I'm going to be a Dad in July this year and I already fear for the future of my child. Especially with school...

I'm going to be a Dad in July this year and I already fear for the future of my child. Especially with school. It's obvious now that primary and secondary schools have become left wing brainwashing centres. What do?

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Home-school them to become racist shitheads.
What could possibly go wrong?

let him/her/attackhelicopter go teach to to have a open mind

This but unironically, teach him your values, spend time with him, have serious talks at the right age, be a good redpilled father and you will have a good son.
Dont teach him to go full 1488 and beat niggers on the street

>bringing a child up in a collapsing society

Good job retard.

teach him/her self respect, if they have self respect they won't go full lgbtcuck degenerate


Carry on taking the nog pill. Leave perpetuating the West to me.

What is the mother like?

>Lets not have children and because society is bad !

Teach your child, tell them dont believe in what half of the school teaches. If you want him to go to public school though, teach him to read books that have actual info instead of bullshit that society feed us. Always a good choice to homeschool your child, and if you want to get them socially active, get the child into scout activity or sports.

Quite conservative and doesn't like mass immigration or liberals.

How much do you make and does she want to be a housewife?

make sure you give him a Muslim name so he fit's in

If the mother is slightly red pilled enough, leave her to teach the child. You can take turns if need be.
Don't let him/her on the social internet untill he is 14.
Tell him/her to do exercise every other day.
Let them play outside, play video games, play with toys. Play with them as much as you can as a father.
What ever you do, do not let the child do to public school.

You can't put you child in public schools. Especially if you live in a city. The schools in the cities are so overwhelmed by all the wonderful diversity, diversity of kids and teachers, that they are failing the students. Standardized test scores are plummeting all over the nation. Literacy levels are falling. The percent of children that can pass even the most basic competency tests in reading and math are also plummeting. Additionally, schools districts all over the nation are changing their focus away from history in favor things like gender studies, sexual and gender equality and even White privilege.

It's happening as early as preschool. They are even making concerted efforts to push this shit specifically on rural White school districts. Watch this video. It's terrifying and it will make you blood fucking boil!


If you home school don't let you kid turn into a weird homeschooled kid. You have to get him into community activities, sports, clubs, church or cub scouts or something. You should probably also have another kid within 2 years so they don't go up as a spoiled only child.

>Home School
>MMA for sports
>Weapons training at young age

Our combined salary is 70k a year and she would like to go part time. Would be happy to be a housewife but I'd have to really push financially. I would be happy as well but it's the classic modern two income trap

Don't send him to school, education is a jewish trick.

Nogpillism, or that what causes it, is evidently, a form incapable to carry on it’s genes. And even their shitposting is made sub sub-tier and cringe.

>bring a kid up just before societal collapse
you fucking retard, why?

>fear for the future of my child

come to the US of A white boy. Me and my brother both within the past few years had 3 kids each. You have 3 kids. Everyone on /pol have 3 kids.

We'll fuck them niggers up good when the time comes. Having Spawn is the only future of the white race.

That was actually quite brilliant. Godspeed, user.

Grow up

I've moved to a small village when mine was born, Now she's three, I'm looking at putting her in a christian school.

At least they will teach my kid good values and not force fed the religion of peace.