Is any group picking up Kakegurui/? Unfortunately it's an Amazon show, not even with simulcast

Is any group picking up Kakegurui/? Unfortunately it's an Amazon show, not even with simulcast

Did we get fucking monkey paw'd? Finally Funi is dead and CR is losing relevance, but now we have shit like Amazon delay subs, Anime Network with watermarked yellow hardsubs, and Netflix being completely fucking retarded.

Amazon just can't get it right. They either release episodes before or way too after the japanese broadcast

Yup, we didn't know how good we had it before

Good, fansubbing will finally have a reason to make a comeback.

I want to DICK Yumeko.

Damn, I was really looking forward to this one.

>tfw asenshi won't be subbing Kakegurui.

Worse, it's netflix licenced

Given that it's one of the most hyped shows of the season, it's very likely that some group will pick it. If it's a good group, that's another story...

Reminder to not stick your dick in a crazy.

Reminder that crazy girls are actually the best and a genius came up with that meme line to have them all for himself.

She's only crazy when it comes to gambling. Rest of the time she's a sweet young girl.

Sweet apathetic girl*


she's happy because she has more money to gamble with

Vice prez a cute! A CUTE!

she really is. i wonder what sort of voice she will have with the mask on and off

Reminder that Mary has the best face but the weakest body. She is the Taylor Swift of 2D.

You mean the best body.

She's a sweetheart who just wants to have some fun, by winning through high stakes gambling.


What did he mean by this?

Will they animate this?

God, I hope so.

Who is animating it?

So a blonde girl being into the boring male MC, the male MC being into Yumeko, and Yumeko slowly starting to care for the guy, while all other girls have interaction with the guy in some way, it makes it yurishit?

The only reason it could be considered yurishit is for the yuribaiting which of course will not go anywhere.


You won't stop me from wanting to buttfuck Midari.








Kill yourself

I think he gets the point, anons.

The male is not important.

The author+ artist is a huge yuri fan faggot Kakegruui is a yuri series you have to be blind not to see that. even in it's spinn offs he ships Yumeko with Mary.


>The author+ artist is a huge yuri fan faggot Kakegruui is a yuri series you have to be blind not to see that. even in it's spinn offs he ships Yumeko with Mary.
Author is not a yuri fan, none of his past works would actually indicate him being someone interested in yuri.

And the artist has one yuri work where he is an author and that work basically pairs up yuri girls from femMC harem with guys who abused them just for the pair the spare ending and to make the guys whitened up from their doings, and main girl gets paired with her crazy female friend in idiotic way only in epilogue due to fans outrage at magazine ending. I wouldn't call that being yuri fan either.


I want Mary-san to demolish my butt with her fingers

So... will I see this on my favorite streaming site or not?

I can't download the episodes a the moment, I have no space on my harddrive, no external drive, and I only recently stopped being a NEET, my pay cheque doesn't come in till next week.

>Who is animating it?

The 1st Garo staff of MAPPA

Maybe, depends if someone is going to sub it. Where do you think streaming sites get their subs from.

The stream is in 24 minutes.

It would've been fine if it were on Amazon because they simulcast. It's on Netflix and they only release the subs in batch when the whole season finishes airing.

15 hours till episode one. I don't want to watch it raw, somebody pick it up.

Who do I beg and plead to pick up then? I am prepared to cook (was a professional cook) and pay for lap dances if need be.

How? Did the schedule change? Isn't it 22:00 JST, so around 15 hours from now?

livechart says 17 minutes.

Beg the god, the only way really.

Could be an error? We'll see.

10PM in Japan is in 9 minutes.
t. +0930

>Isn't it 22:00 JST, so around 15 hours from now?

It's 10 pm JST in 10 minutes

FUCK, what streaming site should I use?

Are you sure you're following JST? It's Saturday right now in Japan.

5 mind

get in here niggas

I hope fansub group uses MBS rip since TokyoMX is shitty

tfw you haven't watched seasonal in a few seasons and neet is dead :_:


cd is on

Not for me.



I feel bad for you



are you frustrated?

OP is great


I mean I have a working stream up but it's awful quality and delayed.



Storyboarded by Yamamoto Sayo. Directed by Sakai Munehisa.




>[muffled Pursuing My True Self playing in the distance]




Just wait for Ohys.


It's not the same.





Sex with Mary! Doggystyle!




I'm glad to see they really nailed the facial expressions.






These facial reactions are fucking hideous.