Sup Forums proven right time after time

And normies still call Sup Forums retarded....

Is it the genetics or the upbringing that causes normies to have oblivious minds?

I would post the picture of small brained people laughing at the big brained one..
But most of the people here are fucking stupid anyway

normal functioning people, not autists who like smug anime girls have this extraordinary ability to both do not believe something fully and to deny possibility of alternatives existing at the same time

Usually, they’re either just more stubborn or emotionally attached than we are. They start out with a liberal dogma of beliefs and refuse to change, or some have nigger friends and are attached to Africans etc. The exact cause of normies could be a lot of things.

>have this extraordinary ability to both do not believe something fully and to deny possibility of alternatives existing at the same time

Am I high or does that make no sense?

you are anglo, you guys fail to notice the jew behind cutting your foreskin
in other words, you are expressing what I am talking about right now

So you are assuming I am cut?
Ok maybe you are high

>Im the chadliest chader on Sup Forums im not like those other animaymays on this anime board xd xdxdxdxxd

Wut you talking about dickhead?

My personal take on it is that the Sup Forums mentality is basically to just trust your instincts and rely on common sense and what you can actually perceive with your 5 senses.

School and entertainment teach you to do the opposite. They overcomplicate everything and render you so confused that you no longer trust the information your senses provide you, or at the very least make you very uncomfortable with being honest with yourself about the way things seem to be because to be honest with yourself gives you the potential to hurt others (especially members of outgroups that ((the powers that be)) have a raging boner for for ((whatever reason)).

I'm probably not explaining myself very well because its a complicated idea to flesh out, but essentially I feel like getting "redpilled" is really just a sequence of realizing that a lot of your core beliefs are nonsensical delusions instilled in you by authority figures to in order to force you to be nice to everyone and get along, even if it means lying to yourself and ignoring evidence to the contrary in order to keep up the lie.

Shedding yourself of this is very liberating.

If you're a fucking moron you can be one everywhere. It doesn't matter what medium intelligent people use - it is just a catalysator. Same goes for this shithole. Doesn't mean this place is intelligent, I'd call it a few percent above the libtard bottom sediment that infests the west.

I am not.
Listen: normalfaggots can see stuff unveil before their own eyes and listen to 5 minutes of CNN/HuffPo/Reuters and buy the bullshit because it is easier to listen to what to think than thinking for yourself

They get confused by smug anime girls. Also they just see the retarded posts (MOMMY MILKIES), not the ones with any really deep merit, reason and foresight.

It's luck of the draw they got a little more attention from mommy, maybe had a little less bad things go down to get daddy angry growing up. These little variations grow over the years, steered and amplified by genetics, into the manifestations of personalities and most of them lead to this set of normie mentalities and attitudes - a consensus of Dunning Kruger arrogant stupidity.

learn to form a coherent sentence you fucktard
>Inb4 onli pretnd be retard u got trole XXDD

Sup Forums is a CIA pysop.

Not that this should be a surprise to anyone.

learn to read stuff more elaborate than "CLEAN YOUR ROOM"

I think this user has a stroke midway through his shitpost.

>Not that this should be a surprise to anyone.
It can still be used to our advantage, though.

>meme flag vs meme flag
takes one to know one

>tfw I realize I just described the parable of the cave

And to answer that stupid question, it's neither. Intelligence does not care if your father is an asshole or your brother a libtard, all it caress for is that YOU are the one to spread the light.

The rest is BS

This is retarded. Sorry school was hard for you.

>normal functioning people, not autists who like smug anime girls have this extraordinary ability to both do not believe something fully and to deny possibility of alternatives existing at the same time


Eh ? Every man who is not a homo likes mug anime girls.

>meme flag

>Sup Forums is a CIA pysop.
Maybe initially but no agent could stand the degeneracy, stupidity, and psychopathy of Sup Forums's worse boards for long.

normalfaggots buy into lies because they are easier to believe then actual truth, examples: Gaddafi and his dropping of petrodollar vs banned chemical weapons
Russian collusion
Kalergi Plan
protocols of elders of zion
many other things that were allegedly fake

>Am I high or does that make no sense?

It actually does make sense as he put it, as in, it often happens in the mind of people.

But it doesn't actually make sense.

>doesn’t realize how truly stupid the average person is.

Rumour has it that there is big problem with agents actually becoming redpilled as they browse here.

Maybe, that doesn't mean they can't just switch agents in and out. Were talking about an organization that used to randomly drop LSD into their own employees in normal settings without warning....

They are here and they are actively monitoring.

I see nothing wrong with this. Do you want this place to become reddit?

"Normies" want nothing to do with the truth in the first place. Accepting some things are "true" despite your feelings about it is just not something the regular person does.

Upbringing, society and genetics.

Show us faggot

Stop posting Lando

You see, humans have the ability to discern between right and wrong. But what happens when deep down you desire something you recognize as "wrong"? You have two options:
1. Accept the truth and abstain. Humbly acknowledge you desire something wrong, preferably before God. This implies coming to terms with the fact there is darkness within you, that you are no saint, shattering your own fragile ego and pride in the process. Requires courage, strength, humility, and sacrifice.
2. Deny the truth and indulge. The only way to indulge in something you recognize as wrong and go ahead with a clear conscience, is to lie to yourself. Through rationalizations and mental gymnastics, your fragile ego protects itself and distorts reality in your mind. Through this process, you literally blind yourself to the truth. You put a mask on it, a mask that makes you feel ok with what you do despite it's wrongness.

This is why pro-abortion, anti slut-shaming, pro sex change LGBT SJWs seem to always have overly emotional and irrational arguments. This is why they get SO MAD and need ad-hominem and social shunning when you point out the truth. It's all a defense mechanism from their own fragile egos. They don't want to accept they are vile degenerates. They want to keep indulging in degeneracy and wickedness, just not with the heavy conscience that comes along accepting the truth.
Not just SJWs, but most people are like this. They need it to keep living in sin, so to speak.
They want nothing to do with the truth.

you replied to yourself
wasted get

This makes more sense then before.

Huh? So it makes sense but does not make sense?
I really should ban myself from here while on prescriptions

lol gay

I should be angry, but this reminds me of the days before Shillblue and when knight whites got shamed.

white knights*
Man pure codeine and Valium is a great mix

I like this one.

Normies expect to be told the truth and expect people to be honest. Imageboards are full of trolling so we learned a form of discourse where we assume everything is a lie at all times, and we did this for fun. Since media and politicians constantly lie this means we can understand them better.

Holy shit so do I

>Implying there are more than 5 intelligent posts promoting Nazism on this website

Still trying to integrate niggers in your world wide hippie "revolution" that has its views of anti racism and equality shared by big companies like Facebook or Starbucks?sure you're anti establishment, sure..

Holy shit

>got no attention from mom but still a mommy’s boy
>dad was always angry

Which 5 of your senses do you trust?

