and make KLK.
As much as I hate KLK, TTGL has a lot less going for it.
What do you have to back up your claim it's better though? Literally no place on the entire web that rates Japanese cartoons has it rated higher. It was way more successful too.
Emasculated manchild detected
lol who do you think wrote their characters
Emasculated menchildren of course.
Dudes who understand how women truly are.
Never met a woman besides your mom
Pic related is a better example of what you just said
Yup, work in an office full of them. We go through multiple female employees a year becasue all they do is wanna start shit, talk behind your back and get emotional
Do people honestly think this was more hype than TTGL? It felt like a bad homage, not to mention the lack of budget was very obvious.
Get this Sup Forums shit out of here.
>Do people honestly think this was more hype than TTGL
Nope, doesn't have an ounce of the popularity and success it had.
>a bad homage
KlK was actually more of a homage to Sukeban Deka, and Ace wo Nerae.
The only thing that looked like a homage to TTGL in KLK was that time when Ryuko wore Senketsu like Lagann combining with Gurren
MCs that dont understand the consequences of their actions and always let feelings get in front of logical decisions is like every shounen MC ever
"Some women I work with are gossips, so all women must be. It's not that I work in a shitty environment with shitty people because my job is shitty and only attracts that kind of trash."
Hi Dobson
>It's not that I work in a shitty environment with shitty people because my job is shitty and only attracts that kind of trash
Unfortunately shitty women work their way into any field. The office I work in requires a bachelors. Then 3 years of experience to even sit for a certifications to get the job.
> to even sit for a certifications
If it requires a bachelor's, you would think you could speak clean English. All men must be terrible at English. All the men on the internet I've met are stupid, impatient and love to bully people so long as their identity is a secret, so they all must be the same sort of cowardly garbage.
>became shittier when Kamina died.
This. The series had a lot of potential but it just never lived up to any of it after Kamina died. He was like the promise of greatness and any hope of achieving that left with him.The fact the story's mood did a complete 180 afterwards was only part of the problem. Simon was a shit MC and however many years after the fact, I'm still salty about it.
Stop getting so triggered you cunt.
Kamina was a means to an end.
>this upset about the performance of genders in anime
A good character is a good character regardless of what they have for genitals. Why are people so adamant about this crap?
Stop being such a sexist piece of shit, fag. Also, if you work in an office, learn English.
Kamina was the better MC and I would've gladly sacrificed Simon ten times over to get him back.
>Literally makes a thread because he's triggered.
>Gets mad when someone logical combats his bullshit.
>Stop being such a sexist piece of shit, fag
>being this much of a cuck
Don't you have some women somewhere that need some white knight shilling? I'm sure they'd be glad for you take up for them and then forget about it the next minute.
>They have to copy male tropes to be cool
That's because they're written by males trying to appeal to a mostly male audience. Although your pic is interesting because it subverted the stereotype as her initial manliness ended up becoming an obstacle and she only prevailed after embracing her feminity.
I'm a female, fucktard. Assuming thst everyone here is male is just more proof that you are a sexist piece of last century's garbage that needs to be taken out.
I love well written females but they often fall into either uninteresting or Mary Sue status, not to mention MC's from shit like Idolmaster or Love Live don't really count since they're made with otaku pandering in mind
Pic related was good too
>I'm a female, fucktard.
Well go back to tumblr, reddit or twitter
*crashes your party with no survivors*
Honestly this. The alternative is them being "alpha" unlikable douchebags.
There are good male MCs but those belong to a bygone era.
Mary Sue is a meaningless meme, and otaku pandering doesn't exist.
Female characters are so common and so all over the place in anime that's impossible to generalize them. You've probably only seen a couple of anime.
>a sexist piece of last century's garbage that needs to be taken out.
got ourselves a radical liberal in here.
>they don't truly understand the consequences of their actions and their feelings always get in the way of making logical decisions.
I know you just wanted to do an epic /r9k/ shitpost, but male characters are exactly the same.
Hello tumblr.
There's many female writers in Japan and many female characters written by men don't have any particularly masculine traits while also targeting mostly men (e.g. slice of life manga).
Just keep proving what a scared little boy you are. Would chasing me away to some other site make you feel better about your threatened masculinity?
Just the way demeaning decent female characters makes you feel intelligent?
>They have to copy male tropes to be cool
Just because only men use a certain trope, doesn't make that trope intrinsicaly male.
Hola reddit.
I come back to Sup Forums after a year and now these kind people have found their way in here. Great, there's no escaping this liberal cancer.
Yeah. Just because only men have dicks, doesn't make dicks intrinsically male. sarcasm
It's the opposite for her. She was weak when she was embarrassed and became stronger when she stopped caring about her female body and acted like a guy.
Unless something different happens later in the anime that completely contradicts her earlier lesson. I wouldn't know I dropped shit la shit during that absolutely abysmal arc with the money guy.
what's up?
Define masculine traits. You people treat any drive for excitement or desire for adventure as something exclusively male for some alien reason.
>Just because only men have dicks
And this ladies and gentlemen is the only actually exclusive male trope.
"Oh god, society has evolved away from racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic Christianity! I'd better go back to my bomb shelter!"
Fuck off. I've been on this site for over a decade. You're the cancer on society. Just die already.
Leave for another year. Or century.
>gentlemen is the only actually exclusive male trope.
just like being a hoe is an exclusive female trope
You people are hardcore racists and sexists though. You are all the things you claim to be against.
You got it wrong. And yes it latter happened that Ryuuko had to accept that she's not the Edgelord she thought she was and accept that deep down she wishes for very normal and girly things in life like dressing, chatting with other girls and look after a mother.
>Just die already.
you first fag
Not sure why you people seem to think that cute and cool are mutually exclusive.
"You people." Orly? Back to Sup Forums where you're bullshit is tolerated. Nobody else wants to hear about your white, meninist agenda.
So you even admit that being against racism and sexism is bullshit.
>you're bullshit
learn English you dumb cunt
Your best response is a meme? Just goes you show your intelligence. Your mom should have had an abortion. It's never too late.
This thread will forever be a cycle that will be linked back to pol or tumblr, it's either or.
Phone. Autocorrect, Trumptard. I know the concept is probably beyond your intelligence.
/tumpol/ ?