Boku no Hero Academia

So why is Team Fatgum the best?

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No females.

is there an episode this week

Why has Kirishima gotten so much spotlight lately? I'm not complaining, it just seems strange.


It's more of a duo now


Nope, break between cours. At least we get a new OP/ED too.

latest chapter was boring as fuck


To you.

bros and no hoes

I think Hori always had big plans for him and some shit will go down soon. I just hope my boy Kiri will keep smiling by the end.

It seems Hori had already plan for him since the start of the manga, so I suppose this was coming sooner or later. And I don't think this is even the end of his spotlight, seeing we still need to know his backstory

Why was there no one there to protect this smile?

so did kirishima buy fatgum time for him to charge his fist or has his sacrifice pointless?

I don't recognize this character from the cartoon, what episode was he in?

cuz he is a fagget lol

His turn I guess, can't say I mind because I like Kiri. I hope most of the other 1-A kids get similar treatment down the road.

>anyone dying in bnha

I want to fuck all of team Fatgum with Amajiki!!

because he is fucking gay

Fucking hell, I didn't realize just how desperate people were for the OVA2 subs.

Yes he did buy him time, Fatgum still had to transfer all his fat to his fist, but Rappa wouldn't have gave him the time

I thought a kind user translated it?

>mfw promising thread just when i need to get some sleep
h-have fun anons

This was needed for his development, user

Zetsubou doesn't suit him

Yeah, that's me. I thought maybe two hundred-ish people would download it and that would be it.

It's about a day away from reaching a thousand. Blows the mind how many people wanted to see it.

Would you like a BnHA fighting game? Who would you main?

it would have being a lot more if the ova didnt suck

Also seeing my subs all over the internet is a weird feeling. It's pretty much what I expected but it still feels weird.

All Might (Depowered)

Why are all of 1-A sinners?

well, there is one


They worship All Might when they should be worshipping the only real Super-Hero (It's God)

and I think you were the only one to sub it, user. That nearly 1k download is from nyaa alone, no idea if anyone rehosted it on another torrent site. Also, gotta check on anime streaming websites and see if they rehost it

smelly hobo teacher

you need to rewatch the 4th or 5th, i can't remember well


They should repent. Kirishima did not repent for his homosexuality and look what happened to him.

Want that fantasy Ova where Deku hires people to go fight Beast King Bakugou.

I prefer an rpg. Also, difficult pick on which to main

But Jesus was a smelly Hobo Teacher

Because they have the God of the Night corrupting them

No, he frequently washed and always made sure to have a place to stay.

There's also 100,000+ views on KA, if those count (or are even real.)

He was mooching off his followers.
>Let me stay, or I'll not let you into heaven

Ah ok. This is the first shounen manga I've kept up with, so I wasn't sure if he was becoming more of a main character or if everyone will eventually get a spotlight like that. I don't mind, though, he's one of my favorites.

don't you need to repent first, Maria? You held hands with a man who isn't your husband after all

You are not pure either.


>Kirishima did not repent for his homosexuality
He will be back on his feet and continue sinning, you will see Fem!Jesus

If any drawfag is up to it can you draw toga.

This. I want to fight people with tentacle. I want his special move to be his tentacles lifting up the person and getting under their clothes accidently as if tentacle rape is about to happen but he gets embarrassed and slams both his head and the person into a wall leaving a giant crack.

His loos anus may not hinder him in life, but in Hell, it will make a cozy home for a cadre of demons

That was rape. Iida is a rapist.

I hope this Halloween we get Bakugou/Kirishima couple costumes with Kirishima as he girl again.

You say that as if Kirishima is not a masochist willing to take anything up his slutty hole.

Is dark shadow its own separate sentient entity, or is it merely a manifestation of Tokoyami's psyche, shifting from super-ego to id depending on light level?

>Double dubs
You might think I am memeing but I would like to main Ibara. I imagine gameplay to be similar to Omega Red., a less violent and more defensive version of him.

Bonus, for Kirishima and Mirio a sun appears in the background.

It's okay, he'll marry her as is proper in such circumstances.
Nine months after the rape, when he learnt that Artemisia and Tassi were not going to be married, Orazio pressed charges against Tassi

Guess what good Christian girls do when they're raped?

Surely Ida's family is rich enough to cough up the dower.

Kirishima is not lewd. He's pure

fantasy Deku seems too much of a nice guy to do that

The SMASH author should make it a game. "Lets see how much we can slutty Kirishima before the nips realize we are making him the bottom of the relationship"

Yeah a pure slut. like Ibara

Top 2 not Boyfriend material

You have to marry him now.

It's ok Kirishima, it's not unusual for a boy your age to get hard at awkward times.

It's all fun and games until you realize that her pubes have thorns too

>implying the silver hasn't already been paid and the marriage

>Twice with a Noob Saibot-esque gameplay
>Kirishima being basically Mecha-Zangief
>Aoyama/Pony with Cyclops moves
>Momo being basically Frank West
>AfO as the final boss
What else can we add?
Who's crazy enough to imitate Dante?

I don't see how they don't think he is the bottom as he is shorter, a masochist and likes manly things. That is not taking in account the fact that he has been in a dress and that Bakugou gave him his jacket when cold something a guy does for a girl typically.

i would marry any of them honestly

She is not.

am I the only one that thinks shes cute?

How can he be top 2 when AM, Iida and Todo exist?

Tell that to the poor monkey you molested

All girls in this series are cute

not kendou

Pic related.

Its because for them Bakugou is just a "tsundere" and that automatically makes him the bottom, no matter how ripped he is in canon they draw him as a twink

She is freaking cute.
I need someone to draw them marrying and Iida's crying because he doesn't want to.

As said, Suneater needs to have a tentacle porn moveset.

Not Boyfriend Material.

Oijiro probably liked it

still totally worth it, if not for the melons alone

>Implying there will be sex

Yeah, but going down on the briar patch would be the worst

He's not a slut. Only fujos try to make him something he isn't
There is nothing wrong with him
That's just the quirk
Out of context. Ova not canon.
>shorter, a masochist and likes manly things
That describes me a little too well

bakuguo is still drawn ripped while being a bottom

>That describes me a little too well
Are you a bottom, purebro?

Well, we already have not Cyclops and not Wolverine if Vigilantes count

> Oh my god, he's biting me.
> Why did he remove my clothes before?
> Wait, where is he biting me now???
> ...
> No!
> ...
> But...YES!
> Shit, I'm becoming a zombie now.
> ...
> Worth it!

The Lord said be fruitful and multiply user. The will only have consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation. And of course with Jesus' permission

But she is Jesus, user