What the FUCK was his problem?

What the FUCK was his problem?

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Slavs and Jews.


Pic related.

Two Fronts
Trusting that Kike Doctor

He was raised in Vienna, the comsopolitian heart of Europe and gained a hatred for jews. There was a lot of antisemitic pamphleteers. He fought 4 years in WWI and it forged his personality. The revolution of 1918 is very rarely mentioned in history (and for good reason). It was led primarily by a Jewish vanguard. Along with Trotsky it gave the impression of a Jewish-Marxist conspiracy. He blamed them for concluding a disastrous peace treaty and actiing as saboteurs. Germany nearly won the war in the Great Push in 1917-1918. They almost took Paris. Russia had already fallen. Hitler went temporarily blind when Germany surrendered. His very soul was forged in that crucible of fire.

Goebbels wife Magda said in her diary how Hitler was in a cafe in the 1920's and wanted to squash a little jewish boy "like a bug"

*Not raised, Lived in Veinna. A typo

>Goebbels wife Magda said in her diary how Hitler was in a cafe in the 1920's and wanted to squash a little jewish boy "like a bug"
sounds pretty autistic if you ask me

Why slavs? We slavs are superior then you.


he was too good for this world

if i remember my history correctly Hitler thought Slavs were subhuman but i dont really remember why

He was a repulsive person but very courageous in some ways and daring. Its no accident the Jews were gassed. In WWI he saw his comrades gassed as well. The problem with his story is its a heroic in the original greek sense of the word. People larp about supporting him on this site but once you dig into his crimes or his personality its starts to become clearer. He probably molested his niece. Its ironic that Americans who support him were from Slavic roots and he slaughtered Slavs like cattle. He looked on them as dumb Asiatics with a germ of German genetic stock that was responsible for their culture. He was amazingly uneducated in ways were find hard to understand since we have so much knowledge at our fingertips.


not that much. mainly only having half a dick.

>hating slavs
>meanwhile helping slovaks, croats etc.


yeah its a bit weird because i think the Romanians were also allied with Hitler and i consider them to be Slavic

Jews weren’t gassed buddy, those scary pictures with the body and dumptrucks show starvation and disease from all outside supply lines having been destroyed

>Jews weren’t gassed buddy


Who are you?

just a prank, bro


Edgy kid syndrome.
Turned his back to his providers and thought he could beat daddy.

White male who didn't get his way.

wow what an argument

Tried to fight the jew using Germany, a terrible strategic location.


This is MRat the old backalleys/newgrounds user.


mrat is the OP.

'Cuz ya'all were communist.

Because it's bad for moral to praise the communist enemy that wants to enslave the people and are cucks to the Jews.

Even you must admit, that's a lame rebuttal.
We know from Glasnost that the Soviets cut the holes in the showers and made up the lie that Zyklon B canisters were dropped through these holes. They cut the holes and made up the story. We know that. You still believe the Germans did it.

Said the Leaf who thinks "wrong" is a complete rebuttal.

perfectly fine to take your population and put them into cattle cars off to forced labor camps cool

Rothschild puppet. Set the stage for Israel. Set the stage for 6 gorillion, perpetual claims of antisemitism. Died in Argentina.

He didn't kill the Jews.

Sexual repression.
Couldnt talk to a grill without panicky baby talk.
Massive mommy issues.
Making him a perfect puppet for his masters... Old blood german illuminati

bery interesting tell me more

If one autistic man could turn Germany into a utopia, imagine what modern autistics could do

The fuehrer was a hit with the ladies


t-34 and sherman tanks

>What the FUCK was his problem?
He didn't understand nonduality



He just wanted to make art. ((They)) denied him art school so half of planet have to go to war. Right now somewhere is another denied artist who can't take degeneracy of modern art. ((They)) will have to suffer again. Soon.