At least witches with guns will stay free from Netflix's ruinous touch.
Little Witch Academia
Other urls found in this thread:
Should these threads be stopped before they devolve into autism central?
Wasn't it always autism central?
I think it's too late for that
New Kengo
Why did the thread from an hour ago get deleted?
Season 2:
-Luna Nova murder mystery John Carpenter style
-Akko becomes a teacher, taking on a dragon familiar, who's journey is frustratingly similar to Akko's
-Lotte spiritual adventure
-Sucy adventure
-magic roadtrip
What, is it not coming to netflix?
They already are.
it's perfect
Wait are you serious? i didn't get that far on the dub for obvious reasons.
Yeah, they will have to reword a lot of shit in the later episodes to make it work with this awkward translation.
Much more work than just doing it properly right away
How is it even possible to fuck up this bad?
I suggest we take this as a different timeline, we shit on Netflix's LWA (Because it fucking sucks) but keep the normal intact.
And then pepople say that a bad dub/sub can't ruin a series, morons
Absolutely no idea. Maybe it was OP who posted all the lewd stuff that got nuked by the mod and the mod just deleted by IP rather than by individual post?
Holy shit this is reaching duwang levels of translation
tfw I have to fill the void for both shows now and summer season sucks
>an young witch
Jesus Netflix!Chariot, i know you're bitter because she's the new holder of the rod but you didn't have to go that far I retarded? I thought all that was on netflix was the OVA's? I haven't checked in a while though.
man, can you imagine how badly that would have fucked up Akko?
>official BDs just copy fansubs
>Netflix hires professional JP>Eng translators that don't actually know English
What if they're actually making chariot some kind of douchebag?
wait is serious that the official BDs copy the fansubs? i've read it a couple times already, but then others say it's just meme.
So, is it true or not?
Ursula you bitch!
That's not how it's on netflix.
The dub goes
>return here in the future...after you've learned a bit more of course
which is really bad tonally, but doesn't misinterpret the intention.
I think it sorta changes the meaning of her going back and trying again, too.
Oh fuck me
Shit, an arrogant and condescening Ursula actually sounds hot.
That one's not so bad.
Damn it's good.
You say that as though it's undesirable.
Yeah it's not bad but the original translation is still best.
Confident Croix and asshole Chariot adventures when?
Holy shit.
He's not doing what the netflix translations literally says, but rather how the tone comes through.
Can anyone dump the rest of these images? I've got four of them but I'm still missing a few.
>she'll never ruffle your hair and tell you to believe in yourself
You're not Chariot.
Added 1st cour yesterday.
Not soon enough.
user, no one will ever do that for you let alone an autistic witch.
Can any germanfags tell me how bad the german dub is?
Better or worse than english?
Hot Pockets-kun hates LWA.
Good. How would I marry her if I am her?
reality is so cruel
So are people only bitching about the dubs or are the subs shit too?
Netflix subs are shit too.
The BD subs are good though.
actually we are mostly shitting on the subs
Both. It depends on the language, though.
Well shit. Was recommending it to people but now that I know that I'll tell them to watch elsewhere
Netflix is still the better option because it getting more views there is better for Trigger.
We keep complaining but it's probably only Sup Forumsutists who are bothered by it.
hanna and barbara are literally wife tier
more so than the rest of the girls of little slut academia
Nah, I've seen people outside of Sup Forums talking about it too.
Next time we see Tattun we should just tell him to give the BD subs to Netflix.
So there's French English Spanish Italian dubs for LWA but not even English for wan panch? fucking trash
this video sounds like a bunch of 4channers
Uhh Netflix, you know the whole "Chariot was evil" meme isn't true right. She isn't evil.
It's similar, but not entirely identical
Opening 5 minutes of episode 1:
Welcome to the Land of Magic!
Reach out and let it begin!
Your very own story!
Never forget!
A believing heart... your magic.
I'm finally here!
This is where the greatest witch, Shiny Chariot studied!
This is where I'll become a witch!
Hello there!
Where can I find the bus stop for Luna Nova?
It's the school Shiny Chariot attended!
Where can I catch the bus?
Hey there, got a second?
There's supposed to be a bus stop around here.
This town has no bus stops.
That's strange.
The map does say there's a terminal...
Wish the map wasn't so vague.
How am I supposed to...
Is this yours?
Are you a new student, too?
Heading to the entrance ceremony as well?
I was a bit scared of going here on my own.
I'm Akko!
I've wanted to be a witch since I saw Shiny Chariot's show!
In fact, it's my destiny!
You know Shiny Chariot, right?
Look, a rare card of Chariot! It's my treasure!
She's famous in the magic world, right?
Where I'm from, nobody really seems to care...
Welcome to the Land of Magic!
Reach out, and it will begin!
Your very own story!
Never forget.
A believing heart is your magic.
I've finally made it! This is the holy land the world's greatest witch, Shiny Chariot, grew up in!
This is where I'll become a witch!
Hi there!
Could you tell me where the bus stop for Luna Nova is?
It's the school Shiny Chariot went to!
Do you know where I can catch the bus to Luna Nova?
Hey there, got a sec? I'm looking for a bus stop around here.
We don't have any buses in this town.
That's weird...
It does say there's a terminal here...
But seriously, this map's way too vague.
How am I supposed to find my way with it?
Is this yours?
Are you entering Luna Nova too?
Heading to the matriculation ceremony now?
I was feeling kind of lonely about heading to the witch academy all alone.
I'm Akko! Ever since I saw Shiny Chariot's magic show when I was six, it's been my dream to become a witch!
Or more like, that's when my fate was decided?
You must know who Shiny Chariot is!
Look, a rare card of Chariot. It's my treasure!
I'm sure they love Chariot in the magic world.
Where I'm from, nobody else really seems to care...
Did they fuck?
Are these two gay?
They've been since day one, you mong.
Everyone is gay in LWA
most likely not
It already has
More like how much?
Even Chumlee?
All christmas break long.
no, that's gross. only lesbians allowed
It's far worse, user. Duwang was actually accurate for the most part, it was just that the Chinese can't into English.
Changing believing heart makes no narrative sense in episodes 23 or 25. What is Diana going to tell Akko? What is the Chariot going to te the people in the world?
Jesus chariot how much of her YAY do you need to take?
>got BD volume 1-3 from ebay
>pre-ordered 4 from cdjapan
>just found out about all volume pre-order bonus'
I-I'll be able to buy the premium chariot card r-right, anons? ;-;
they just leave those parts untranslated
Continuation on the chart, episode 17 added.
sorry for the delay!
Milf Sucy when?
>a believing heart is your magic
>believe in yourself, that is your magic
and there are people who think dubs are passable.
They're there right now, already. I told some loser to fuck off in a thread awhile back and he spassed out, got banned then the whole thread was deleted.
You basically deserve to be relegated to /trash/ right now. Though I think a lot of you would like that.
If you want full autism /lwag/ filled with lewds and greens would be your end game.
If you don't want that you need to at least take a break from this.
That phase was always a Gurren Lagann ripoff anyway
done collecting episode 18 frames, it was a goldmine so this is going go take a moment
Most people here are from tumblr
Only tumblrites think that.
How can you tell for sure?
Getting triggerd enough to delete a whole thread, constant delusion about characters being gay
Went through the Netflix version aswell:
Welcome to the land of magic!
Reach out...
and your story will begin.
Don't forget.
It's your belief in yourself that makes up your magic.
I'm finally here.
The place where the worlds best witch, Shiny Chariot, learned her skill.
I am going to become a witch here!
Do you know which bus goes to Luna Nova Witchcraft Academy?
The school that Shiny Chariot attended
Do you know which bus goes to Luna Nova Witchcraft Academy?
Hey, do you know where the bust station is around here
There is no bus station in this town
That's weird.
It does say there's a bus stop
this map is not precise
how can i find anything
I found it! I found it!
I'm sorry.
is this yours?
are you a new student at Luna Nova?
are you on your way to the orientation
All right!
I was little apprehensive about going to Luna Nova all by myself
I'm Akko!
When I was six years old, I saw a magic show by Shiny Chariot,
and becoming a witch has been my dream ever since.
Or I should say it's my fate, way beyond a dream.
You know Shiny Chariot, right?
See? This is a very rare card of Chariot.
It's my treasure.
In the magic world, Chariot is amazing.
But there aren't many fans of her near me.