This is your demon king for tonight

This is your demon king for tonight.

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Demon papa lookin swole.

Shame all 3 of his sons have flawed swag

That swords design is ass.
What was Nakaba thinking?

The sword looks retarded. The mangaka tried way too hard.

nice sword faget

Manga and anime need more end bosses with beards.

Holy shit

Man, it's a shame I can't bring myself to care about Nanatsu no Taizai.

I fucking love Nakaba's art.

That's a big demon

desu, I thought he was going to look more abstract. I'm in no way disappointed though.

post the Supreme Goddess

Okay THIS is straight up Gwyn.


I think this looks so fantastic

Where's its $#&*&@ head? This whole thing's stupid.

>Where's its $#&*&@ head?
Hidden behind it's blinding divinity, also
Fuck off.

I wonder if Mel, Estarossa and Zel ever sat on their papa's lap while would tell them stories of when he butchered goddesses

for u

is the chapter out yet?

That looks like some kind of Dragon tooth. Maybe papa needed a weapon and just butchered an indura.

is this seven deadly sins?


Who is the demons blacksmith? That sword seems pretty damn huge. Also, when will they tell us who made the sacred weapons of the sins?

looks like final fantasy

What else would it be?

Probably took DS3 for inspiration.


Not that I don't like the design, but it looks more like an Odin then a Demon King.

We know a little bit about some of them.

Chastiefol comes from the sacred tree in the fairy forest.

Lostvayne is a demon sword, so it's likely it's from the demon realm.

Gideon is almost certainly made by a giant.

As for courechouse, aldan, herrit and rhitta - we don't really know.

Why are the korean scans take so much time? It's usualy out by now.

The Saturday guy got arrested or some shit, so it's Mondays again.

What are the chances of the anime adaption making this look appropriately majestic?

Fairy tail got its Korean scan yesterday though

Is this worth reading?


Read it up to a big reveal then re-read to pick up all the stuff before you go on

If you're not averse to shounen battle mango and have penchant for medieval fantasy or arthurian fantasy in particular, chances are you'll enjoy the ride. It helps that Suzuki is a pretty damn good mangaka and knows how to illustrate a story.

Reminds me of Disciples art

Am I the only one who likes the sword? It looks like its meant to rip and ear while being as painful as possible

It has a very accessible, western flavour to it
Korean scans, finally.

look at berserk.

My nigga

Well, Bleach has a final villain who had a beardstache.

That panel that's the wide angle on the mesa is awesome.

I don't think NNT gets anywhere near the recognition it deserves.

NNT is ltierally in top 10 of best selling mangas in current year, how on earth is it "not getting enough recognition"?

more threads on Sup Forums senpai

>dark souls invented curved swords

So her dead body doesn't revert into a baby, but there is always a baby conveniently born at the same time in the area. In this case, it's pretty easy to get rid of the curse: Mel just needs to kill everyone on the planet, then Eli can't reincarnate anymore.

>-_- le condescending face

I can only imagine how good it would feel to stomp on your balls

How does this image make you feel?

I can't without going blind.

There's tons of discussion on other sites, you know. Most of the fanbase left Sup Forums.

Escanor isn't big enough

Wondering why escanor is Freddie mercy

I wish that the mangaka could draw nearly as good as this.

Human eyes aren't worthy enough to look upon this majestic work of art.

>that Gowther

Never mind Gowther

Hawk is nightmare fuel

its not even like the sword! its more like a fucking final fantasy level class huge ass fucking cleaver to chop humans, its like "HOLY SHIT" level of awesome, we need more final bosses who could honor the classical "Demon King" roles, such daddy deserves a MILF so here we go.

How long until the inevitable redesign?

i guess it was not as hyped in western masses, with most bunch in youtube whining about sao, i mean a lot of good shown deserved more attention, Re Zero, Seven Deadly Sins, Erased.

The Demon King was a loli all along.

oh my god its donte from dmc

That's technically King as Glox

Still, he was clearly more feminine before. Same with Balor that went from a creepy monster to a hot dude with multiple arms.

You are in the boar hat and this dude just comes in and curses your gf ass for all eternity.
What is your reaction?

oh my lord, made me laugh hard and then I saw Diane, Hork and Elaine. My sides are gone now

Reminder that Best Boy's dad soloed him and brainwashed the Supreme Goddess.

Probably the parents just killed eachother after kiling each others kids. Then Gowther papa brainwashed everyone.
Looks like when Mel got up, the war was already over, so how come Eli's blood is still needed for the Coffin if she didn't do the sealing?

Literally Negative 100%

What if Mel and Liz are actually sister and brother?

Lol, lolicons were mad as hell at this reveal

It actually looks good. But where the fuck is Escanor.

>flying king
This is could actually turn out to be a fun game

I saw Ban vs Merlin, and Gil vs Guila. Probably every major character from the first arc will be playable. That's good. But no Escanor yet.

On vacation?

Since it says it will somehow follow the anime, and there are no indication of Commandments yet, I guess we won't have Escanor. Should have just called it 'The Six Deadly Sins' and call the next game, based on S2, the Seven Deadly Sins.

The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia is coming to the West as well. Great!
See trailer Just as the trailer says, the footage is still in development so it can look even better on release.

Fairy King Harlequin vs King Arthur

Twigo getting fucked.

Wrong screenshot. Those were fodder knights.




Amazing view and scenery desu. Can't wait to see the end project, definitely thought it would look worse.


The band together

>Wrong screenshot. Those were fodder knights.
As if Twigo isn't fodder.

If Arthur is playable, will Nakaba be crazy enough to reveal his power in the game, so he can have a cool ability as well?

This is fantastic.

No, they will add random red lightning to his attacks like they did with shanks

looks like some 3D hentai desu

Not a single accurate depiction of a shota, F-

Reminder that Elizabeth is literally perfect and the best girl anyone could wish for.

Did it become decent yet or is it same? I remember I dropped it at around 180, cause Meliodas, or however you spell, was really annoying and shit. And only read til then due to Escanor and Estarosa.

Ayla Elizabeth was perfect.
Not so much.

Every Elizabeth is great.

Meliodas is one of the best written characters. Sucks that normie's like you can't enjoy him because "he touches boobies xP"

We just got a compelling explanation on why he is annoying. He is much more bearable in retrospect.
