new things you have learned thanks to anime
Anime Life Lessons and wisdoms
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"and if they don't, there's the electrified beams between skyscrapers"
Not a life lesson but still worthy.
thanks Trigger
A fake can be as beautiful as the real thing.
This shit scares me more than anything.
When my mother discovered she had cancer she also said to me: "I dont want to die, my life hasn't even started, yet. I only worked my job."
That was near pension.
I always wonder why most people have such a difficult time grasping simple facts.
This dude has a point
admitting that are wasting your life is a REALLY difficult thing to do for most people.
This, even me thinking I shat the bed pretty bad and won't ever do something good of my time on Earth, I'm quite sure that I'll still manage to regret new stuff when I'll get a cancer or some shit.
Jacking it to questionable content, watching anime and building my models is enough for me. It sucks that I have to work though.
No wonder they waste their life if they can't even achieve self objectivity.
If I were to die tomorrow, I would think, "Well, it was kinda short, but at least it was weird as hell, and kinda funny too. So... see ya space cowboys."
That's the point user, it's not about doing what you want to do but about all the shit that you CAN or SHOULD be doing instead of being a worthless piece of shit.
Lucky you I guess.
I'm not the type to regret things, I rarely regret anything but I think my own death could shake me.
adults are evil
Why? To get "respect"? I can get the same "respect" or better said the dopamine that results from that from beating video games. My brain doesn't know the difference.
I'd think different if i'd feel lonely but I'm actually ok with being single and having no friends. I forced myself in the past to "fit in" but it was too much of a hassle. I even had a gf but she got pissed all the time because she was way more social than I am. I'm way too lazy to change my life or "make something out of it". Whatever it means. My normie workmates watch TV all day or travel to other cities. I don't see them "living the dream". Living the dream would be fucking hot chicks all day and driving nice cars but I can't get that through hard work so why bother? Jacking it to a 9/10 does the same dopamine-wise.
I used to be a sad fuck but now I'm in my 30's and realized that there are millions like me who'd rather jack it for 5 minutes than to work their ass off to please others who'd only go near me if they can profit off of me. And that's the harsh reality that the people don't get. We are all just farts in the wind of time.
This is why I became a NEET for years.
Wasting your early able years slaving on education and work is such a scam. Many people don't live to see retirement and others don't live too much longer afterwards. The years I spent being a bum doing what made me happy is more than an unfortunate amount of people will ever see following the socially urged path.
It's now cool to learn the tried and true lessons in Trump's America.
This. Just look at how many NEETs in denial like me there are, quickly nearing 30s only to realize that it didn't take more than those few years to destroy the potential of your next 20 years.
You remind me of this video :
>it's not about doing what you want to do but about all the shit that you CAN or SHOULD be doing
You remind me of that idiotic officer in Lawrence of Arabia. There's a whole scene where he confronts an hedonistic war chief for leaving the party just because he got what he wants and rightly get shat on by pretty much everyone. The truth is, your life should be about doing what you want. It's stupid to do things you don't like or enjoy for the sake of things you don't want. No point in thinking about what you can or should do if that's not what you want to do either.
It's not hard to admit it, but it's hard to change it.
Yato cured my depression
I think I really take Haruhi's philosophy to heart on this one. Why be normal? Why do exactly the same crap that countless people have already done? I want to be me, I want to be able to say I've done things that no one else has. I want to die having lived my own life. I want to be weird and wild and wonderful. I want to be... me!
So my advice is to take the paths less traveled. Step out of your comfort zone. Get involved in things that don't involve you. Chase the white rabbits down into their holes. Worst that happens is you'll get a little dirty. With a little luck though, you might get to have some adventures of your own.
oh shit bro that's gud
I'd probably just regret dying before finishing my backlog
That's all I need
wow everyone is posting insightful stuff, i feel like a shallow person not being able think of anything
Also, don't forget to fuck all of your band mates except for the bassist
I still don't get that. Those people are living a live as valid as anyone else's.
Even people with family and good jobs want more money and wish for more.
That's not true, if lot of countries you can get the bare minimun to live just with goverment help.
Those who live in streets is because they have other problems, not because they have to live there.
Pretty much, the yakuza (or was it a businessman? I don't remember) is just assuming these guys want to be more than what they are. But some people aren't looking for purpose, some people don't care about doing something greater than themselves. They just want to have a good time while they're down here.
He's right about one thing though, if you wish for more and you behave like one of these guys, then you're wasting your life.
If you're happy with what you have, it's good, but those person were not, they basically procrastinated their all life, thinking that one day everything will magically change, but when they realize that it won't and that they wasted their life, it's too late
Don't be adult, Sup Forumsnon. Never grow up.
can someone post the chinchiro one?
There's a big difference between doing what you want and choosing no to do anything because you are a lazy shit.
Because you are right no one gives a fuck , the entire world doesn't care and doesn't know , you are gonna die and that's it , the eternal darkness, oblivion, so what the fuck is stopping you ?
If you don't wanna work in a shitty ass job , learn a skill and work on that , if you dont get laid pay for a whore or something who cares , nobody cares. But ACTIVELY avoiding responsability, self improvemnt or basic social interaction because of "muh social norms" it's the most cowardly thing you can do
The guy saying that is the biggest hypocrite in the series too.
>NEETs in denial
Some of us aren't in denial, we realize that we've "wasted" many years watching chinese cartoons, playing video games, masturbating and shitposting. We accept that we'll never amount to anything in society's eyes, and we simply don't give a fuck.
I admit that I have not had many of the social experiences that most people have had, but I have also seen and felt many things that many can't understand.
Could the average person truly comprehend things like the concept of being in love with a fictional character? The satisfaction of finishing a 52 episode show in a single sitting? The raw pleasure of jacking off to guro for six hours straight without feeling shame?
Every human being has a unique experience in life, and every single one of them has value. I think that we should all be free to pursue our own interests and desires so long as it doesn't infringe upon the freedom of others.
>I think that we should all be free to pursue our own interests and desires so long as it doesn't infringe upon the freedom of others.
Who cares what's "cowardly"? You think honor is going to make you live longer? It's just a concept used to make people feel better about getting trampled on and used as tools
What a fag.
The huge difference between a normalfag's life style and ours is that we don't know what we'll think about those years when we're 40, whereas spending time with your friends and such probably won't ever feel like wasted time for them
>ACTIVELY avoiding responsability, self improvemnt or basic social interaction because of "muh social norms"
I really don't see how that has anything to do with me or what I said. I don't think that's okay either.
This logic isn't even an answer.
But yeah living a shitty ass life and not do anything about it is a coward thing to do.
Sure, live like a fucking parasite if that's what makes you happy.
Hell, just stop feeding yourself and wait for anyone who still gives a damn to shovel that garbage into your mouth before they let you rot.
Just realize how easily you can be snuffed out when you live in a state of absolute dependency.
If everyone would do what they want, people would consider suicide soon, because there is no target or motivation left.
midlife-crisis isn't limited to people like us.
On the contrary, it mostly hits people with "fulfilling" normalfaq lifestyles.
Blogging isn't anime or manga.
Why are you so upset that people don't care about the things you do?
Contempt is the word.
I don't care, and neither does anyone else.
Have fun dying ungrieved because you never existed as anything more than a burden.
I've done both and honestly I don't make a difference between those or even think about it at all. Past fun is in the past. Whether that's fun with friends or fun by yourself.
>et shat on by pretty much everyone. The truth is, your life should be about doing what you want. It's stupid to do things you don't like or enjoy for the sake of things you don't want. No point in thinking about what you can or should do if that's not what you want to do either.
you are right , you didn't say that, i guess that it was just me sperging out , but i stand by that point thought.
Shouldn't OP be banned? I'm pretty sure those girls did nudity while still underage, and OP is basically forcing us to look them up against our wills
Anime about blogging when ?
I didn't look them up because I'm not cancer.
And then he undermined his whole point by fucking the ojousama.
>Caring what people will think of you when you're dead
What's the next step ? Doing a job you hate so that your dad can be proud of you ?
It's possible to live for yourself while not being a burden, user
In fact there is a manga a bout a girl that tweets and blogs about action movies and shit... can't remember the name thought.
You have never met a 30+ year old normie whos wife of 7-11 years just left him childless and alone. Only pair activities for almost all those years.
no kids, and if he want to try the family route again he be looking at like 35, which is quite old.
Not if your lifestyle is doing FUCKING NOTHING ALL OF THE TIME.
But hey, who am I to argue with all of the family issues that radiate off your posts?
No one is telling you to do those things , it's just you with this preconcieved notion that doing shit with your life is bad.
Why do you want to make people sad?
If I were to die tomorrow I'd probably try and spend most of my left time time sleeping, so it'd came faster.
Well either that or kidnap and rape a prepubescent girl honeslty but that seems dififcult to do.
The socially accepted path has the nice side effect of keeping you alive though. Did you manage to pay for yourself with odd jobs, or were you depending on the generosity of your family? What about now?
>doing nothing all the time
Just cause it's nothing for you doesn't mean it is not for other people, you're just trying to force your point of view of what a fullfilling life is on us
Honestly, I'm just trying to fill the void until I'm brave enough to off myself. And deep down I know that time won't ever come.
>and if he want to try the family route again he be looking at like
>35, which is quite old
Are you for real user? Many men start families at 50 years old. If anyone wasted their time in that marriage, it's his wife who probably won't be able to start a family at all because she wasted time with that guy.
Get off your ass and find a psychologist, a friend, or a church to talk about it.
I think it'd refer to what would be fulfilling to each individual. not necessarily conforming to any norm.
If it doesn't allow you to live by your own means then it is by every practical measure FUCKING NOTHING.
And I don't give two shits what you ingrates do with yourselves. I'm just here to denigrate other people for fun.
This is the kind of comment that gets you put on a list, user.
NSA is watching.
How convenient
I wouldn't bother if I were you, but my experiences with suicide are straight up /x/ material.
You'll die some day regardless, so just make the best of it until that time comes.
Fuck I really don't want to read stuff like this
t. 34yo NEET
>But ACTIVELY avoiding responsability, self improvemnt or basic social interaction because of "muh social norms" it's the most cowardly thing you can do
I don't avoid those things because I picture myself as a rebel agaisnt society.
I avoid those things because honestly I don't give a shit about anyone, I don't give a shit about myself either, and it's enough for me to have a shitty job that's jsut enough to pay for my expenses. I don't even need that much money because I live very frugally, internet being just about my only luxury.
I don't want ot meet a woman and have kids because I think living life as part of some family sueprorganism would eb a hassle. I like to control 100% of my tiem and money. Not being interested in meeting women leaves me with no particualr urge to live a social life.
It's not cowardice and it's not rebellious teen spirit that I never grew out of, though I wondered myself if it was both. People don't interest me, work is a necessary evil and modenr society gives me enough easy distractions that I cna keep at an admittedly empty lifestyle without getting too depressed about it. It's that simple.
Now you might not agree with most of what I said and you'd probably kill yourself if you were forced into my shoes. I know that there's more ambitious people that people like me. But honestly what makes you buttmad about it? We're not imposing on you and in fact if you live the life that you are preaching you'll probably never meet someone like us, and if you do we fade in the background soon enough.
I know right , bugged life mechanics.
The real difference is that normalfags think their lifes have meaning, while we know that ours don't.
We're depressed all the time, they suddenly fall into a pit of depression once they recognize they've been working a job they don't like for 20 years and are now too old to do anything.
>If it doesn't allow you to live by your own
Not sure why you keep saying that, you can work an easy job then go home and order your loli doujin
For me?
Sure. I get to have a good time at your expense and come out just fine.
You're stuck in your insect like existence.
>You'll die some day regardless, so just make the best of it until that time comes.
Eh, I think about that too sometimes. But its not really that fun. I think I entertained myself enough with this life.
Why ?
Let them watch, that's just how I talk but I've never done anything illegal.
>my experiences with suicide are straight up /x/ material.
This got me curious, what do you mean?
Don't do it, not because of any shitty feelygoody reason but because suicide is hard. If you have to do it about the only surefire method is throwing yourself from a tall enough building to accelerate to terminal velocity, but of course that'd be a terifying experience. Even throwing yourself under a train would only have a 95% success rate. You think your life is shitty now? Imagine living it as a cripple on suicide watch.
How ironic
Remember how we were talking about NEETS, user?
It seems like you don't.
>at your expense
Hey, I don't care and you're happy, seems good to me, friend
Loli is illegal in most parts of the U.S.
If you have any of that on your computer good luck with the party van.
What is a "real life" even supposed to be? Having kids, a nice house in the burbs and travelling every 3 months?