What genitalia does this character have?


This character is boobs.

He is a male but later on the story becomes boobs


both, none, boobs

It is a boobs.

Isn't Hajime embarrassed now that Katze is following her everywhere and is able to see her naked?

A fnord

I don't think Hajime feels enough human emotions to feel embarrassed.

I wish I was Katze

What makes you think she lacks human emotions?

She only lacks NEGATIVE human emotions.

Pistil and stamens on its crotch so both but think more flowery than j-j-j-jam it in parts.

What's Katze's favorite color?

hajime colors

Why do Hajime and Katze pee outside so often?

Katze is lucky

He looks like a feminist/butch lesbian

Can't be denied.

This isn't true, I believe her chat bubble was almost constantly gray. Meaning she has negative thoughts and opinions, but chooses to not let them show or express them.

Not expressing negative thoughts make then positive.

Wasn't it grey because she wasn't influenced by her surroundings?

Don't apply logic.

Why did this show have such a large amount of gays?

If Katze was the one who absorbed Hajime inside his chest, would he have gotten boobs too?



Hajime is so cute. Awww! She needs all the protection and love from her boyfriend, Katze.

will forever be in hajime


Are Hajime's breasts heavy?

Lucky how?

No matter how heavy if she were in a swimming pool with the summer sun glistening on her wet slick hair her boobs would float.

He gets to live the rest of his life as boobs

With no fingers. That is hell.

This thread confuses me.

I'm confused to. Why does the girl in your picture have a fur scarf, long fingerless gloves, and a swimsuit on.

Because why not

i don't know
does a pretty good yamantaka eye impression though

More like a wig look.

Are you going to answer?

It's a pair of scissors.

Safety or real?


Ouch. Keep them away from me.

There are people who didn't drop the second season after a few episodes?
It was really bad and I will fight anyone who disagrees.