Reminder that this series killed Gundam and that you should watch MSG 0079. Should IBO be the next mecha series I give a go? I checked out the first episode when it debuted but the fujo turned me off.
Reminder that this series killed Gundam and that you should watch MSG 0079...
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You could do what I did: watch it for the physical melee weapons and end up very disappointed.
It us okay, a lot of people thought it was the worst ever, but I had fun with it.
How does it compare to SEED?
It put forth a few interesting ideas that it never really capitalized on and had some decent mecha designs. Otherwise it fell pretty flat. I wouldn't call it terrible, just mediocre.
The psycho manlet harem ruined it for me. Just don't have a romance angle if it's going to be that stupid
Is the MC worse than early Zeta Kamille?
>the fujo turned me off
Thousands of thing that IBO did wrong and you choose to complain about the one that applies to the whole franchise.
SEED is much, much better than Felcher Gundam.
>fujo pandering
ANN is never going to give a shit about you shitposting on Sup Forums. They are never going to reverse their views on greco. Fuck off and stop trashing your own house over what your neighbor is doing.
>Irritating Bowel Odor fan thinks I give a shit about ANN
You literally admitted it on /m/.
That wasn't me.
You admitted on /m/ that you are literally doing this out of revenge for ANN thrashing greco, among other things. I don't give a shit about what you shitpost about, I care that you're shitposting at all. Stay the fuck off of /m/.
Once again, that wasn't me, stupid IBOfag.
I don't give a shit about what you shitpost about, I care that you're shitposting at all.
I'm not shitposting. Everyone deserves to know how horrible IBO was.
>quick, better deny being that guy! They'll never know!
Keep spamming your garbaged forced memes.
Sure, keep pushing your falseflag.
How much time did you spend spamming your 'space rats' image on every single thread on the /m/ archive, again? That must have taken a while.
If you don't like it in four eps drop it, I made th mistake of finishing it. The first half is a fucking slog and the second half is only slightly more tolerable, both halves try too hard to be 3deep5you.
SEED and Destiny wish they were this bad.
That wasn't him, that was me, and he's using MY nicknames! So yes, Iron Menstruation is fucking bad and now I'm happy other people are using my term.
Literally commit suicide, preferably in a murder-suicide with the other shitposters plaguing both of these boards.
If it causes you grief? No.
There is no such thing as justified spamming or shitposting. if you think that's wrong then fuck off to reddit and make a downvote brigade. I don't like IBO. It was one of the weakest entries in the franchise. What I like even less is a pissdrinking little shit going on a crusade spamming multiple boards in a ridiculous attempt to force his garbage on other people.
I wonder if the IBO/ANN Rager, Crack-kun, and the Valvrager are the same guy. Maybe he's also lolisrdead & proudasian
Don't forget Zetarager.
Don't forget xpearse has been a problem recently and the Misnamed Gunpla Image Spammer is back.
I go to Sup Forums to get away from /m/ paranoia and "everything is one boogeyman" mentality.
He is? I want a citation if you don't mind.
I don't actually think they're all the same person, but it is weird how so many similar super autists have made themselves known in such a short time frame.
You think there's any real way to verify this or do you actually think there's a coordinated effort of people posting in the same manner with the same habits?
Nah, more like a bunch of pissed off people have similar mindsets and copycat/piggyback on the success of others. Valvrager was a copycat of the faggot that posted the Curse of Valvrave demotvational poster after all. 2016 has proven that if enough disgruntled people focus on something it can b achieved and yaraon managed to publish a strawpoll there so this gives them a chance for fame and steering the zeitgeist.
>it can be
You're probably right except for the idea that they're mad about anything. They're not pissed off, they're chortling retards who probably laugh like fucking idiots at the damage they do.
>They're not pissed off
ANNfag seems pissed off to me.
BTW this is the strawpoll on /m/ that got yaraon to make an article:
So yeah, ragers can do damage.
I doubt it. Sounds like an excuse. I refuse to believe someone is legitimately that fucking stupid, and we've had some top tier retards in the past.
The series that killed gundam sold over 3 million units of gunpla confirmed by bandai at a hobby show with new kits still on the way.
Don't argue with this dumb nigger. He doesn't even care that most of us think IBO is shit he's coming here to argue against articles on animenewsnetwork and forum posts on other websites.
>muh bael
>muh mars
>muh kudelia
fuck this show
Will the experience of IBO be any different if I watch it subbed rather than dubbed?
>We did it!
This is why i liked this show - it wasn't good by any stretch of the immagination, but we had some good threads and a bunch of laughs with it.
>Muh Mcgilis-Senpai
To be fair, IBO's not enjoyable but the designs are kick-ass.
let me say why you shoudn't watch it.
>gets rid of Gundam Campcheeze for mercs and ghettos
>throws out old formulas for new on the fly chaotic plot.
>unafraid to sex
>MC is not a whiny bitch. hell, he's level headed.
>mecha fights, when they happen, are hand-drawn steel-on-steel crunchfests
>orga is sexy
>fumitan is sexy
>kudelia is sexy
>amida is sexy
>laftner is sexy
>prefer loli's? we have one too.
while we are talking about sex:
>least sexy gal is still sexy, and is over the top crazy, like if kamina and space dandy were one girl character
>Grazes are sexy
yeah, it sucks.
Kind of this. Sure, I'll admit the series had serious issues, but it had some fun moments, and while I understand people have reasons for disliking it, I can't help but feel the whole notion of it being the worst series ever seems a bit out of proportion.
Show me legitimate evidence that IBO wasn't a commercial failure. I need something to fight back with against /m/ongrels
What did Sunrise mean by this?
valvshit was fucking garbage and panned universally though, you can stop pretending only that guy hated it.
Would you help these young ladies peacefully protest the oppression of the Mars colonies?
It's not offensively bad in the way something, like say, Destiny was. But watching Destiny crash and burn was entertaining, in the way that you could go and scream "what the fuck is this, what the fuck is that" and so on, especially around the end.
IBO is just so boring. It started pretty well, with the whole boys taking over the PMC thing, but it decided to focus on Kudelia for the rest of the first season, which pretty much killed what little momentum the show was trying to build at the start. It finished weakly as well. Then season 2 started, and it decided to focus on the side characters on earth for a few episodes. I had my hopes up since they were focusing more on how Tekkadan manages itself as a PMC, actually doing various jobs, but the series decides to focus on Mcgillis and his Gjallarhorn intrigue, with Tekkadan being dragged around the whole season again. And that plotline was again, dry as hell. The Gaelio thing, despite being obvious, was quite enjoyable, but Mcgillis was incredibly stupid.
To top it all off, the production was subpar at best. The director seems to not know how to handle space battles, and the battle choreography kinda suffered at moments. The QUALITY didn't help either. The character designs, despite coming from a talented mangaka, didn't translate well at all to anime form. No complaints about the mecha designs though.
All in all, it wasn't the worst thing ever. It was subpar, sure. But it was incredibly boring. And for some, that's worse than being straight up bad.
Oh, THIS is the series that killed Gundam?
>I had fun with it
Considering that you're posting one of the most appalling parts of a show full of appalling parts, this is hardly surprising.
Better than Destiny but not by much.
You should watch VOTOMS op
Does anyone else get the sense that Mikazuki isn't actually that good of a pilot?
He just happens to have a gundam that can run faster than everyone else and has an unblockable mace.