Is Hisoka destined to be a failure
Hunter x Hunter
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Friendship between men is such a beautiful thing
Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?
Shitpost all you want, the jester is coming for you.
Let's see you laughing when there are no members of the Ryodan left.
An alliance between Harkenburg and Kurapika is very likely. Let me explain myself :
-Both of them (Harkenburg and Oito) have had the totality (or almost) of their bodyguards killed and are nearly defenseless now (excluding their nen beasts). They are currently in an extreme need of an alliance with another prince.
-Both of them want to escape to this succession war : Harkenburg doesn't want a crown won through the slaughtering of his brothers, and Oito want to protect the life of Wobble, whom is too young to have a chance to win according to her. So their goals are the same.
-Kurapika initially wanted to be hired by Harkenburg to make the first contact with Tserriednich easier, so an alliance with Harkenburg serves directly the purpose of Kurapika.
-It's highly probable that several princes will learn nen during the travel. For his survival, Harkenburg will have to become a nen user. Kurapika would be a perfect teacher.
-In terms of character and psychology, they are both compatible. Both of them are honorable, intelligent and are not psychopaths or killers.
What do you think about it ?
Why are people calling him Trump?
Because he wants to make Kakin great again
He surprised attacked two of the weakest troupe members without there hatsu's
>there hatsu's
You should spend less time on Sup Forums and more learning how to write.
I don't have access to a computer at the moment
Here's a 4chanX filter list for most of the pictures pitoushitter bot is using to post:
Add them under Settings - Filter - Image MD5.
You can also use a filter for its common phrases since its pathetic algorithm tends to repeat itself over and over again.
This thread is garbage already.
>tfw some dumb nigger sabotaged pitou for the rest of us
This was undeserved.
I loved Yu yu Hakusho. Will I love this or should I go rewatch YYH?
What is the update schedule right now? One c-chapter every week, r-right?
Why do you like Yu Yu Hakusho?
I like this combination
Yes. Until the hiatus, of course.
She's pretty cool and kind of hot. I hope we will see her hatsu before she dies
Wasn't Theta confirmed as a man?
It's a complete story with character and growth that seems fairly organic. Also the same creator?
No, Theta was confirmed a woman. She's referred to with female pronouns.
Not once, no.
> Interviewer: What will end up happening to Kurapika and the Phantom Troupe?
>Togashi: "They will all die."
i think it's safe to assume that the Troupe, Kurapika, and Hisoka will all die on the ship, i personally can't see what role they'll have in the Dark Continent, i think the DC arc will be focused on the Zodiacs, Beyond, Ging, and Pariston, while the current arc will be about the final confrontation between the Troupe, Hisoka, and Kurapika.
before the 2011 anime i always imagined him with blonde hair, and Pouf with white hair.
Hisoka already died though. However I would love for him to be a character that I can refer to as, he dies, repeatedly.
Togashi was being cheeky.
Everyone is gonna die eventually.
I want to suck Theta's tetas.
i don't know, considering his habits of casually killing off characters, and his declining health, i don't think he'll wanna drag the series much longer. Also, in the same interview he stated that his favorite movie was Aliens because he like situations where multiple characters are stuck in tight spaces and are killed off one by one, and this ship seems to be the perfect setting for that.
It's highly probable that several princes will learn nen during the travel. For his survival, Harkenburg will have to become a nen user. Kurapika would be a perfect teacher.
they can't possibly learn nen in less than two months, which is how long the trip will take.
she was drawn really well this chapter.
>She was drawn really well in her debut chapter
She was introduced in Chapter 348
For someone who is supposed to be smart Halkenberg is fucking retarded.
Did he even bother hiring a single hunter? Every other prince has a hunter that could clue them in on nen beast and yet his dumbass brought no one compotent. Did he think that saying he wasn't participating wouldn't make him a target? Yeah it was the nen beast who killed his guards most likely but the point still stands. The guys an idiot. He'll be the first to die at this rate.
I think you missed that user's point.
Anyone who is born will eventually die, therefore Kurapika and the PT will eventually die no matter what. Old age is a thing.
Togashi was just joking.
I was wrong then
i got user's point, what i meant was that i don't think Togashi was joking about it, and that they'll actually kill each other.
How can you tell he is joking? Did you read the raws
Is Tayta a woman?
This is the most correct one.
Reminder that we still have:
>"chrollo" using a fishing line (which is machi's ability, who was coincidentally in HA immediately after the fight)
>someone who looks suspiciously like the meteor elder in the crowd (which would also be a much more plausible explanation for why S&M behaved the way it did)
>chrollo making an absurd amount of puppets (the real user of GF was coincidentally in HA immediately after the fight)
>chrollo talking to someone on the phone in the middle of the fight (black voice was always controlled via buttons when Shalnark used it, the only time it was spoke into was when it was functioning as a regular cell phone)
If you really don't think Chrollo cheated you're just deluded.
>hisokafags STILL buttblasted
no, I meant what I typed. she was drawn really well this chapter, better than her debut chapter.
more detail doesn't mean better drawn.
She wasn't detailed in her debut chapter though.
>OP is a redditcuck-Chrollover
he's smart, but also temperamental and naive.
Why would Togashi spoil the contents of his own story in a random interview? It makes more sense if we consider the fact that Togashi wasn't being serious, and that he was just giving a tongue-in-cheek answer to a serious question.
Pitou is the cutest and is my wife
Your fiwe has died.
Solid points, I like it. Except the Kurapika becoming a good teacher part, something about that doesn't sit right with me.
Whoa, have they redone this for the volume? I don't remember the release day version being so detailed.
If he was smart he would've hired a hunter. The guys a retard.
the nen beasts were so well-behaved at the party.
You might be drunker than I am.
I wonder what he meant by this before he deleted his post.
Kurapika is going to go full edge when he sees Pairo's head
as someone who has never read a single page of this series i can say confidently that hisoka will get revenge on chrollo since his attitude has changed, there are too many flags of it now.
i posted in the wrong thread
No one was trying to kill anybody just yet so they had no protecting to do. As soon as someone makes a move on a Prince the beasts are gonna freak.
My real life friend doesn't like HxH even after I forced him to watch the entire 2011 series.
He thinks FMA 2011 anime is better. Should I get a new friend??
Fuck off back to blogspot.
No, but you should stop trying to force your tastes on other people if you want them to stay your friends.
Just like you, OP.
1. that's not Pairo
2. Tse is the one who'll have an emotional reaction seeing that head
you are good friends, you both have shit taste
How are the translations so different? Who was in the wrong here?
Viz are professionals doing it for money and want to earn their pay. Niggastream are amateurs doing it for e-cred with no quality control. It's really lucky when you get a good scanlator, the vast majority of them are even worse than Niggastream.
All he have to is to know the basics of nen, in order to be able to communicate with his nen beast (because no prince will have time to learn nen to the point they are able to develop their own ability in two months, they will obviously fight by giving orders to their nen beasts thanks to the Gyo)
This is totally possible to do in two-three weeks.
I want to fuck this whorse
for what purpose
It's Tseriednich's psyche manifested physically. He's a kinky fucker.
Because they emphasize the buttocks.
What the fuck am I fapping to
Wow, her having only four fingers looks really bad in that pic
No /d/orses please.
This is why I mostly only read manga with official releases or from a decent translator (like Hox). The vast majority of fan translations are absolute garbage
There are a few good scanlators who are better than professionals because of autistic devotion AND common sense. Unfortunately they only work on things that interest them specifically and a lot of good shit remains fucked.
I agree with all your points, but their could stil turnout that Hakenburg is a liar/tactitian traitor type.
Get in line, user-kun.
I'm afraid of Momo and Fuu's safety...
T-they will be okay...They will survive, w-won't they, Sup Forums?
I would really really like that twist
>Implying that liking HxH = shit taste in a HxH general
Fuck off Miriofag
What's the peak of HxH so far?
liking the anime is shit taste
Board games between a blind, snot-nosed brat and an ant.
Still a better love-story than Twilight.
having only 4 fingers always looks bad
Chimera Ants