Post your favorite and least favorite anime or manga and state your reasons why
> Favorite = Death note as only a few anime (monster,steins;gate,code geass,re:zero) are in the same league in terms of rich plot with mind games n shit
>Least favorite = Koutetsujou no Kabaneri because it's a cheap aot knock off with the only highlights being the op's and ed's made by egoist
Post your favorite and least favorite anime or manga and state your reasons why
kuso thread.
How many anime have you seen? A dozen?
Favorite - Mine because it's the best
Least favorite - OP because he's a fucking idiot who fell for the "calling something similar to another work a rip-off makes for criticism" meme and should watch more anime
I don't have a single favorite anime.
"im le strongest man in the world~~~" FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SHIT every minute on and on and on and to believe i was HYPED for this trash jesus christ what a waste of my time
12 episodes that could've been spent doing ANYTHING except watching this absolute filth, and then they introduce this ugly landwhale cowgirl near the very end but i would've dropped the series if she appeared in the first episode
awful CGI garbage trying to be a generic who done it detective anime, and the sad part of all this is they did it wrong. multiple episodes spent figuring out who the villain was only to realize its the MC's best friend which makes even less fucking sense because you know the author only did it for the sake of drama.
And the sad part of all this is PEOPLE LIKED IT!?
248 and counting
He meant series not episodes/chapters.
I don't mind if something is similar for example btoom and sao but atleast each one of them has it's originality and dosen't try to be a carbon copy of the other i also said state reasons you dumb fuck, it's pretty obvious when an anime's has a better plot structure and quality than another anime try to prove me wrong
want me to name them for you?
Kabaneri's not a carbon copy, though. It has a similar but still obviously different premise, a different art style and character designer, ways of shading, structure, characters, a different conflict, a different tone and different internal mechanics. You also never stated any reasons besides that it's a "cheap knock off". You're also confusing originality and creativity. An original work can't possibly exist. Just because something seems new to you, that doesn't mean it hasn't been done before in another anime or manga you haven't seen or even from a work in another medium. Every work is entrenched in influences or life experiences. SAO, for example, is very similar to .Hack. I'm not clear on if SAO's writer was aware of it when he wrote SAO but its existence alone would make many elements in SAO inherently unoriginal. However, no matter how many similarities to another work there is in something, if it's creatively made, then the common elements it has can be woven into a work that stands on its own. Kabaneri can easily be argued to be one of these cases.
I agree
Kabaneri just has enough going for it for it to be odd if it's the worst thing you've ever seen. It's got impressive animation, art, character designs, and has some nice action. Even if it crashes somewhat in the later half it's nowhere near the worst out there.
I thought you were talking about some fucking celebrity or something until I realized who you meant. It's Adlet Mayer, nigger.
Kaiji, Akagi, and One Outs have those all beat when it comes to anime with "mind games", especially given that several of the shows mentioned don't have any.
>Light continually makes unimaginably stupid mistakes that no sane person would ever make
>L making decisions based on leaps of logic
>Implying Death note isn't straight garbage.
And it has the cute and /fit/ train driver.
Favorite: K-ON!. It has my favorite cast of characters and on a moment-to-moment basis, it's the most consistently satisfying series.
Least favorite: Of the shows I've finished, Gabriel Dropout. Its power dynamics were very rigid, causing its humor to get really repetitive. It also prioritized bullying Satania so much that it just became mean-spirited and both Satania and Vigne, the only main characters that were likable, became insufferable so that it could keep going.
OP I am the typical trash pleb that sometimes comes from Sup Forums here, but even I have better taste than you
Pic related is the best "relly maeks me think" manga, while not as flashy as Death Note it has way more tension and suspense
Also hope you watched Legend of the Galactic Heroes
That hat is a fake.
>mind games
Tenma just walks around from point A to point B accomplishing nothing.
What is Monster doing into that pile of trash
Monster is the worst piece of shit ever made. Anyone who claims to have enjoyed that snorefest is a pretentious virgin trying to look refined on the internet.
When I started torrenting about a decade ago, I watched the entirety of Jinki Extend because of the OP reference or something. The first few episodes were interesting, but the series as a whole was of such standout mediocrity that it could never exist deliberately, only as a byproduct of its time. There were tons of mecha anime out there, and something had to land smack dab in the middle of the road. This was it.
Go back to Sup Forums dipshit
How do you even know it was Sup Forums?
Is that a Death Note sequel?
Gotta admit though, that show was a huge let down to me. I'm wondering though if the LN is a lot more tolerable because it makes sense for all of that to be one volume rather than a 12 episode slog.
death note turned to shit when L died
Because it made people mad and it's fun to vent. In the case of any serious posts, I have no clue.
Kyou kara ore wa.
I don't know if I would call it my favorite, but it is the only series I reread every few years, comedy is top tier and all the characters are really lovable and have a nice dynamic
>least favorite
Whatever series the author of this manga made, I usually just forget series don't like, but with this I can't stand all the shitty drama bullshit, but I kept reading it anyway.
I fucking hated it.
Sure is summer in here.
where isn't summer?
You're a stupid faggot who's looking for excuses because you didn't have the brain abilities to enjoy it
Where do you think you are?
Yeah okay.
>what if
>the fugitive
>but in Japan and Germany?
>and there are like, nazis and crossdressing?
I'd watch.
The best parts of monster were the side characters
Monster was boring and it has nothing to do with the other anime mentionned in OP. I would have named znt,one outs or kaiji instead
It was about the atmosphere though.
No it is not okay. It never was okay.
Every day.
I hate it.
Okay then.
Actually it is not okay.
You don't like Kuso?
I guess most people don't.
What will you do for 250?