>he watched the dub
Little Witch Academia
So which subs are better then? let's poll
How many times did they meet in the five months between the climax and the epilogue with Akko always forgetting to take the fucking hat back?
I want to marry this adorable dork!
>implying Tattun didn't steal the asenshi subs and pasted them oh the BDs.
That said, the Netflix subs are pretty bad.
That dork is a criminal
I want to bully this dork!
Why did you faggots vote for Asenshi so much?
Fuck you ppl..
Haven't seen the BD subs. My only experience is between asenshi and the netflix subs.
Because Akatsukin deserves it for his hard work even though he's a faggot.
She's in Azkaban taking Big Bubba's futa dick now.
>mfw waiting for writefag's latest release.
The SPL art book really drives home how curvy Midori is.
>those thighs
Yeah Midori's thighs are the best thing Trigger has made
Is there any way to buy all the blurays together or do you have to buy them separate
no boxset yet and dunno if there will be seeing as the box (yes the freaking box to hold all blu-ray volumes) is an order bonus for buying all volumes from I think HMV
because few of us have BDs/DVDs and all comparison we can make is asenshi/netflix.
And netflix sucks.
Also what merchants should I pick up saving for a lot of stuff right now but want to get some good shit and support the show. I'm already getting the blurays and game
Im going through the whole anime again dubbed. Wish me luck before i end myself.
Is it really that bad or just bland?
>user on suicide watch list
I wonder who decided to make her so plump
Depends on what kind of service you're willing to pay for proxy, reseller or forwarding
Akko is bearable sucy is okay I guess lotte is alright everyone else is trash
so these threads go from shitting on croix to shipping wars to literally nothing for one day to shitting on netflix.
Seems like a natural progression, yeah.
A mixture of both, somehow. Lines don't have good delivery and the butchered translation doesn't help.
I gotta admit AkkoxAndrew fags didn't get discouraged by the ending and are delivering on the fanart.
Of the few clips I've seen:
>Sucy is completely monotone, no charm
>Andrew's entire personality got tweaked so he has no tact
I'm not really sure what any of these mean could you please elaborate
it's down right awful, sucks miles.
Just in case
I kinda got over it. The prospect of Akko and Andrew becoming bros makes me happy though. They still get to hang out and get in magical hijinks.
Hope you stay comfy, user. That way, when they find your body there won't be a mess to clean.
Who wants to world-build our own 2nd season? by making new characters!
....yes, user-driven fanfic.
i feel like gathering something akin to the thank-you card, but instead, make it a thing we do to express our yay via creativity. worst case, i will drawfag your concept and include it (i'm an ok artist)
The Idea would be:
>you make a character for the new 2020 Class of Luna Nova.
>she generally has to fit the universe flavor
>she cannot be an obvious troll/expy/shitpost
>drawfagging preferred
>born and is female, age 14- to -18
Format: generally loose
--good ideas:
>Name (short name)
>general physical description, including preferred hairstyle and added decor
>general powerlevel (ala number/10 is ok, stay away from being goku or saitama)
>magical preferences / style (can be none)
>reason for going to Luna Nova
>five facts!
Why the fuck not? i'll be around this weekend to see what develops.
>yes, user-driven fanfic
Not sure if want.
>That feel when the HMV in your town got shut down and there's literally no where else to buy my weeb shit on my entire island
>tfw it got replaced when it got replaced by a fidget spinner store
It hurts so much
>H-hey, user...... Can you please stop calling me "your waifu"? It's really disgusting.
>by making new characters!
I just want more Amanda, Sucy and Constanze
Its honestly just shit. I have the english subs on along with the dub to see how much changed.
me neither
but, i'm in an utter "eh, fuck it" mood....
A reseller (like Amiami or ebay) will sell you a copy with no fuss but generally won't include much else, A proxy will buy things for you from a seller in japan (but the list is generally limited) and a forwarder basically gives you an adress which you can use to buy things from japan and then they ship things to you (only way to get the chariot premium card)
>new characters
>user-driven fanfic.
>Born and is female
>age 14-18
that is cool too.
i am just wanting to give anons a chance....
Wow seriously? that really sucks if true
So how could I find a forwarder or proxy
Sure, why not make ourselves a fully fledged cancerous fanbase in the process?
>no chumlee doing the dub
>as if we aren't in it right this second
Why Diana is the best girl, user ?
What about something like play-asia? Seems like they're selling the limited edition here: play-asia.com
Because she stopped being a Mary Sue
Because you have okay taste
I tried but it was pretty awful.
Forget Akko!
Forget Amanda!
Wife Material
How can other girls compete ?
Name: Artemisia Hochstetler
Country: Switzerland
Power Level: 6
Magical Preferences: Astronomy, modern magic
Has dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and wears glasses. Kind of on the chubby side. Comes from a family of astronomer-magicians who used to make predictions for nobility; now they have moved on to more scientific pursuits. Wants to figure out what place magic has in modern astronomy and if it has any applications that can advance science.
I'm hoping Shiori makes more. This extra-canon stuff gives me a serious heartboner.
Can men in the LWA universe use magic? One of the constables with Croix was a guy, but they never mention any wizards.
Nah we aren't jojo or fate levels yet, but we're getting close.
I think Yoshinari mentioned that there's a an all boy wizard school too.
Well, this can be shit... and that's why i'm participating.
>Mei Lin Lauren
>1,65, black-wavy hair, usually on ponytail. Narrow brown eyes, hispanic skin. Likes to wear a golden necklace that her grandmother gave her. Glasses.
>It's an OK witch, i'd say 6/10 on power.
>Tends to go to the medical side of things, likes to make potions outta medicinal herbs.
>Grandmother (Chinese) was a witch on china, immigrated to italy, now she wants to follow and decided to go to Luna Nova.
>She's easily annoyed by others
>Takes failing very bad, getting discouraged.
>A good night sleep can wash away all her worries.
>Hates her mother (chinese) because she gave up on magic for literally no reason more than being an edgy fuck and rebel to her grandmother.
>doesn't know her father, he died at early age from an accident.
welp, that's it.
I don't know how to draw.
Good luck!
spinoff when?
How would this even work?
No, I'm seriously curious and interested.
Are the netflix subs that bad? any examples?
They share Akko
>thinking Amanda would stoop that low
>A self of belief is your magick - Bright Jalopy
>>he watched the dub
I only see the 1st half of the season. Did they get rights to distribute for both cours or no?
Google? but seriously though if you're looking for recommendations I would go for tenso, been using it to order the blu-rays directly from the Toho store so I can get my hands on this glorious card
Both cours. Netflix is just going to slap "second season" on the second cour, as usual.
Yeah this is a good site if you're not interested in any retailer exclusive objects (which the game doesn't have I think)
Thanks bruh. Preordering it right now.
How many times you think he masturbated while sniffing her hat?
>A believing heart is your magic
>It's your belief in yourself that makes up your magic
>Having confidence in your own self is what grants you the ability to produce supernatural effects
>ritual creates perception creates reality
All wise words from Brilliant Buggy.
wow, participation....
and, ....not bad at all actually!
>Shiori is a KFfag
It's like the new 2hu, Idolmaster is what ruins lives
H/B getting BULLED doujins when?
Will we ever get more info on the elf?
Aside from the usual, what's wrong with the dub?
The Brazilian dub is surprisingly not bad
I think the game will feature all the background witches in some manner. Hope we get more info then. Tattun was also trying to make new info about the witches and some assumed that he was doing it for profiles in the game.
Just write Elf-chan as the root of all evil and the main villian for S2, and we're good to go.
low pony tail or high? now obvious a scrunchie, or just a simple tie?
any preferred hairstyle? dark brown hair is fun.
also, chubby cheeks or does the chub go elsewhere?
It's not completely terrible, Akko's dub VA does a decent job.
Ursula is okay, Professor Badcock sounds like a 20 year old trying to sound like a 60 year old, Amanda's voice doesn't fit, and like someone else mentioned earlier, Sucy is too monotone.
>It is the ability of being able to be confident in your own perception of yourself that gives you the power to be able to produce feats that are beyond the normal realm of possibility
Of course my daughteru
>actually took a look at her
fuck, she's super cute. nice hips too.