White nationalists are degenrates

nationalists, specially white/european nationalists are the cause of every problem in this world, if it werent for them we would utilizing the the resources that the earth has given to us in a better way, what the nationalists fail to understand is that every race is capable of achieving a particular task under certain circumstances, time and resources.

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Well said comrade.


Fuera yanquis.

> what the nationalists fail to understand is that every race is capable of achieving a particular task under certain circumstances, time and resources.

AYO DAS RIIIIIIIIIITE! We'd be landing on Mars if whitey didn't hold us down n sheeit


Look buddy, we aren't going to budge on this. So why don't you join us instead so you can reach communism faster. An all European/Asian communist world with no race mixing.

uhmmm...nope you dont...

>cause of every problem
Weak bait commie

You don't love your country?
Were you bullied as a child?

It is claimed that Marx gave to the field of human sciences a theoretical approach comparable in his method to which Darwin would have given to evolutionary biology. In the same way Darwin described the laws of organisms developement, Marx would have described the laws of Human Development. This is of course wrong. Popper in his book The Open society against his enemies had shown it clearly: it is impossible to distinguish the Marxist approach from his followers who transformed his system into a dogmatic, unfalsifiable system ; that is to say, an unscientific one.

From the moment Marx identifies in a purely arbitrary way the Messianic dialectic of the Hegelian Absolute Spirit proceeding by synthesis of successive negations to the equally messianic one of Capital through which a materialistic theodicy (the class struggle) develops, necessarily leading to "a class that ends all other classes", the latter will look at his material not with a theory whose status is to be falsifiable by the facts, but indeed, in a good German philosopher, with an infalsifiable and gnostic prejudice on what is the essence of reality. The Darwinian approach to things had nothing to do with it.

Marx's secular revelation did not come to him from an analysis of data by the yardstick of a falsifiable theory, but from a principle petition which translated into socio-economic terms the crypto-theological and arbitrary concepts of Hegelian Idea, of Schellingian Absolute, and Fichtean Ego attributed to God.

All of this three concepts postulate ex cathedra and unverifiable way that a priori reasonings can be revealed as synthetic truths on both the nature of the universe and our place within it (strict definition of Gnosticism that Voegelin very aptly identified in Marx).

Marx in his narcissism wanted to be the 4th German Gnostic in the strict continuity of the three precedents, confirming the enterprise of Feuerbach which replaced God by Man, thus prolonged in Man the divine attributes.

As a result, the purpose of all subsequent investigations conducted by Marx was not to test his theory in contact with the empirical elements, and consequently to abandon or amend if necessary certain elements of his schema of explanation, but accumulate a carefully chosen empirical and persuasive support to validate it (cherry-picking), abandoning or rejecting anything that might contradict it. Darwin in contrast will always qualify his theory of species of "sketches" (sketch), which will naturally lead him to recognize "recalcitrant facts as constitutive difficulties".

In no place in the whole of Marx's work, on the other hand, arises any doubts or elements capable of amending or correcting certain affirmations of the Marxist schema of explanation. Marx has consistently refused, as Schwartzchild quite rightly pointed out, to produce a clear, complete, definitive and therefore possibly falsifiable summary of his views. What Darwin did with honesty. But Marx was dishonest.

The only good globalist is a dead globalist

When we see the amount of theoretical material that is totally discredited in Marx's correspondences (in this case, dated and outdated data muddies), it is disturbing to imagine how much worse the parties that Engels confessed to have systematically burned. after the death of his comrade.

The following 4 sentences endorse a necessary and sufficient indication of bad scientific faith:

"I took the risk of prognosticating things this way, as I had to substitute myself for you as a correspondent to the Tribune ... I may be discredited. But in this case, it will always be possible to overcome this with the help of a little dialectic. It goes without saying that I formulated my thoughts so as to prove that I was also right about the opposite case."

The Marxist dialectic is therefore essentially Pilpoul, that is to say, a discourse technique of typically Hebrew bullshitting: huffingtonpost.com/david-shasha/what-is-pilpul-and-why- on_b_507522.html

Good goy

So by "degenerate" you basically mean "someone I don't like"?

commies are ALL gay prove me wrong.
Pro tip: you cant




sage all communist threads
don't reply to communist posters




No one wants to be a communist faggot. Thanks for giving me a chance to dump my memeballs tho

last one... maybe

see ya faggot


nationalist can't be just white, it's bullshit.

>every race is capable of achieving a particular task under certain circumstances, time and resources.

And that involves involuntary work at labor camps and other state ran functions.

soviet union was white nationalist

Bait post by meme flag, don't reply