What the fuck is this series even about?
What the fuck is this series even about?
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I want to suck Shirou's dick.
After the first season I actually don't know.
Sexy lolis
Lolis what are fighting with magic.
Get in line
I want to suck Kuro's feminine dick.
I don't know man, you could maybe do the incredibly difficult act of reading the manga to find out.
Nothing important until autism sword man shows up. Then it's about him saying cool shit while doing cool shit.
Nasu's historical fanfiction that he wrote in highschool.
I've skimmed through it, and it appears to be a combination of slice-of-life and mahou shoujo. It's a spinoff of some other nasushit, starring some loli no one cares about in the main continuity. In the first season, the loli gets paired up with an autistic loli partner, who pseudo falls in love with her. In the second season, a slutty, dark skinned clone of her appears, who has to suck energy by molesting other lolis. The main loli and her slut clone have to make out a lot because of this. In the third season, I don't know. Then in the fourth season, the loli and her slut clone get transported to some dark alternate universe or alternate timeline or something and are still there when the season ends.
No one even cares about the plot. They watch it for the slice of life and the yuri loli fanservice.
An imouto's happiness is worth more than the world itself.
>starring some loli no one cares about in the main continuity
>No one even cares about the plot
5/10 you pass but try harder next time.
It's about little girls kissing
Someone post the webms. You have no reason to watch it if you have seen those
Does the Shirou from Prisma Illya's main world ever become relevant?
Yeah and FSN is about the sex scenes and you have no reason to read it if you have seen those
A cup
best fate.
i can't wait for another season.
6 A sized cups to be precise
>magical girl spin on F/SN
>then it turns into loli ecchi
>then it turns back into magical girl F/SN with some fan service every now and then
>then it just turned into F/SN
>now it's back to magical girl F/SN
Movie is pretty much going to be FSN so they're turning back.
Kuro is cute
>then it just turned into F/SN
Explain further.
I still have no clue who the hell Kuro is.
Card in a cup.
I love swords so much
The first was Fate/Card Captor Sakura
The second was loli fanservice and nothing else
The third was Heaven's Feel lite
No he's right. Threads on Illya Prisma almost all ways devolves into Yuri shipping. There's barely any plot discussion besides the obvious PLOT.
Why are these cups so sexy?
Their bodies are the perfect combination of cute and lewd, you want to give them a big hug, pat their head and spoil them but you also want to fuck them all night.
She looks like she has brain damage.
It is clearly about lolis who want their brother's dick.
>Shirou's eyebags
How about you do a simple google search you giant retard.
delete this
>what if we took a serious VN
Essentially it's series that's a spin-off of the Fate series and the minute it went back to it's Fate routes all the lolishit degenerates lost their collective shit and complain that fate fans want to get into it after seeing Shirou be Shirou
Got the Kuro one as well?
my boner that's what
if you arent attracted to these lolis, you are irredeemably gay and have to kill yourself
my unsexy brown wife
A lot of fate this year
punished imoutos
A lot of things, it dabbles in pretty much every genre and changes tones a dozen times. At the end of the day it's a Fate spinoff though.
He's been through hell, even more so than HF Shirou.
>tfw futaba is going on an editing spree with that one
Bless 'em.
More prisma trailer when?
Meanwhile, the shiro from illya's world is having a harem. Or he's pounding the shit out of sakura now that there's no other girls that want him. By the way, how likely is it for Illya!Shirou to have UBW?
Never if we are lucky.
No one knows. Shero seems to be a normie, not sword autistic enough, might be Enjou tier at this rate.
Someone knows.
There was also this girl.
Literally who?
It's fate, it's always been fate. The best parts about the show/manga are fate fanfiction, the focus on ilya is used to introduce more characters so that they can do the fate thing over again. The focus on shirou was because this is a fate fanfic and no one expected him to do anything so the author thought it would be cool if he did something.
Given that he was dying when Kirei found him and had to shove Avalon into him unless they changed that part he probably has the reality marble at least.
I'd like an archer but his origin being shirou deciding to stay with kirei instead of kerry
Say that again in English.
I want to see an archer whose origin is a shirou that choose kirei instead of kiritsugu.
link to thread please
FSN doesn't even have good sex scenes. There's not really any reason to watch/read it if you're old enough to post on Sup Forums.
Post them.
They had 2 threads today, none up at this hour.
Did they do any breast expansion?
I love when they do that to official art.
Can you use futalog to find edit threads, and if so, how?
Fate done right
a incredibly convincing trap
I'm not too great with it myself, someone linked this when I asked how to navigate futuba before, although it doesn't seem to track all threads. If you find a better way, please do tell. may.2chin.net
Thanks, bro.
It says right there: Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Emiya
Dunno... maybe Nasu made a bet with that spinoff Author about getting more Canadian as usual Jailed.
>Japs Plotting against Leaf
The upcoming movie is about Prima Shirou's backstory, from when he fought in a Holy Grail war.
The villains plan of using the grail to wish for humanities salvation. Shirou abandons his, and Kiritsugu's, ideals so he can save his little sister who is the holy grail.
I'd say middle school. The chuuni and edge are all over the place.
the anime can be really grating with the fanservice, extending 1 panel comedic relief to 15 secs of softcore H. They even botched important finale scenes in Drei. Read the original manga instead.
Finale scene was totally fine, in fact that whole episode was really damn good, up there with the better episodes of the previous seasons, it was the episode before that which was bad.
Disgusting pedoshit.
I love shero's shenanigans