daughterfu edition
/BNHG/ - Boku no hero academia general
where the fuckk is my epsidoe?????????????????????
next week. So, bets on what the new OP's going to be like?
wtf why is it not today i am soooooooooooo pissed right now>>>>>>>>>!!!!!!!!!!
I know there's no episode today , but why , it just isn't fair
Reminder that the exam arc is confirmed
top nice. full cowl is going to be breddy gud
Why are you now posting this? This was tweeted since the episode where Momo fought Tokoyami wasn't it?
Best girl right HERE.
No this was a couple hours ago
I want to have a child with Amajiki!!
I want her to turn into a giant and brap all over my entire body
How does his smile look like?
I don't know, but at first I didn't like the stupid plague mask look. Now, it's really growing on me.
>tfw no episode this week
Last thread I asked fuck for toga art and drawfag told me to me to fuck off , is it taboo for me to post my waifu, why is she being single out when she's not even the most shitposted or the fact that togafags haven't even spam a thread for the past week
>that filename
I wanted to see more best girl
I'm a drawfag, you want me to draw you a Toga?
Gimme details of what you'd like to see, and I'll have it done asap.
Cuz she sukks lol
Post best couple
Don't worry I'll draw toga
I don't know why he's a koala but he's so cute!
Ok , then a simple drawing of her stalking izuku
Oops, wrong pic
Is that you kendoufag
I'll post some cute Toga user, no need to be upset
But user children are little money-sucking demonspawns
Izuku's a smart kid , he would never go for a deformed freak
Now you're just playing innocent, aren't you?