Oh look! Evolution caught on video

Oh look! Evolution caught on video.


Are 40% of burgers so dumb that they willingly ignore the evidence shown to them?

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God and evolution can exist together

Only if god is a product of evolution.

no speciation you fucking dunce


Wrong. Evolution is true, but evolution is caused by a conscious, intelligent field of energy underlying the entire universe (which you can call 'God' if you want, but I won't, because that word has religious connotations that I would rather avoid) which cranks out life anywhere and everywhere. Start watching this video from 10:27 (ignore the whole 2012 thing, because Wilcock is still right about how evolution really works):


I also don't like the term 'intelligent design', because 'intelligent' is a loaded word and somewhat anthropomorphic. I prefer using the term 'self-aware design' or 'intentional design'. And what I'm advocating is not magic, as it can be described in a purely scientific way. Evolution is correct, but (((Darwinian evolution))) is false. Evolution is never random. Also, humans are billions of years old and not native to Earth. Dr. Peter Gariaev is a Russian scientist who took eggs that were laid by a frog and then zapped those eggs with a laser light that had gone through eggs laid by a salamander. When the 'frog' eggs hatched, salamanders emerged from them - not frogs. The only thing that is necessary to rewrite DNA is wave information, which means that evolution can occur not through millions of years but instantaneously.

The agricultural division of the Ciba-Geigy corporation (now Sygenta) discovered that existing plant seeds could be transformed into extinct varieties, simply by zapping them with a weak electrostatic current. This process generated stronger and faster-growing wheat, extinct fern species, and tulips with thorns. Italian scientist Pier Luigi Ighina energetically transformed a living apricot tree into an apple tree, actually causing the fruits on the branches to metamorphose from apricots into apples in only sixteen days. Ighina also zapped a rat with DNA-wave information from a cat, and this caused the rat to grow a cat-like tail in four days.

Oh look, proof of god

I hope this is a copy paste from your file. If not you deserve a paddling.

>genes change

You will never be able to prove speciation and macro evolution because it's a fantasy.

Come back to me when these bacteria turn into elephants and bananas.

I have you now!

>A New Bird Species Has Evolved on Galapagos And Scientists Watched It Happen


>prove speciation
that's literally what's happening. the bacteria in the middle are different bacteria from the ones on the edge
>macro evolution
at what scale does "micro" evolution change to "macro?"

>A bird "evolves" into a slightly different bird
Come get me when it turns into a dinosaur

>at what scale does "micro" evolution change to "macro?"

This. Macroevolution is simply cumulative microevolution.

Q predicted this

This is an epigenetic adaptation not evolution.

>a bird "evolves" into a bird that's almost identical
That's called microevolution/reproduction and we all know it happens. Their premise is also dead wrong: "hey guys, this bird evolved in only two generations." Okay, so why don't everything else evolve in two generations? Maybe my descendants will be tigers or sharks?

This. Who is to say that evolution is not the vehicle through which God creates life?

Yes, they are different bacteria, but not something different from a bacteria. The Bible says that we reproduce after our KIND. We know with pretty good certainty that the word "kind" is akin to the taxonomic category called "family".

And we have never ever seen anything cross the boundary between taxonomic families.

Experiments show that bacteria never stop producing other bacteria even after millions of generations where scientists try to force them into evolving into something different.

Because birds can evolve faster than mammals you nog. Look it up.

We don't agree about this because the Bible is clear that things reproduce after their kind and don't produce other kinds. Also, it makes no sense in light of the fact that God made the different animals from scratch.

>Evolution caught on video.
just another one of satan's tricks. don't be fooled by this sorcery, anons.

>the Bible is clear
It's not clear on anything.
That's why your masters changed the canon interpretation over the ages.

who said anything about god?

>God made the different animals from scratch
Define scratch

Fanatical burger "Christians" and their polar opposite r/atheism

>anthropology/biology BS holder and watching Sup Forums argue about evolution

Why did god allowed for some species to die out and new ones show up in 2018? His work wasn't perfect?

>40% of burgers
40% of boomers*
everyone with a brain knows evolution exists

>Bible is clear

I most certainly believe that evolution is true. I also most certainly believe it doesn't stop at the neck, the central tenet of the Boazian faith.

As a Christian I don't know much about evolution.
Bout all I do know is that Jews are gods chosen people and Israel is our greatest ally

I have but one master, that is God. The Bible has remained constant, the Catholic church has changed.

He created the animals out of nothing.

>Bout all I do know is that Jews are gods chosen people and Israel is our greatest ally
So you're a heretic

Some species have died out, that's correct. Animals don't matter anyway, they were created for our domination.

Ah, so you're some sort of dispensationalist heretic?

>americans are dumb
>country has a flag that’s just 2 colors on top of one another

Well I mean everything can be traced back to nothing. It's a metaphysical question as to whether or not an intelligent being is behind the universe or not

Proof? Why are christfags retarded?

My position is that God is the only rational explanation for the existence of humanity and the universe, but that's a different discussion.


Correct. Evolution is just a vehicle for adaptation in life. Its essentially the cells and DNA imparting small adjustments to the body, and instructing offspring to start where they left off.

It's just life within life, making changes (and sometime risking, or making use of mutations) in order to perpetuate and thrive in an ever changing environment

Links to the stuff you reference?

I concur, but I also think that an omnipotent being would simply have to create the universe and set it in motion, knowing how everything will play out ahead of time. So that meteor that hit the Earth and became the moon? That was planned since the creation of the universe. So was everything else. Everything was created exactly as it needed to be from the start

again advertising your shitty christcuck site on Sup Forums how fucking pathetic you must be. Chrysostom was wrong as he is worshiping a jew.

I have two masters. One in biology and one in bioinformatics.

>And we have never ever seen anything cross the boundary between taxonomic families.
But that's flatly wrong. We have reconstructed the transition from reptile to mammal and fish to amphibian and fish to reptile. That's all well-documented.

Define god.

No, it's not. It's not something that's proven, it's something that's taken for granted. If you actual dig into the subject, you realize that there's almost no evidence for this. They are completely different creatures, they didn't evolve into each other.

>God is the only rational explanation

You're assuming all of those theories are correct, first of all.

*tips fedora*


>I get to personally redefine what counts as facts and proof

Have you ever been to China? Does China exist? Have you ever personally been to Mars? Does Mars exist?

The idea that something isn't proven unless you, personally, accept the proof is wrong-headed. You're an idiot. Facts are facts because your opinion about them is irrelevant.

No, I don't get to redefine proofs, but if you look into the idea of evolution, you realize that it's based on unfounded and unproven ideas, which makes it a religion. There is no physical or empirical evidence that fishes turned into dinosaurs that turned into birds. I've heard this a million times in school.

Evolution occurs. It is a scientifically proven fact. That you don't accept proof, science and facts does not change them. It makes you ignorant. That's it.

>what are fossils

>Wrong. Evolution is true, but evolution is caused by a conscious, intelligent field of energy underlying the entire universe
jesus fucking christ go back to 9th grade

I just showed you evolution on video and you still demand proofs. Why are you pretending to be retarded?

micro again or macro?

What about them? They prove that an animal existed that later died. Evolutionists like to make grand extrapolations from fossils, but that's simply not a valid application of the scientific method.

Dinosaurs are birds. Families are artificial and describe by certain genetic features fag. You can sharply define a species as a group of organisms that can fuck and give fertile offspring.

Sweet thanks Poland bro, now can you show proofs for Macro evolution and the proof for life forming from the "primordial ooze" ?

It is not a scientifically proven fact, which is why you're afraid to go any further with your "proof". As I said, macro evolution/speciation across families has never been observed or documented.

Oh fuck it's Frank/Anon5 here we go again.

Dinosaurs had feathers right?

You showed a video of bacteria reproducing. Congratulations.

>Macroevolution is simply cumulative microevolution.
Those terms are religious creations not scientific. Evolution is simply change through time with inheritance.

wow us with your knowledge bioburger.

>Define god.
Faith, Hope and Love

>You can sharply define a species
No you can't because it's a stupid word that not even scientists can define: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Species_problem

The reason I use the word family is that the Bible uses the word "kind" which is closest to the category family in taxonomy.

You can compare genetic makeup of living organisms and see the similarity. Certain mutations showed up in reptiles earlier than birds and mammals. You still have dna that came from reptiles. It's silent or was modified and repurposed. You can see exactly how it varies from the original and how it changed.

So God is just the result of chemical reactions in your brain?

These are words used to describe psychophysical states of your brain. Tgey can be cmanipulated using chemicals and magnets. They have no 1:1 correspondance with reality. They are a part of your brains model of the world. For fucks sake. By that definition god is a quirq of your brain.

Similarity in DNA does not prove evolution, it proves that an intelligent designer used the same DNA to create similar things. Do you know how much code is shared between Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel? It's not "proof" that Word evolved into Excel just because they share much of their code -- it's simply evidence that an intelligent creator created the programs using similar code.

DNA is an organized information system that God used to create biological lifeforms.

Bow down to your almight god, the god of time!!! it can do anything!! It just needs enough time!!


God created everything, there is no such thing as evolution. Repent and ask forgiveness or spend eternity in a lake of fire

>citing wikipedia

My definition is valid. Go read a fucking book.

>mfw creationistfags on full damage control ITT

>Similarity in DNA does not prove evolution
I'm done. You sir are an idiot.
Similar != identical

If we were perfect we wouldn't have so much junk dna from the past that does fucking nothing.

>no one in the entire world can create a valid definition of "species"
>but i just did it right here on this chinese cartoon forum

>junk DNA
Stop being an idiot. Our DNA has a purpose. Monkies and humans are similar -- we therefore share similar DNA from when God made us. Not the other way around.

Cogito ergo sum

Ask any biologist you cretin.


We don’t deny micro evolution. It’s macro evolution that 100% jewish bullshit with no physical evidence whatsoever. The fossil record alone debunks macro evolution entirely.

fuck off nigger tell me one animal that doesnt have cells with mithocondrials and then you can claim some god create everything different

You have no idea what junk dna is. Cute.

It's like you show the graph that your favourit sport team has won other team every time 100 - 0 and after seeing the graph the other's team fan says "yeah but we are still the best"

>This thread again
You do realize many scientists are religious. They don't exclude god out of anything, just try to interpret what they can here on Earth because that's what science is, you don't have to exclude religion unless you're some super annoying perma-fag who's egotistic

educate yourselves faggots.

>no physical evidence whatsoever

We need to start killing all jewish scientists. And their families

No evidence = doesn't exist
They are shit at science or their definition of god is 'the universe'

It’s an objective fact that macro evolution is a subjective opinion; it’s a faith-based belief. You can make fun of the faith-based beliefs of others all you want but you are also very guilty of it. You’re probably also jewish too and should be exterminated

>Oh look! Evolution caught on video.
It's okay. Just introduce some liberal viruses like AIDS and chlamydia and the bacteria will actually start killing themselves without even questioning why.

>no one in the entire world can create a valid definition of "species"
>said me with no discernible evidence to back up my claim
>on a chinese cartoon forum
Why hasn't Muhammad cut off your hands yet?


>It’s an objective fact that macro evolution is a subjective opinion;
Says who?

Doesn't evolution take millions of years?

Shameful strawman!
The proposal in the first post is that god created humanity through evolution.

Doesn't evolution take millions of years?

True. Considering by definition god would have created the laws and rules and processes by which life exists and evolution occurs.

Also evolution only demonstrates a process by which life can change and seeks to explain the origin of SPECIES and the variation of life.

It does not offer and explanation of where life came from or how inanimate matter became animate life.

It happens all the time. Every germinal mutation that goes into your children is evolution.