What the hell happened to Kubo in the final arc?

What the hell happened to Kubo in the final arc?

He was litterall to stop pandering about shitty secondary plots and get to the real deal before the fandom completely dies out, editors, you know.

Nothing happened. He was always a hack.

Kubo was getting ready to reveal his own bankai, but then the fans and editors got tired of him and made him cut everything abruptly


Kubo was always a shitty writer who could not do good pacing and paid the price for it. Only good thing about Bleach was the character designs.

He stalled for more time for several years, and then the editors got tired of him dragging his feet, so they forced him to end things.

Cancellation. He must have pissed someone off, because it wasn't selling that badly even if it was past its prime.

We still didn't get to see Aizen bankai, did we?

>What the hell happened to Kubo in the final arc?
He was sick and got worse, then editors fucked up.

Kubo felt like he wanting to write a Chuuni LN.


>writes like a talentless hack throughout all of Bleach
>haha so funny kubo is le troll xD THE HEART! who said espades went from 1 to 10?? LOL
>writes like a talentless hack at the end

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

>implying the reader wasn't always under his bankai

Remember Gremmy? The guy who can make whatever he imagines into reality? Reality warping to insane levels?

Yeah.....lets nerf him to the point that Kenpachi can take out each and every one of his reality warping attacks and then finish him off in the shitties way possible. Fucking Kubo.

Japanese colds, had a problem with his left shoulder, reflects in the pacing but he still pushed on to end things the way he wanted.

Kenpachi's "development" in that arc was hilarious. It was like watching him repeatedly run into a brick wall.

>hyped up by killing three sternritter off panel
>proceeds to get his ass kicked off panel

>Unohana gets flushed down the toilet for his training arc
>still nearly dies in his next fight, only wins because Gremmy was retarded and killed himself with his own power
>then he gets his ass kicked by the slut squad
>gets healed up, then gets his ass kicked by a giant hand
>gets healed up again, then starts to get his ass kicked by Thor
>just gets his bankai handed to him on a silver platter even though bankai training isn't supposed to work like that
>STILL gets his ass kicked because Thor's power is "hitting me makes my dick bigger"

>Didn't use it even against the Almighty

His Bankai ability should have been this

Why don't writers think up a way to defeat an antagonist before introducing them to the story? Then there's no way to pull an asspull because you already thought up a way to beat them while still keeping the rules intact

He was sick for quite some time now.

>Everyone pretending it's the editors fault that Kubo's a fucking hack.
It's not healthy to suck a cock this hard, guys. Kubo is a terrible writer, probably one of the worse of any manga I've read, and his art is bad. He's got XXXHolic proportions and splotches black ink fucking everywhere.

He stopped giving a fuck about the story.

Yhwach broke all bankais in the future, speedreader.

That character was ridiculous. Creating a villian with such a power renders all other villians pointless, unless god is the final boss.

I really enjoy his art, and his body proportions never once reminded of the notorious CLAMP ones. As for his writing, I think every arc had its good and bad; I didn't like all of the SS arc despite it being hailed as the best one, and I didn't dislike all of the last one despite it being the hailed the worst one.

I do agree that a lot of what went wrong was completely on Kubo. There was his terrible pacing, dragged out fights, dropped plot points, his need to create a ton of side characters which would lead to the main ones and/or earlier introduced side characters being sidelined.

I don't regret reading the series though. You just gotta remind yourself that it's a series aimed at kids/pre-teens and that it's really not that serious.

To be fair, god was the final boss.

Aizen doesn't have a Bankai. He doesn't trust sword and his sword doesn't trust him, so he never tries because he thinks that its a trick and he is never sure if anything is real or just his sword screwing with him.

Nice headcanon.

If Aizen hadn't fully mastered his Shinigami powers, it makes no sense that he would've turned to the Hogyoku to reach new levels of power.

>and his body proportions never once reminded of the notorious CLAMP ones.
Any time there's a full body image of someone in a soul reaper outfit, try to draw their body beneath. They'll look like jack skellington.

He already unlocked it.


A buddy of mine who watches that fat autistic shonen "anime reviewer" was trying to explain to me how there's a conspiracy going around that all long running shonens are ending cause of Jump forcing them to end their shit series.

It fucking appalls me how people blame the publisher for shit like Bleach ending when they don't realize Kubo is a literal hack. A garbage writer that should have ended his series years ago.

>muh jumps to blame
fuck off

>Yhwach lends out parts of his souls to people
>those people get powers
>when those people die, his soul comes back to him with those powers
>all his quincies die
>absolutely nothing happens
Why even introduce that plot point?

Shikai-what he wants you to see-illusions
Bankai-what the victim wants to see-delusions

He destroyed Deathberry.

Jesus's did not die in vain

Who cares?

The best thing that ever happened to bleach is that it finally, mercifully, ended. Let's just leave it at that and let it stay dead.

It's funny how all you had to say was "fat autistic anime reviewer" and I sadly knew exactly who you were talking about. The wannabe gangster dude.

>can imagine anything into reality
>never thought to throw a star or black hole at Kenpachi
>dying because of Kenpachi's inane straight forward brute force
Thanks Kubo.

tbf, Kenpachi hilariously cut through the vacuum of space that Gremmy created. How the fuck that even worked is beyond me.

Ywach "clone" curb-stomped zaraki, gremmy should have just imagined ywach fighting at his side and he would win.

Zaraki cant win against the "all bankais are broken in the future" hax.

If Ywach had absorbed the hogyoku from Aizen, would have he become the most powerful entity in bleach? Someone who can change the future and is completely immortal would be pretty hard to beat.

He came so close to true godhood, and yet he was still so far away, Almighty+hogyoku would have been the divine unbeatable combo.

>Hypes up Ichigo's new, TRUE power/bankai for LITERAL years
>INSTANTLY gets broken and never seen in action

Look I know this shit was rushed at the end but really?

>inb4 the true power of his new bankai was always to revert to his original shikai

What pisses me off though isn't that you could be right. It's that we'll never find out IF you are.

>and his art is bad
I don't think the world of his art myself, but calling it bad is quite the overstatement. It can be quite good, sometimes, when he feels like it.

>splotches black ink fucking everywhere
This only really happens in the last arc, and its probably because he was caring less and less

Bleach characters body proportions are ok most of the time.
Kubo first started drawing with childish proportions, then his drawing style started changing and his characters had more realistic proportions.
Later, sometimes, he makes the bodies too long, but generally are well proportioned, especially the males

Would it be better another writer retconned everything after the Soul Society arc and and just go all anime at this point?

I want more series with characters that look their age and not look like little children. It's one of the reasons I like One Piece, the characters look their age, and I don't feel attracted to many series because of that motive.

Read fanfics or doujinshi. Obviusly Kubo wouldn't agree with that

It would have been better if it was retconned so that Gin killed Aizen.

The SS arc is of the better things, in manga in general, that I've read, and I've read many mangas. And the art is excellent

>The best thing that ever happened to bleach is that it finally, mercifully, ended
>not ichirukists damage control

So what role did Aizen play in final arc?

Araki did just that with Jotaro vs. DIO but dropped The World's original ability but kept Jotaro stopping time because he liked it too much to change. Kubo likely wouldn't have been able to stay consistent on it long enough to keep a clear idea of the final battle even if he wanted to.

Helped Ichigo defeat the final villain

>I've read many shonenshit mangas


I miss bleach

Where I said shonen? I said in manga in general

He absorbed him for a short while, but we never knew what exactly happened after that moment.

Being a decoy.

But you've only read shonenshit.


Reminder that Kyouka Suigetsu is either his Bankai, or his Bankai is like Soi fon where it's useless compared to his shikai.

After he got sick and took that 5 week break it went to shit aside from a few moments. Byakuya should've died too but the fans and the editors were bitches.

>Byakuya should've died too
But Rukia needed the validation.

He stopped holding back. He'd been toning down the Kubo all along, but for the last arc he just let the Kubo flow.

It should have happened during the time skip. She killed friggin' Espada, two Numero and Lunagunga during the war. And he apparently stopping holding back her advance through ranks i she became a lieutenant. It would work better as a flashback.

He tried.

Looking fabulous in black leather

>muh editors
His health got fucked up.

Reminder that Kubo was just too lazy to figure out something that wouldnt pale in comparison to Kyouka Suigetsu.

What the fuck is up with Mangakas and getting so sick that they can't write? It happened with Teppuu too...

Niaga iaknab ym saw tahw os?


They spend 160 hours a week making a perfect pen stroke which leaves their bodies weak. Then their job forces human interaction which causes them to catch every Japanese cold.


The Japanese fans of Bleach got what they deserved.

The contrived fights where people spend half of the time explaining what their powers do? Paying readers EAT THAT SHIT UP.

Whenever Bleach threatened to become interesting or started doing something different the rating dropped and the editors made Kubo stick to the formula.

Nip shit taste strikes again.


I wonder which storylines are the result of executive meddling.

>Hypes up Ywach so much people are wondering how Ichigo can possibly win
>Ends in a wet fart in the second last chapter
Good stuff. I'm not even sure how Ywach actually got beat anyway, some technicality.

Fullbring arc got gutted quickly because ratings plummeted.

I actually wish Kubo took it even further, it nearly jumped into another genre for a moment there.

I dunno but he really dropped the ball. this fucker being the final villan all along had so much more potential than whatever the hell kubo did with it.

I really do miss bleach though. It had such a unique moody feel to it. especially in the first half.

The first half of the last arc was pretty hype, he really shit the bed when the fighting started.

Arrancar arc in general got longer because fans loved them. In particular, Grimjoww was supposed to die in his second fight.

bleach fell off the charts slowly after the aizen arc. he got into trouble with his editors because of that. they forced him to make the manga good again but we'll, that's not how it works. after all the arguing bleach fell off even more and the quality dropped bc kubo was under pressure. final blow was the moment when the publisher said, that he has like 8 chapter to finish the manga

Yeah, liked the Fullbringer arc more than than 1000 years. Maybe even more than the first too. Riruka a cute

>I-it's the editor's fault. Muh based Kubo-sama is a genius

Oh, fucking please. Kubo is a hack, just accept that. Every single author in WSJ has their own editors and their manga is fine.

I think the critical problem was going into new arcs with nothing from previous chapters to build off of. all the new villans were just complete randos despite being ridiculously OP. the same thing happened with fairy tail and nobody takes that shit seriously anymore.


>Every single author in WSJ has their own editors and their manga is fine.

Except for the ones that aren't that get shitcanned.

It changed so drastically and went from its peak power scaling to literal nothing. Going from that one extreme to the other and calling it the same manga felt really strange. It's possible if it was called something else like bleach 2 and treated as a new part it could have been saved because it could have been seen as a whole new kind of story

Sales started plummeting after the Turn Back the Pendulum arc, but Bleach was at its absolute peak, so it could afford to bleed the way it did. Fullbring was the danger zone.

I hope niggas aren't insinuating Japan didn't like the Arrancar arc because the first half/third of that was when Bleach blew up to Naruto levels.

I'm obviously talking about the mainstay ones.

Oh, just for reference, these volumes were doing 500-600K first week. So they were not unpopular, but casuals were getting tired of Kubo.

I feel like Baraggan's death was the signal. I think it was the first moment in bleach where you had to wonder if Kubo even gave a shit any more.

One Piece is an exception to everything. Hiatus x Hiatus probably doesn't have any ideas knocked back for fear of slowing it down even more.

So DB(x) and formerly Naruto? That's only 1 or 2 series.

does anyone have a list of how much the manga sold per volume? I'm kind of curious

Except that it's common knowledge that the editors have been fucking with kubo since the very first arc. Shinji was supposed to be introduced in the first arc for example. He's even in some of the early promotional.