One Piece: Guess the Luffyfags were right. BigMom is BigMeme
Gross. Die.
No u
PedroforNakama CONFIRMED
>isn't named a strawhat
Luffy sure thinks so.
How about we actually have an intelligent discussion about ships relying on panels and cover art and no namecalling. I'll start with the current top ship, LuNa. First point being the King/Queen theme of their relationship, with Luffy being main boss and Nami handling day to day dealings.
>no crown
Not giving up until this is translated.I NEED these shipperfaggs to BTFO.
so I want to read good scans of the Viz releases - are those available online anywhere? Or do I have to sign up for their online thingie?
>intelligent discussion
pick one
Commission it or learn nihongo.
Oda doesn't make it obvious. If it looks obvious it is misdirection.
Sanji said Robin has "A mature charm"
What did he mean by that?
Like this for example.
>Sanji has a bouquet of Robins favorite flowers
>two baguettes, Robin loves anything that goes with coffee
>Both Sanji and Robin have luggage, no one else does.
If you look at it from the perspective of Oda who has to hide mature themes. It all makes sense.
Okay.Ill start.
Does she have any offensive abilities with her fruit or does she just punch things.
How fucking fast have you been reading?
She's using 1000% of her power and she's completely pushed back by just a casual attack from Luffy without even going G4 and Shitji didn't even disintegrate from touching her. You can see the shock and panic on her face, Big Meme is finished, what a fucking joke.
Nice Trips. But right now relationship is one sided. Will take a scenario foreshadowed by pic related for him to get into it.
Not all queens wear crowns. She was only one in cover art without armor and since shes sitting right next to him I would say either queen or royal whore. Oda likes Nami too much for her to be royal whore imo.
Right? The way her other hand is cocked all the way back in a mighty fist? She is clearly about to run for her life.
>nami living with a bunch of old men
oh that's foreshadowing alright
You can't beat weaponized autism. I almost believe you. Too bad for you Oda will NEVER confirm it openly even if he does secretly fap to them doing it.
>the toy fruit turns people into toys
>also, they must obey the users orders
>also everyone who knows the victims completely forgets about them, despite their homes probably being filled with photos and evidence of their existence
oda fucking stop
>also the user looks like a little kid but really she's a legal 22 year old woman :^)
Honest to God I wish Usopp just fucking shot the bitch with a steel ball instead of ruining his cool haki moment with the exact same gag we saw earlier, which was a rehash of Perona in the first place
No you retards. BM is clearly barely using her strength cause she's smiling and Luffy and Sanji are giving it their all. THIS IS EXACTLY LIKE how Doffy was smiling when turbomanlet tried to lift his leg. Dude was smiling cause he knew he was 1000X stronger than him. And Doffy competely destroyed and BTFO Luffy, which is why he had to run away to Zou.
don't forget the eyepatch-monocle thingie.
>Shipping Nami with guys
You realize the only one's she's canonically shown interest in are women like Kalifa and Tashigi, right?
Don't forget Reiju. She wants some succ too
Nami is sensible.Shes cried over sanji and Robin.Keep dreaming.
Is there any better feel than being a luffyfag?
Nami is the main female protagonists.Even if she was depicted as a queen(which I don't believe is true)it could be explained by that.Kubo also drew rukia and ichigo as King and queen.Dont read to much into it user-Kuhn.
Being a Buggyfag, who has the same ally-making ability as Luffy but instead of getting tortured and fighting Yonko he gets to party 24/7 with Alvida and Mr.3
Also, personally sailing with the Pirate King had to be pretty cool
Getting a life.
Why the fuck does Sabo exist? He seems so out of place.
Nope. Whole manga revolves around your character. Literally the best type of characterfag you can be.
What happened to Doffyfags? How salty were they when he got BTFO?
>queen(which I don't believe is true)
Then you are in denial and dumb as shit. She's obviously a queen in that colorspread. No need to be a delirious dunkass that denies reality user. It's just a colorspread.
Finding hints to support your discoveries
>Reminder that Big Mom is a tranny
Even Oda isn't enough of a hack to just randomly make Sanji start kicking women, right? Right?
I bet you believe nami wearing a crown in other color spreads is also a"hint".I also congratulate you on evading my actual point.This is just sad shipperfagg-kun
He would hit the beast that is Big Mom to save his sister the only relative he cares about.
Being a One Piecefag and like the serie as a whole.
>Implying luffyfags arent also One Piece fags
I get to enjoy my favorite character being a boss AND get to enjoy the entire series.
I never said it was a "hint" you mong. I said that in the colorspread Nami is depicted as a Queen. I'm not that same shipfag I was just calling you out on being retarded. I congratulate you on proving me right.
He kicked her thunder cloud.
He blocked Kalifa's kicks with kicks of his own.
Being a brookfag
>mfw this whole arc
Sanji such a big fucking hypocrite. Claims to follow Zeff's teachings yet fucks with people's food.
Zeff would have beat Sanji's ass if he saw Sanji serve food filled with spoiled vegetables or broken blades.
Sanji literally only cares about his "code" when the woman is beautiful.
Misogynist Oda at it once again.
If you don't believe nami wearing a crown in other color spreads is a hint then I apologize.Lunafaggs seem to have the thought that Oda is hinting nami will be pirate queen.I don't think nami is a queen in that colorspread because she isn't wearing a crown.It could mean she is a princess.just my opinion tho.
Luffy is a pretty shit captain.
Just basically ignores Brooke, Nami, and Chopper's opinions like they mean nothing to him at all.
Sanji, too. After fairly drawing straws, Sanji ignores the fact that he drew the straw to guard the Sunny and still ditched his guarding duty to hang out in Dressrosa.
How can you call the Strawhats an actual crew, when Luffy just does what he wants and the only rare times when he listens to someone else is when Zoro calls him out on it?
It's like Luffy can't show any respect to anybody else besides Zoro.
>nami will be pirate queen
I'm a LuNa fag but there's no such thing as a pirate queen. Its more of a symbol for their roles in the ship imo. Which would tie into a romance later on. I just think its cute, thats all. There are bigger aspects of the story imo.
The entire second half of my post was agreeing with you that it was just a color spread and not a """hint"""".
She's definitely a Queen, wearing a crown or not doesn't mean shit go look at pictures of actual Queens in that style of dress. Nami being a princess doesn't make any fucking sense whatsoever because she's older than Luffy and they aren't siblings, it's just your shipfag headcanon interfering with good judgement. It's just a colorspread, stop making excuses or looking for hidden meaning for things other readers are able to determine from simple inference.
When has sanji ever hurt an unattractive women?
Luffy disobey's Zoro all the time(he told him not to chase after Sanji)
He does what he feels is right in major moments. But does listen to them most of the time. Luffy is literally pussywhipped by Nami most of the time but in major moments he does what he wants. Thats why he's CAPTAIN.
Nami and Luffy have a give-take relationship when it comes to their disagreements, they defer to one another when it counts. This is not a shipfag post btw, this specifically discusses their crew relationship.
One interesting interaction they have is on the Merry after Usopp leaves. Nami is arguing with Luffy on a hammock about the decision he made to fight with Usopp, and after the two of them have a discussion, Luffy convinces her of his resolve and she accepts his reasoning enough to calm down and chastise Zoro and Sanji about it a couple panels later.
Nami often pushes back against Luffy's bullshit but knows when to drop things and support him. Against Enel, she wanted to get everyone and simply abandon the island, but Luffy gave her a speech about wanting to ring the bell of shandora and she was willing to risk her and everyone else's life to support Luffy at that point.
>Luffy gave her a speech about wanting to ring the bell of shandora and she was willing to risk her and everyone else's life to support Luffy at that point.
Thats a great point. And I think we will be getting a moment like that soon where she has to toughen her resolve against BM's forces.
I'm not a shipperfag my friend.I don't think any romance will happen in one piece period.I think shipper look for clues that aren't there to delude themselves into thinking their ship will someday be cannon.I don't think there would be any difference between what a princess would wear and what a queen would wear.I could be wrong but nami not having a crown makes me think she's most likely a princess.I don't think her age difference with Luffy has anything to do with that.Like you said,it's representative of their role in the team.The only people I've heard call nami a queen in this color spread are Lunafaggs.I could be wrong and it's true that it doesn't matter anyway.Its just a colorspread and there are some other color spreads that could be considered pandering to other shippers.Its just my opinion.
This time he ignores 3 people though. It's disrespectful.
Not really. He rarely brings up the captain card, but a captain has the final word. Most of the time the crew disobeys him(in menial things) and makes him do stuff. But in major moments its his decision that counts. If it wasn't for him making all of his batshit crazy decisions, the crew would never have gotten this far.
You're guilty of over-analyzation of that colorspread so much as any shipfag is.
>she's not a queen because she's not wearing a crown
is as specious a reasoning as
>she's not a princess because she's not wearing a tiara
Like you said we need to stop arguing about it because it's just a fucking colorspread.
>over-analyzation of that colorspread
The thing about Oda which does lead to some legitimacy into analyzing his colorspreads is that unlike other authors he is completely autistic about his work and does tend to include vague things that end up being bigger later on.
Lets settle this once and for all.
Was Sanji justified in beating the shit out of Luffy and insulting him?
Does he need to apologize to the crew?
>Luffy doesn't always accept his subordinates opinions as fact and is capable of making his own decisions
This is a good thing. Luffy is the captain, a pirate ship is not a democracy.
Jokes on you. I shipped IchiHime.
What was the origin of this characteR?
But King and queen?
>Was Sanji justified?
>Does he need to apologize?
No, Ussop needed to because he refused to acknowledge his wrong doing, Sanji acknowledged it right away
Kubo's not as autistic about his work like Oda so I never took his colorspreads seriously. Whereas with Oda, I think he does include some foreshadowing in them. Plus Inoue was clearly the female lead in the later part of the series and she looked like Ichigo's mom so I thought they would end up together.
For now LuNa seems most likely but I'm not delusional enough to think its the only option. But it will be my favorite ship in OP.
The only thing Sanji acknowledged is that he has no right to come back, then Luffy punched him in the face so he admitted he wanted to regardless.
An apology is in all likelihood still coming after the arc is over.
Sanji acknowledged it but hasn't apologized. I dont think Luffy gives a fuck, but I still think he needs to do it. For his own sake, or else he comes off as a douche.
Big Mom is going to die from diabetes.
Oda will use this chance to have a health PSA about proper diet and exercise.
BigMemers BTFO
Oda could have meant the very same thing Kubo did with that colorspread(male and female protagonist=King and queen of the series).
Did you think narusaku was gonna happen?I think LuNa=narusaku and LuHan=naruhina
>Oda could have meant the very same thing Kubo did with that colorspread(male and female protagonist=King and queen of the series).
He could have. But King and Queen implies some sort of romantic relationship so I think Oda went further than Kubo
>Did you think narusaku was gonna happen?I think LuNa=narusaku and LuHan=naruhina
You probably dont believe me but I never thought NaruSaku was gonna happen. Didn't want him with Hinata either cause she was bland(didn't actually ship Naruto with anyone cause all options were shit). It was because Naruto was behaving wayy to similar to Sanji(always lusting after Sakura/Nami(all femlaes)) And Sakura was clearly on Sasuke's dick. Whereas with OP, I think that Luffy is oblivious whereas Nami is showing subtle hints that she's romantically interested.
Only ship I didn't want that happened was Chi-Chi/Goku. Since Oda is influenced by DB he may very well head in that direction which is why I'm not 100% sure LuNa is gonna happen. However it makes better sense as a romance than LuBo imo because Nami understands Luffy's character far better than her and vice versa. And given how she's shown to cover Luffy's weaknesses(acting as support character, taking care of his day to day life, even being shown to cook) whereas Luffy protects her it makes more sense.
But again I'm not crazy about it and do accept the chance that it wont happen, but think that Oda has solid ground to include a romance between them that seems genuine(LuBo is not genuine imo) so I think he will probably head down that road eventually.
Don't watch fairy tail but if you want to compare then gokuX chichi beats all(especially since Oda took direct inspiration from DB)
>Baguettes go well with coffee
>shipping discussion
My fucking sides.
>Oda took direct inspiration from DB
What shounen mangaka can you say doesn't these days?
Goku x Chichi means hancock is BTFO though because unlike Goku, Luffy knew what marriage was and explicitly rejected her.
Comparing OP to other manga is fucking retarded but Fairy Tail is much closer of a story than Bleach and Naruto. FT is openly accused of copying OP all over the internet. I mean, FT literally has its own Shanks.
Honestly what the fuck doesn't a good baguette go with?
Bread and rice is the sustenance of civilization my friend.
>And Sakura was clearly on Sasuke's dick.
And Sasuke literally told Sakura just how much he hated her on at least three different ocations verbally
He'll fix the tea party, just you wait.
So? She still lusted even after that. Just proved to me that she didn't give a fuck about Naruto and they would never end up together.
Good way to kill time tho.
Kureha and Kokoro tho
Fairy Tail has its own Bartholomew Kuma as well. Almost a 1:1 ripoff.
Kek, remember when he heads straight for Doffy's palace and fucks Viola's plan.
Zoro's reaction Is priceless.
So are Luffy and Robin stepsiblings or what? Makes sense considering how she's acting a lot more like a big sister since the TS. Dragon could have revealed himself to be her father.
Fucking this, feels good to be a skelebro
Yeah, but you wouldn't eat rice with coffe. Sweets go well with coffee, maybe even fruits. Bread doesn't, unless it's some kind of sweet bread, or you put jam, butter or something on it.
It proved that nothing matters because it was only written that way with a sequel in mind. I don't care what you want to believe but one-sided crushes do not work.
I don't think we're heading down the right rode here.We can't really complair relationships from different writer and think they have the same intent.Oda has stated he doesn't care who Luffy ends up with and I think that is seen in his writing.Oda isn't writing a big love story between nami and Luffy imo.Stating it makes more sense doesn't matter because manga(especially shone not)isn't realistic at all.I haven't seen any hints nami is leaving she's interested in Luffy.I think the same signs could be attributed to any other girl Luffy saves in the manga.I believe that's odas way of writing.And since I'm sure your the other person I'm replying too(King and queen color spread),i think it's because you want Luna to happen that you say Oda must have meant for it to have a stronger meaning then Kubo did.Imo I don't think couples will happen.Luhan won't happen and Luna won't happen.Nami wearing a crown in some color spreads don't mean anything regardless of how autistic you think Oda is.If you want Luna to happen then go on ahead but I wouldn't get my hopes up.
"Luffy-san.. WHAT HAVE YOU BECOME?"- Shanks after Luffy kills Kaido
But I thought Brook ate the Yomi Yomi no Mi
"SANJI...WAS MY NAKAMA!" - Luffy upon reaching Gear 5 Super Monkey Fuck after Big Mom made Sanji explode
>but I wouldn't get my hopes up.
I'm not though. I know theres a chance it wont happen and actually do care a lot more about the main story.
Its just that Oda strikes me as the kind of writer who would want romance--should he include it--to make sense. Of course the entire story isn't a big romance but he has laid a solid ground of true friendship between Luffy and Nami, whereas that cant be said for any other female character(not even Vivi). So should he want to head in that direction for an ending I think he can do so with LuNa(what else is love but friendship taken to the next level?).
And since Oda is clearly making One Piece as a giant Epic, I think it would do a disservice to that genre by not including romance in it as well for the protagonist. Doesn't have to be crazy but just a little bit would be good. And that would go along with Oda saying he doesn't care much about romance. For me personally I enjoy that ship cause it would enhance the story and make it feel more complete but I do understand why people dont want it included at all.
>kind of writer who would want romance
On fucking NPCs, you stupid shippingtard.