Frame Arms Girls

Super Mega Gourai soon.

Other urls found in this thread:

Wait, they're gonna make even more FAGs?

Jinrai is for sexual


My wife Gourai is very fashionable.


Only if you buy all the FAGs, goy

Get off the computer, Ao

Who is this mysterious girl?

A new FAGirl

Why are the Materia sisters so shit? They ruined the whole show!

eat your tomato

How can they ruin a show that is already shit?


More Rare Battlefields and naturally Ao's Jewness awakened once more

>Gourai Update Ver.

Is this for real or is Koto trolling us?

Time to have the Materias drag you back to the Adult Battlfield for some "Adult Session"


full song when




Factory Advance pleases a baka JK for data

In less than a week since the Jinrai + Architect Music Album comes out on July 5th

Latest chapter translation when?

Forgot image


Being worked on right now.

No, Jinrai is for Architect who will do the sexual

Did people actually like this shit show?



base has a cute outfit

Did you have something to say?

Out of the 15 anime I watched this season, it was the worst one


Someone seems real butthurt

Yes. Sorry but you missed out on one of the best shows and nicest weekly threads last season.

>Feeding the goats

I actually watched the whole show. Wasting the last episode on marketing their songs was stupid, not to even mention how retarded the story itself was


How do they make more FAGs if they're all girls?

More doujins when

Factory Advance SCIENCE

Hopefully this summer's Comiket

Very soon.

FAGs can assemble models themselves, therefore FAGs can make more FAGs.

>you aren't allowed to say you don't like this anime
>get out of my hugbox
Get fucked


You have to go back


Back to where?

From the thumbnail, I thought Gourai was dressed up as Hatsune Miku.

Shit, I can't unsee it.

>trusting ao to build your weapon

The only thing i came away from marathoning the series is now me wanting to buy a charger-kun and i'm sorely waiting for the full ost.

I only pray the build quality is better than the rest of the FAGs series.



My daughter.

My wife.

From the thumbnail I thought Gourai was swinging Stylet around by her feet.

Pls no bully


Any new Base goods?

Why does Bukiko have three legs?

I just loved how polite they were throughout the show.

Have the other 2 been uploaded anywhere. Can't find them on the usual sites.

Brand new

Any hopes on who the other FAGs will bond with?

Even the "corrupted one" for Hresvelgr

>Implying they wouldn't drive their new owners insane


Being able to tolerate their eccentricities is probably part of the master selection process, so I doubt they'd have trouble in that department. Besides, who would say no to a free paycheck?

>Free paycheck
>Implying the FAGs wouldn't spend your money w/o permission

>Everyone comes back with cute JKs
>Architect comes back with Richard Stallman

Pretty sure that was just the Base and the Materias.

I lost all respect for finFags.

>Richard Stallman
>Thinking he wouldn't go "PROPRIETARY SOFTWARE REEEEEE" when he tries to work on Architect

Didn't everyone else also bought a bunch of things for Ao when she was sick?

Technically, Ao gave them carte blanche to buy whatever they thought would help, so they were acting under orders, in a manner of speaking.


Why not?

how much?

Post Bukiko, her thiccness is great


>Thinking he wouldn't go "PROPRIETARY SOFTWARE REEEEEE" when he tries to work on Architect

>implying that isn't how they found each other
>implying he didn't liberate her AI


>tfw your Artificial Self waifu will never clean this wasted copyrighted planet


That doesn't make any sense.

Does that qualify as paizuri?

>Stallman marries Ao
>Architect also marries Gourai

I don't see why not.

I miss Anime Network.


Give up there is no hope.


This thread.

You did not take responsibility though.

Post one with the mask on.

haruhi is a fat sow

More like phat.



Annoying loser.

This. Cheated/glitched too.

I found these today