ITT Characters impossible to discuss or like on Sup Forums
ITT Characters impossible to discuss or like on Sup Forums
The megucas.
I don't even know her name but I know she likes it up the pooper
I happen to think Iori is a classy and charming young idol.
I have no idea what an anal queen is but somehow I have no doubt in my mind that that girl is one.
Why should it be impossible to like? I like Iori and the meme has nothing to do with that fact
There's nothing wrong with liking her anal doujins
>I actually really like Sasuke and think his character is very three dimensional and interesting
This actually cannot be topped.
How is it impossible to discuss him?
But I love my wife vaginally.
you can't discuss what you can't see.
But everyone likes Iori.
What? I don't think people on Sup Forums dislike Iori. Her butthole is just very appealing.
Besides , I can't think of any so I'm going to say series instead; most shows that broadcast on Toonami or Adult Swim years ago, such as Samurai Champloo, Outlaw Star, and occasionally Cowboy Bebop because there's either the obnoxious faggots who champion them as the objective pinnacle of the medium because they grew up with them and because they appeal to their Western standards or the people who hate said shows and anything similar due to them and just act like they're Reddit shows.
Let's have a serious discussion about Iori. I'll start: _____________anal_____________
If all you think about is anal then you don't truly love Iori and don't deserve her.
Her anal deserves me.
Anal isn't all I think about. It's only around 70% at any given time.