Kaguya v6

The slut got the cover.
Raws when?

Even Stalker-chan is on the cover, suffering like always.

For some reason her dead eyes look less funny in color.

Poor stalker-chan


>the slut
>not Ishigami
Goddammit. She's even making stalker-chan suffer.

Well, that's better than Miko at least...

You're fooling yourself if you think Miko isn't getting the v7 cover.

Miko showed in Volume 7, so

Inb4 this volume drop in sales because of her.

>hating on miko

Weird, I knew it would happen at some point, but she doesn't even appear in this volume.
Oh well, Ishigami cover when ?

Guys can only appear in the cover when there is also a girl in it, so it's either Fuji or Miko.

Since when do we like Miko? I'm reading this manga only for prez-kaguya games and Fuji/Ishigami interrupting them. I don't think Miko is needed here, if she won't end up with Ishigami, and she won't because Ishigami will be with Fujiwara.

>Since when do we like Miko?
Since the election, user.

I don't mind Miko as long as she doesn't create anymore drama.

There is no problem with a couple more characters for some change of pace. Also Miko isn't as much of a hardass anymore since seeing the light aka Myu.

>Since when do we like Miko?
Since never.

Makes sense, there's no other character for him to do on those chapters except a repeat of the ones that already appeared. I think Miko's way too recent, but she's a volume 7 for sure
Tough luck for Ishigami I suppose, and I expect a Moeha or Fujiwara-nee focused chapter within the next weeks or else aka would have to introduce a new character for v8

And people say this isn't Nisekoi.

And people are right.

He might introduce a new character soon anyway, we still need one more member for the stuco considering the 3rd years will leave the school.

How are they're right when the author has to make new waifubait characters every few volumes?

Because so far none of them are love interest, do you seriously expect it to be the same cast throughout the entire manga?

It worked for Tomo-chan.

And it's also a lot worse than Kaguya, color me surprised.

Please, tell me you are baiting for replies.

Not really, I'm just worried of this editor's demand for a new girl every cover. It will make the manga shittier if this continues.

Ishigami will be on the cover with Miko

We had prez/Kaguya on vol.5. Not exactly new characters and one of them is a guy.

>just because the girls in the cover didn't repeat means it will turn to shit

Only will happen if Miko and Ishigami are a thing. We haven't even see them interacting in the Student Council yet. For all we know, Aka might pull a bait a switch.

Ishigami's cover should be him despairing while Kaguya is in murder mode behind him.

More characters in a romcom is never a good thing. See Hayate no Gotoku.

That'll give the wrong impression to first timers. Not the horror, the thought that Kaguya's yandere for Ishigami and not prez

>Introduces one cute girl after seven volumes.
>Totally justified in her introduction, with almost one volume dedicated to her dynamics with the rest of the SC.
>We don't even know if she'd fall for anyone at this point, fuel being flamed by baseless accusations from shitposters.
>Nisekoi had more than five at this point, barely fleshed and all fell for the MC's dick with no explanation, not to mention tons of side girls who were there only to look cute.
Vol 7 Miko
Vol 8 Crossdressing Ishigami
Vol 9 Iceguya/Bakaguya.
Vol 10 onwards Stalker-chan? Fujiwara family? Glasses? We still have girls if you're that desperate to find them.
Hayate had already thrice the characters Kaguya had at this point. On the other hand, so did School Rumble. It's a matter of whether the author can handle the increase of characters. And introducing one character every three or four volumes isn't overwhelming at all.

bakaguya/iceguya already appeared, volume 1 and 5
Moeha though... yeah Moeha wuold make sense. Maybe we'll get a Kei chapter featuring herself and her dungeon mistress soon

Remind me again how many characters Kaguya has compared to to Hayate no Gotoku.

You need new character now and then or otherwise this will turn into a 4koma level of plot.

Isn't her boyfriend looks a little bit too alpha?

This. If you don't add any new characters, either it survives by turning it into a gag manga forsaking any of the development or introducing needless drama by making someone act like a retard.

Also regarding Miko, Aka's introduction was beautifully executed, not intrusive at all.

He´s just trying to look alpha because Kashiwagi told him to change his style. I do admit he´s quite the douche now though.

Fucking like rabbits would do that to a boy.

I hate this meme
No evidence they fucked, aka wouldn't make this manga that lewd

>Vol 8 Crossdressing Ishigami
i am ready.

Yeah, it was great. I admit I didn't care for her at first, but Aka did a great job turning it around in just 5 chapters. Now I can't wait to see her interact with everyone. And it's definitely not forced- of course there had to be an opponent in the election, and the two open slots were teased a long time ago. If Aka really wanted to add unnecessary characters, he would have had more opponents who wouldn't join the main cast- plus it's very likely we'll get an existing character for the last council position when he has every excuse to make another new one.

Agreed. It was literally a prank, and it's annoying to see her great interactions with the main two get drowned out by the slut meme. She's actually a great character when you stop focusing on stuff you made up. Considering she's by far the most likely candidate for the final coincidence slot, hopefully people will get over it with her increased appearances.

Sorry, council, not coincidence.

Does this look like a face of a pure maiden?

they rused you boi, they rused you good
how cute

Not even memeing, but explain further.


>Not only did Stalker get NTR'd, she also has to see her crush get corrupted into becoming a Chad

The fuck?

I like it

Reversing that overused trope is a good idea.

Cute butt. No homo.


>That butt


Holy shit. OTP.

Kill yourself

i bet Stalker-chan is actually a lesbian and Slut is her target...


Does she like it or she teasing him. This is important

Fuck that would be amazing



Please be a thing. Female NTR is the greatest shit ever.

>so thirsty she literally thinks of ways to pull down his pants

Miko x Ishigame when?

Some day, probably.

>mfw Miko will be the one to pull that off

We will get teased with MikoIshi and Fujishi until we don't know what we want.



I know really well what I want, and Fuji doenst deserve happiness

maximum overlewd
we need haysaca for an infusion of purity into this debauchery

Why not prez right there?

So Subject F his weakness?


Apparently Kaguya can't even contain it anymore after seeing prez on stage (plus built up lust from fireworks and stargazing). How long until she snaps?

>miko will pull a fireworks chapter to confess to ourboy

Remember my words

>Why not pres right there ?
Do you want Kaguya to die ?

Actually that wouldn't be bad.


Thursday is so far away

You mark my words some user's gonna snap and start translating with poor scans
Cue translator drama, goodbye kaguya thursday

There are plenty of anime and manga that can be use to pass the time.

Someone did that before, except he just posted the raw page and used greentext instead of typesetting anything.

>midget admire Subject F
>think Subject F and Yuyu is secretly dating
>love triangle(sort of) ensues

Why would Jag be butthurt about it? He wouldn't do that, right?


10/10 would read

>Redeeming itself from its failure as a romantic comedy to show any boobs or panty shots!
i love you aka

Miko -> Fuji -> Ishi -> Miko ?

>Order and Chaos
It will be a battle of the century.

Thus, Yu Ishigami Closed His Eyes, "Part 2" when?

>panty shots
Those are manly briefs user. Not that a little girl like you would know.

Holy shit Kaguya control yourself.

Yu Ishigami Closed His Eyes part 2 will be when he closes his eyes to kiss Me

No, seriously. I don't get it.

You mean me.

I think he'd be fine with it as long as no one starts to typeset the poor quality scans.
Even then he'd probably quit rather than stir up drama, because why do a job when someone else is doing it for you.

>Jag quits after getting sniped
>sniper stops translating chapters afterwards

/u/ pls go and stay go.