I honestly can't even believe this right now! This girl gives one of the most amazing most heartfelt confessions I've ever heard not only in anime but my entire life but Subaru completely rejects her after asking her to run away with him and get married and tells her he loves Emilya and asks for her help!!! How is this legal? Honestly how is Subaru so fucking pathetic!!! Why didn't he just kill himself again to erase that confession from existence to save Rem the pain at the very least? Because he's a pussy. I honestly believe nobody actually likes Emilya for anything other than shitposting and being different because she literally did nothing for him.
Subaru is dead to me!
Other urls found in this thread:
She's not even cute. She looks like that reject neet girl from that new anime incest series. The one related to Oreimo which was factually 100% better because the main girl isn't completely garbage and has a personality besides her gimmic of being a neet and "accidentally" undressing in front of a webcam.
>I've ever heard not only in anime but my entire life
>my entire life
I stopped reading there and laughed audibly at you.
I'm only on episode 13, but after watching the conclusion of the events in the forest (and reading this), is it even worth continuing? Because if that's what she does, Subaru is a pretty shitty person
Except this girl is way worse because she was born into riches and is entitled and fully believe she deserves to be queen despite doing jack shit her entire life exactly like Subaru except she's supposedly "pretty" so of course no need for her to feel the deep pain of being a nobody because everybody will find her way for her like the pathetic neet nobility screw up she is.
>but.. but she suffered because people don't like her bloodline
Yea because no other anime character in the history of anime has ever overcome anything by themselves or at least put in a major chunk of the effort in instead of sitting there crying about it like like a pathetic bitch.
Fun fact: Naruro is literally a better character than Emilya
It's worth it just to hear the confession but you'll probably feel like you actually want to kill Subaru in a way that is real in your heart when he turns her down and laughes like a retard when her heart has clearly just been broken.
You make me dread it but ig I will then lol, I've heard things about the manga and novel (and light novel?) but don't really know anything about them. Are they worth paying mind to? They're probably not finished being translated anyway
I wouldn't even try reading it until it's finished because the writer can die at any moment.
The author stated that he told his friends the ending already and any important details. So if he dies we'll still get the conclusion.
>make three posts with this exact point today and get no (you)s
>someone makes a thread about it and it gets replies
You are retarded. Re:Zero not a waifu simulator to live out your fucking fantasies. Nobody gives a shit how you feel. Fuck off.
watch until episode 15 and pretend it ended at episode 15.
If you don't care you wouldn't be so mad.
Agreed. Shitmilia is basically the most generic looking slut around.
Mobileposter is so cute!
Then understand nothing you and the OP are reason most people hated entitled Otaku waif shitheads.
Ep 13 should taught you nobody obligated to love anyone regardless of what you do becasue a person is not a reward. Her fanbase acting like this one of reasons she gets label as waifu bait.
delet this
which one of you faggots did this:
it's hilarious
rem is utter shit and a cuck too
the anime was a mistake
Alright guys, ultimate crack theory time. The WoE is basically crazy as fuck, barely even speaks sensible language, and has a totally foreign mentality. What else we know about her is that she's mad jelly as fuck all the time and is pretty much a huge bitch to everyone except Subaru. Even so, as bug fuck crazy as she is, she wants to protect Subaru above pretty much anything and wouldn't hurt him. The final nail in the coffin here is that she refers to him as Subaru-kun. There's basically only one character that fits all these criteria.