Who else is absolutely hyped?
Made in abyss
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Kinda weird seeing this obscure artist from as far back as the mid 00s now having their design as a TV series.
It must feel like a real accomplishment.
I'm most concerned about the pacing and censorship,but they must know what they're doing and stuff looks good,so yeah...
of what?
Of gore. The series acts cutely only to suprise viewer with its gory and ruthless nature.Kind of like Narutaru but not so extreme.
>edgy shit of the season
yeah no,guaranteed trash.
>Of gore.
Do you really think they'll show loli DFC and peaks of shota dick?
how many days will it take after EP1 until we see the Lord of Fluff in fully animated glory?
>shota dick
I hope
It'll be censored to hell and back
Wait for BDs you baby.
Does anyone honestly ever NOT do this with any anime that actually matters?
I'm getting major Tegami Bachi vibes from this. Would be correct in these feelings?
>it's yet another post of a tripfaggot espousing a stupid opinion
Color me surprised.
I wonder what the point is of censoring late night anime.
It's not like kids will be watching, and even if they are. My brother made me watch gore at the age of 6, they'll get over the nightmares.
Anyway, iirc Amazon doesn't censor. At least if i recall kabaneri correctly.
As usual, I'm watching like 90% of every season, then rewatch and storage BD raws for like 5-10 shows which turned out great. If something turns out fantastically I buy the BDs.
can't wait for fully animated and voiced NNAAA's
It's pretty great. I really liked the game Elebits, so I've been a fan of his since then.
I hope they give her some shots where she is properly fluffed up
*Goat noises*
Will Kinema Citrus die considering that Irie pursues other projects and Kaori got her own series at different studio? Who even remains?
I just caught up with the manga yesterday. Are there any relevant theories I should know about? I feel like this is a series that has lots of room for theorizing.
the abyss is a gigantic, hungry trap.
people are the real abyss.
the 2000-year catastrophe will happen in some time, sucking down orth into the first layer.
It'll look shit compared to the manga
This shit is pretty hardcore for a children manga.
Same goes for the Tsugumomo guy.
Will he be ok?
I want to eat the abyss.
On an unrelated note while I'm hyped for the anime I'm really scared of what the threads will become.
>people calling this manga edgy
the moments that just scream FUN & ADVENTURE do overweight the gory moments by far.
If this would be edgy, we would have seen stuff like [Papa Bondrewd's cooking show] or the operation on Riko's arm being needlessly drawn out on-screen.
the only purpose these instances of pain and misery serve is to deliver the point that the abyss is truly a dangerous place, and by extension what things it does to the human mind.
I never had the feeling that it is violent and gory just for the sake of shock value
Yes, it is children manga after all.
They can't really kill off little kids without any backlash nowadays.
The first show I ever picked up purely because of Sup Forums hype and not because it looked like my kind of thing was Kemono Friends, and I ended up enjoying that. This show will be the second, so hopefully I'll also like it.
he gets better quite fast. losing an arm wasnt that much of a handicap for him this far
Dont worry, there is a huge overlap for both of them. Pretty much the same fanbase.
that nanachi fursuit is a bit frightening desu
>read about premise
>sounds great
>watch PV2 (first result)
>art looks good
>shaping up to be great
>suddenly JPOP
>suddenly cutesy children
>suddenly furfag
I hope it just presents that way and pulls a Madoka later. This gives me hope.
I fucking hate viewers like you.
the feeling is mutual
>shotacon shit
Fuck you.
Kill yourself, I'm serious
People like you have to realize that there is 'little boy' and 'shota'. Underage male characters doing nothing 'sexy' ARE little boys. You rotten perv.
If by "children's manga" you mean "a manga starring children" then yes.
Are Ozen's tits also unmovable
Not quite, little boys in anime are still shotas just as little girls are lolis. The overt sexualization of them as well as the people who do so are respectively shotacons/lolicons, which is what the shitposter who posts that every thread is driving at. Not that I blame him anymore, persistently frequent threads that don't know how to take a hint deserve to catch some hell for it.
Why would you post in a thread for a manga you haven't even read?
Anyone else kind of worried about what kind of person Lyzz might be ? She spent 10 years alone and knowing full well she's never coming back, there's no way she'd still be sane.
I haven't read the manga but this looks cute and fun
How long until the suffering truly begins?
Oh you
I tought the same too user, boy, how wrong I was
please end yourself
Please die.
I sure got a lot of autistic screeching. What, specifically, about my post cause your autism episode this time, anons?
Where did you find this chapter translated ?
I find nothing past the chapter 27.
The gore is still mostly a set up for the cute parts. Like how Ozen is a genuinely trying to be a good person despite being so fucked up, or how Nanachi tries so hard to end her friend's suffering, while being fully aware she can't go on living without her.
>cancerous animefag has zero self-awareness.
Color me surprised.
Are chapters 33-41 going to get typesetted and added? I know the translations are in archives somewhere
>tsukushi asks the anime staff to make reg's nipples more prominent after the preview
>they comply
It's gonna be a wild ride.
Is this just mindless edgy like TG and Elfen Lied or there is a proper reason for the pain and suffering like Berserk? I won't watch if it's the former.
I believe they confirmed it would be a fateful adaptation. Also some people got to see the first three episodes or something and they all had really positive responses, mostly about the backgrounds and music being really good.
I've started reading it. you know Sup Forums, sometimes you got good taste. been loving the fuck out of it. how long is the anime going to be? 12?
Thanks for your help.
>proper reason for the pain and suffering
The abyss is a terrible place and people do terrible things because of that. Because of this the "edgiest" character so far has more sound motivations than the main protagonist.
However, we only know how the abyss works, not why-and that's likely to be the revelation at the end of the manga. Though it'd be hard for it to be worse than the idea of evil.
Nice uncensored spoilers you piece of shit.
Good. Hopefully animefags don't shit it up now
Reg is probably a Gatekeeper
The Abyss is inspired by the deep sea, that's all you need to know.
It's the former, don't watch it, now go away.
Soundtrack for this is going to be special.
> what the threads will become.
Shit, like with everything.
It begins quite soon but you should be aware that it doesn't just turn grimdark all of sudden. It still retains that adventurous feel, the kids remain kids, shit happens from time to time but it's not all fucked up.
The preview event screened only the first episode. People said it adapted first three chapters and basically all commenters mentioned that the show looks very pleasing. Better to not expect over-abundance of sakuga but it should be a nice-looking show.
> how long is the anime going to be?
Not officially confirmed at this point. But I think it will be single cour. Besides the manga having five volumes out, I don't think Kinema Citrus has currently enough human resources to manage two-cour project.
Made in Abyss-tards are already cancerous and the anime hasn't even aired yet
>implying you can make me read the manga
>implying you can stop me from watching the anime
>implying you can stop me from posting in discussion threads when the anime airs
See you in the threads, anons.
they going to play this on Mitty's funeral aren't they
Sounds interesting enough, picked up.
I hope so, it'd fit pretty well.
how is this allowed
why did this have to happen
>nanachi was bitten
no no no no no
no no no no no no no
no no no no no
It was a mercy kill
Do the fuck in the VN?
The price you must pay for Top Dad's SCIENCE.
left or right
I want to head pat all three.
Shut up. The insects didn't manage to get inside of her so who cares about some small bite
But what if they inject eggs through bites? Botfly eggs are transferred into humans via mosquito bites.
I feel the whole Nanachi "sight peeping" thing is going to bite them in the ass.
What if Bondrewd's mind is slowly overtaking Nanachi's?
What if Bondrewd was immortal? Oh wait, he is.
He's not really immortal. He can just divide his soul
I don't think the author would kill of Nanachi this early. She's too important.
>it's another dark and edgy suffering series
why can't this meme die
>Reading TLs in the archive
>Archive goes down
As long as he still has his praying hands aka zombies he'll be fine, I'd assume finding dead bodies or making is not really a hard thing for him. So yeah, I think he's pretty much immortal.
Did something happened to the ones in fireden? If you weren't using that already, search for mia toc there.
>Botfly eggs are transferred into humans via mosquito bites
w h a t
What would happen if i drained the ocean into the abyss?
I just checked the studio' past work, and I have doubt they'll be able to adapt the harsher scenes. They mostly worked on SOL.
You can't because simple logic doesn't apply to the Abyss, do you not remember the upside down waterfalls?
I'll never forget how they fucked up the end of Kuma Miko. But at least they know how to animate despair in a cute way.