The digger you deep into anime, the worse it gets

>The digger you deep into anime, the worse it gets
>The digger you deep into manga, the better it gets
How true are these statements?

what the fuck does digger mean

>the digger you deep
don't you just hate it when your deeps get diggered

You English second language cunts are really starting to fuck me off.

I love getting fucked off

Top definition
Affectionate term for the Australian combat soldier. The term originated during the Gallipoli Penisula campaign, where digging protective trenches was a comonplace activity.
Those Aussie diggers are tough mofos in combat.
#grunt#rifleman#infantry#legionaire#sad sack
by DJ Asman April 01, 2006
Mug icon
The Urban Dictionary Mug

One side has the word, one side has the definition. Microwave and dishwasher safe. Lotsa space for your liquids.
Buy the mug

Kill yourself, Yui.

90% of Sup Forums have English as their secondary or even tertiary language

Rest are fucking canadians

>>The digger you deep


It's Mega Man Legends for salvage worker.

If you had managed to organize your thoughts into sentences that actually made sense, probably not very.

I don't know, neither make sense.

I want my deep diggered by a fat sweaty user

As a mangafag, the second statement isn't true. A lot of entry-level stuff is good. Dig deeper and you just see the average manga people ignore.

Dig even deeper and you see more of the same. Plus some gems and trash. Bell curve.

>The digger you deep

There aren't that many mangos with even minimally adequate translations desu. Unless you dig deep enough to read Japanese your scope will always be quite limited

>The digger you deep
What by this did he mean?

>The digger you deep

He meant "deeper". Everyone does mistakes.

/spa/ revealed that tho. It was also revealed that the anti-Sup Forums posters were also canadians. Most posters and tripfags were from 3rd world shitholes too. Truly makes my neurons activate

We all get what he meant, we're just making fun of him for being a retard.

>the deeper you deep

But he did it twice and somehow didn't notice


/spa/ revealed that Sup Forums is filled with spics, as everyone knows

/spa/ existed for like an hour. Of course you would see more different people at different times of the day.

Everyone already knew that you fool, almost all the "active" trips are third world peasants and it has always been well known.

Sup Forums is a borderline dead board, you retard.

>the digger you deep into worse, the more anime it gets
>the digger you deep into better, the more manga it gets
Fixed your're post for you OP

Anime is for plebs and isn't even done by artists.
If I wasn't a lazy piece of shit I'd only read untranslated manga.

It's the same with anime, manga and just about every other medium. It might take a little longer with manga to go through those stages than with anime though just because there are so many more. That is why you see that vocal subset of Sup Forums posters who talk about how they watched all the good anime and only read manga now.

That said I think a good portion of those posters have given up on the
>Dig deeper and you just see the average manga people ignore.
stage. Or never even really "digged deep" into anime at all but just gave up after watching the well known classics and getting bored of seasonal anime.

Yui you fucking retard, your English is shit.

>digger you deep
I'm stealing this

The thing that makes it hilarious to me is that its genuinely confusing at first. When I first read it I thought, something is wrong with that but I am not sure immediately what.

>the nigger you deep

Top tier meme

perro caca

>inb4 screencap

Include me in your screencap

you obviously haven't diggerd deep enough into anime then

I read it as the deeper you dig lol

>not jeeping your digger
I hope you yiggers digger a deeper jiggerin' into your sleep shigger. Don't rig a peep!

Depends on your taste honestly.

Hi /r/Sup Forums!


Kek. True

But reddit hates anime

Sup Forums is dead.

spoken like a true redditor xD

But they love screencaps of Sup Forums.

This thread has nothing to do with anime.

Im dead too, so its okay

but who was phone

Not from Sup Forums though

I wouldn't fucking know.

Old Sup Forums was sooooo much better


2007 was a simpler time.

>The digger you deep

yeah, I didn't notice it on the 1st line then I reread the whole mess I saw he had done it twice

It wasn't filled with redditors, frogposters and le ironic weebs, so yes, it was.

What's a redditor?

2007 was the worst timeline. Gurren Lagann and Geass killed Sup Forums. 2007 was also the beginning of Eternal Summer

moot said summer is a meme.

moot was a cuck and a false god

moot is a meme. Nobody can deny the sudden influx of high school Americans at that time.

>The digger you deep

moot did it just fine

Before he made /r9k/, yes. Before The Great Pandering to Normie Paradigm Shift

How so?

to dig you mongs

>The digger you deep

It kind of makes sense and all your smartasses know it.

>What are smartphones

lol no it doesn't nice try op

The typical american way of thinking, digger is always wetter

thats not mugi

>anos trying to escape from reality, having a good time
>cancer trying to fit, barely something funny or worthy
>shit tons of redittors trying to fit sending you to reddit or derailing the thread into unfunny themes non-Sup Forums related
why can't fun things be fun anymore

because fun things are no longer fun, fun things are Reddit

>The digger you deep
I love this for the fact I could feel something was wrong, but couldn't quite figure out what. Then I realized what was wrong and it hit me

>the digger you deep
Didn't even notice it until I saw the first anons post.