Under what law

>under what law
The community where you live dictates the law. Obviously, his community didn't want to live and go to school with a shithead edgelord.

So basically you can be a crybaby community and fuck the laws and rules?
Basically the term "minorities" mean nothing now.

he wasnt kicked out for reporting a class mate, although it would be acceptable if he were. he was kicked out for all the other shit he said on social media. and being expelled from school has nothing to do with laws

In America, the people in charge are elected by the community so yes.

and nothing of value was lost

>people in charge
What about the constitution? Or do they change it every 4 years to suit them better?

>he was kicked out for all the other shit he said on social media.
Oh yeah because anti-white racists were ever expelled from schools -.-

why are you defending some faggot kid from reddit? you have to go back

This thread again.

This guy is obviously an enormous faggot

Because I am not some insecure faggot who identifies with one or the other "gang"
on the internet and I don't care where someone posts as long as they make sense.

the only dumb thing he did was that he was shitposting on reddit of all places. I'm pretty sure that he linked his account on google or even his number. If you ever want to be openly racist on the internet, at least remain anonymous

Because next, it will be revealing your 4chun poats to your work and government beneficiaries. Then who will give a fuck about some dumb Sup Forumstards. Definitely deserve to have a tire hung around your neck and burned alive. Becauae that is where this is going.

that’s why you maintain opsec and never announce your intentions to the world on social media

Frankly, I'm surprised that expulsion is all this fucking snitch got.

he's a dumbfuck who spills his beans on reddit while using a username linked from his e-mail or cellphone number. He deserved it

>never announce your intentions to the world on social media
Unless you are a left winged faggot and can literally say anything without reprecussions.

Well to be fair the guy also wrote fanfic about torturing immigrants, and just over all racist shit, that alone is enough to get you kicked out of school

good thing Im not american

Guy's a fucking moron for bragging on r/the_Donald like a dumbfuck, no matter how you look at it. Reporting his classmate silently wouldn't have affected his life at all, but in the world that is, sensible men are still beta af and looking for attention and orbiters.

This white boi is lucky he didn't get jail with a hefty dose of Diesel Therapy.

>the guy also wrote fanfic about torturing immigrants

Checked and correct.

Jesus what the fuck happened to Sup Forums...

Are you expecting Sup Forums defends a faggot from reddit?

>Mfw I was practicing good opsec in my early teens so none of my shit is in any way linked to anything in the public realm
Thank you, young me for being paranoid while every retard was posting their full info on their myspace page.

Mushroom Sauce please

Is there actually any proof this guy was kicked out of school?

The absolute state of the land of freedom

Snitches, stitches, etc

I've done a thorough analysis and I strongly believe he's a faggot.

Reported for hatespeech, bucko. International Hyper Police is on its way.

>under what law was he expelled
>schools are only governed by the law and not an internal set of rules and guidelines

Is that how polish schools work? Not shitposting, just asking

when would Sup Forums ever have defended this retard?

I think a lot of sites reported on this fact. I doubt they lied.

>pol actually says that about a white guy snitching on a illegal immigrant

Well it is the case indeed that schools here may have some internal sets of rules,
but they definately don't "argue" with general laws. Guy would never get expelled
if he reported an illegal here, but as someone said he was most likely expelled
for something else (but then again, some anti-white racists were not expelled before
but that's another story). First of all if you had an illegal here, all the school would want
to have him expelled with maybe 5% of them getting butthurt. that's how Poland works.

>What about the constitution? Or do they change it every 4 years to suit them better?

I’m not sure if this is a language or cultural barrier, I don’t think you have any idea how our school system works

w'eve seen this thread before. He should sue.
and we should /sage.

That poor churchwarden being misused by a millennial idiot. What a waste

Yeah, no one ever targets left wingers for harassment on the internet, that has never happened

>you can not even get your own fucking law into the works if it is unhandy for any minority and especially if it's used by a white person?
Yep, and this is why even the nicest whites here in the US are quickly turning into the coldest and cruelest as we move into 2018, myself included. When we rise up it's going to get really fucking ugly here. You ever wondered how someone could commit war crimes? This is how. It takes a lot to push whites over the edge, but once you do it we'll chimp out so fucking hard that the world stands back in shock and horror as we burn across the land, killing anything that raises so much as a hand against us.

Federal law trumps your feelings. If you don't want to follow federal laws, and no one will enforce them, then the people will. Every single one of you leftist fags will be shot as traitors. I will tear down the federal government of this nation to get at you. Fucking try me.

How much sheckels do (((THEY))) pay you? ;]

>they definately don't "argue" with general laws.

I still don’t understand your argument, are you saying that by expelling this student (for reporting a crime), you believe that the school is arguing against the crime? Did I follow that correctly?

I do it for hot pockets


Maybe "arguing" was not a good word for what I was trying to say.
I meant that if our schools have any internal, small "laws", those
laws don't jar (maybe that's a better word) with our federal laws.
But then again, someone said he was expelled not because
he "snitched" but because of his racist statements on
the internet. Which is still stupid but whatever.

And guess who will be the first to report you, that Dr*mpf fag with his gov't power and authority fetish. Literally sticking up for a snitch as a fight against authoritarianism, baka senpai.

This is bad. Quick let's get rid of our borders!!

He wouldn't win. Win you sign up to go to a school you basically waive many of your rights.
They can legally search your belongings without a warrant and kick you out for any reason are among them.
The guy was a fool for saying he did it

Yeah but what he did was fine.

He a good boy. Fuck off kike with your divide and conquer bs

>Jesus what the fuck happened to Sup Forums...
Sup Forums became hard left (antisemitic left though) after the election showed how easy you can manipulate imageboards.

DARPA, MK Ultra, etc.

How about if he didn't post it in social media like a cunt?

Got it. Thing is there would be no conflict here even if he was expelled just for the post in your OP. The kid was expelled for >>publicly bragging

His action was fine but his motive was reprehensible. He didn't try to get an illegal deported to improve the country, he did it to get a pat on the back from fellow redditards. Not to mention that he is stupid enough to oust himself which prevents him from snitching on other illegals. Silent subterfuge would have been a much better approach to his action - but alas he prioritized getting attention like the fucking douchebag he is.

your argument follows around eu laws
kys cuck

That's where your thinking is faulty. Harass? You are literally playing their game...
It's >muh harassment when it's "against" blacks and other minorities, even though
everything is right according to USA federal law, he basically followed the law,
is this harassment? No the fuck it isn't, believe me - if a female did that to a guy who
was supposedly a closed pedo or a rapist, bragged about it like he did, she would
be praised forever. Uncuck yourself.

If it is a public school you cannot legally be expelled for saying something. A school is a government entity and cannont deliver severe punishments such as expulsion over exercising your 1st amendment rights.

I would sue the school

He deserved it for being a famefag. Keep your mouth shut and try to do better next time faggot

Is he wrong though?

you can be right and be a fag
fuck off, this is just patently wrong

>>That guy who tried to get an undocumented classmate deported has been kicked out of his school
hmmm, I guess he won't be alt right anymore

He’ll find another school and he’ll get into college to gain the useless degree requirement for getting a decent job these days. Nobody will remember his name in two months’ time.

Teach your kids to practice anonymity.


Man, I love stories like that. Now and then, some "conservative" polack will suddenly wake up and find out that America isn't that shining beacon of democracy and traditional values anymore. It's funny how most europeans haven't noticed yet that America has become a cesspool of degeneracy, where feels over reals.

Why do these people love the images of Trump dressed in military style so much? He is a famous draft dodger lmao

yeah that was what i was saying basically

i hate reddit but that is the smugiest fucking face i've seen in while, i can't hate the kid


Because it looks cool, and adds to the whole 'God Emperor' moniker.

Thats grounds to sue the school.

Fuck off shill

This is how they work over here as well. Quite shocked this isn't the case everywhere in the first world.

No, Dmitri, I am not a KEKservative in the sense of what it means nowadays.
I value both alt-right and lefties at the same value, which is nigger-tier.
I know the truth about USA, I know it's the cesspool of degeneracy because
it was always meant to be that way because we know (((WHO))) rules over it.
I know that the picture that was presented to Poles for generation
of USA being our greatest ally is a farce and I knew (((WHO))) was behind
Drumpf for almost all the time he was made into a big player a few years back
(in the presidency race sense). And I hope you are not a soviet jewish scum
shilling here, but a true Russian and if that's the case I can understand you
being pissed off a the whole way of thinking in Poland that Russia=bad, USA=great
and if so, let me tell you that more and more people here are waking up to this truth.

I heard he was writing fanfic about torturing immigrants. Some people might take that as a threat. I'm sure a bombthreat or story about shooting up the school could get somebody expelled. The thing is I don't have any proof of this.
I do have to say this divide and conquer bullshit is pretty effective. The kid looks like a total faggot but he isn't wrong, illegal immigrants should be deported and most Americans do celebrate Christmas.

Dumb fuck, colleges are a business and they don't want racist autists scaring away potential students

It says nothing about him being a college student, but a high schooler.

Completely deserved and justified. If you feel sorry for him, gb2

>The community where you live dictates the law.

what am i shilling for exactly? this isnt your safe space, kid. sorry if someone disagreeing with you triggers you this hard

Good. You are actually more enlightened than I give a credit at first. Keep doing the good work, Stanislaw. Dark times are coming to Europe, and only a few sane like us will be able to save this poor land. God bless.

> has burger on shirt

you can't make this shit up

> Politically Incorrect in 2018
> Snitching to the cops is celebrated

>toilets In 1596
>still shitting in the streets

The law is made by man and for man. It is not natural law or the law of the holy book.

The lawbooks of my shithole country say that every form of non penetrative vaginal sex is illegal

Should I snitch my girlfriend to the cops because she tried to give me oral?

fuck off memeflaggot

>Keep doing the good work, Stanislaw.
I sure will, you do the same and stay strong brother!


Seriously though, why don't /poo's/ just use meme flags? They'd be much harder to detect then.

>Should I
Do whatever you want, that's the point. And you shouldn't be ridiculed
for following the law if you did so, if that's the case, that means the
law is flawed and must be changed (in any similar case, like in my main post).

The story is fake, the school said they haven't expelled anyone in 5 years

That's because obeying the law is politically incorrect in 2018