Little Witch Academia thread

Why is Netflix purposefully killing LWA's chances with normies by giving it trash dubs and bad subs?

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why do you want normies watching lwa or amine at all
summer is bad as it is

It's the easiest way to support the series so we can get a new season.

Will LWA serve as a gateway anime for 14 year old normies?

信じる心があなたの魔法よ is a rare instance of Japanese being pretty fucking unambiguous, so it confuses me how badly Netflix cocked up the translation

What Akko is the best and why is it Hori Akko?

Doubt it. It's too "western" feeling for anime normies

all akko is are beutifull

What forum are you from?
This one is a real good one.

The guy who is responsible for My Hero Academia?

And I thought this fanbase was terrible enough with all the yurifags.

Kinda peeved that they'd just put 13 episodes up. Only thing that makes this worse is how early the endings to some episodes feel.


I feel like yurifagging is inevitable in a show like lwa

>Oh hi, user. I want to talk to you for a moment.... Can you please stop calling me "your waifu"? It's really disgusting

Doesn't make it any less shit.

Okay, can you be my daughteru instead?

Our boy Andrew was killed for his efforts to destroy LWA yurifags.

>I'm not your daughter user, I already have parents
>You're kind of creeping me out, I'm gonna go...

Is the dub for the show worse than the ones for the ova's? I didn't mind those.

>ywn be a cute little witch with a nice, plump rump

Who's dicks here are expanding at the speed of light for sucy?

>That twitching feeling when she funnels akko's mouth

I'm introducing a friend to anime using LWA. So it's the gateway anime for at least one thirty year old normie.

Why not just off yourself at that point

>Why is Netflix purposefully killing LWA's chances with normies by giving it trash dubs and bad subs?
They want to save anime by repelling the normies away. Thanks netflix!

>pay the license fees to be allowed to show it
>then put zero effort into the dubs/subs
For what purpose?

Is the kid Diana/Akko writer here?

Me or him?
I certainly plan to at some point. Still working through my backlog, though. Too much anime to watch.

This is a ludicrous amount of diakko

Oh get over it, "normie" is a perfectly normal term to use like "frogs" and "feels". This board seriously needs to evolve past the stone age already.


nigga this ain't even halfway.

Thanks Netflix! You had one fucking job!

Delet this now, i don't want every thread ruined with this gosh darned screencap gee wilikers

I don't understand the problem.

Yeah man don't be such a noobie. I've been here forever, I'm an oldie!

I wonder what's "peak Diakko" fan art.


I'm upset we didn't get a scene of this big butt bully coming out of the dork closet to Lotte

I swear its like the translator just ran the script through google translate

I want to marry Anne Finnelan.

The upcoming bokujoukun doujin.

You should stop breathing, people from whatever forums do it too.

>an young witch

You can't make this shit up

>an young

>You don't deserve the magic Akko.

oh woe is me it's a tiny grammar error my life is over

Apart from the fact that it's an awkward as shit translation, that's also not what the original statement says.

It's not the believe in herself, it's her believing heart in general. Half of the time that slogan is brought up again it's about Akko believing in magic rather than in herself.

This can't be real.

Says a lot when a multi-million dollar company can't proofread.

It's also the missing "yet" which changes it quite a bit


How will they even do the finale? This "belief in yourself" crap just won't work.

She is right, though. Anyway, everyone seems to be more rude with these sub.

The original phrase had nothing to do with "believing in yourself". It simply stated "a believing heart".
In the final episode it was stated that belief in magic itself is what creates magic. Not this belief in yourself nonsense.
Basically just fucked the ending by mis-translating it.

Serious question here, why couldn't Netflix just use the Asenshi subs?

That's to make it more relatable to burgers, user.

Lurk for at least 2 more years before posting, phoneposter.

They probably don't know they exist

Then they'd have to pay Asenshi.