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Oh GAWD. The idiotic "All the socialist failures were not true socialism" argument. That's a "No True Scotsman" fallacy.
Op was born yesterday.


>dude history is linear

actual socialism has never existed anywhere and never will because there will always be groups of people thriving to and succeeding in becoming the ruling class. itś not something a group of naive autists can change since it's all biological.

whats stopping me from just taking everything in the store

That kind of comfy post-scarcity Socialism could only work if 90% of the population is exterminated and replaced with automated systems.

>Muh geist of history only I can predict, based off a system made for German idealism, but forced into a materialist mold.

I don't associate with fags

saged and reported

There will always be a ruling class



are u next

>no understanding for ones own capacity for evil


No one ever says it wasn't real socialism, communism and socialism are not the same thing rrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Already refuted


Get fucked, brainlet

>capitalism replaced feudalism
no, democracy replaced feudalism. the economy was capitalism
>ancient slavery
how is that different from modern slavery? the slave trade boomed in the 18th century, as feudalism was dying
and slavery was still capitalist
>in the future, everything is free, lol
what a great system


This but that would mean the robots are the slaves. People have not yet realized that in order for us to thrive as a species we need a slave force. Only with slaves has the ancient civilizations thrived and made huge strides for humanity (ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, the Persian empire, the Mongolian empire, the list goes on).
Bladerunner 2049 was right, specially Wallace, in order to further humanity we need to lose a little of it first. But we have lost our stomachs for slavery.

OP is right
If we don't stop africans and chinks, in the future there will be not enuff food for everyone, aka socialism/communism

>democracy replaced feudalism
Not even, since both terms are really fucking nebulous, especially feudalism which is just what commies call a decentralized premodern state to gloss over all the various differences that existed before the liberal revolutions.

I’m an artist. Painter, printmaker and sculptor.
I’ll probably be the last to be replaced right before the programmers themselves.

> no ruling class
who decides the whole “everyone gets equal amounts” ?

That's not socialism, though.

I believe the words you are looking for are "post scarcity society".

As in, everything is so cheap to make, it's free.

Everytime capitalism crashes I'm told that it's "not true capitalism" or "crony capitalism, need to deregulate more"

But strictly speaking, Marx's vision for Socialism has never been implemented

I think that the next stop is a moneyless society with no ruling class... but you commies don't realise how it will actually be. It won't be billions of people celebrating diversity and enjoying a non-stop orgy of happiness, it'll be 99.99% of the human race being wiped out once robots have been developed that can do anything required, and the remaining 0.01% of living humans (the former ruling lass, ironically) just living their lives in a state of permanent bliss, likely drug and sex induced, living forever and constantly taking new bodies thanks to the advanced medical technology available.

resources are always limited, yes they can ebb and flow as we find more or concentrate it in certain areas. but can a truly post scarce society actually exist?

It's called recycling.

Every time capitalism crashes, it's the natural order being restored, returning to the baseline, etc. It's very much true capitalism, as it is self-correcting.

right, it can ebb and flow but that is an illusion of availability.

>no need to pay
Oh great , Tyrone and Shaniqa can have all the food for their 6 kids while the farmers actually do work but get traded items rather than value.

There is a reason why these fuckers always end up starving their population

So do the stocks just magically appear at the suppliers place?
Do the wares then place themselves on the shelves?

You know since its socialism you dont need to pay anyone, so no one needs to work there either.

>actual socialism
>faggot flag
>shill thread


>no no no the boom and bust cycle is a FEATURE goy

Its funny that leftists color economic history in terms of a specific part of Europe

If you look the whole world over, this gay little history makes no sense

If you look at specific countries, this gay little history makes no sense

It's only the public school "borderless history" teaching that makes somebody think things just naturally flow like that

It booms because investors find new ways to make money, creating bubbles. Bubbles are a natural product of capitalism that are eventually self-corrected when it bursts.

Get a job, hippie.

So you're just appealing to nature? You don't think there's a way to smooth that out? Neat take.

my brain hurts from listening to this slurry torrent of qqqlllrrrllllllllllllllrrrrrr spit sounds, slow talking, terrible and meaningless gifs and music and finding out there was nothing refuted.
what did i just listen to?
can you give me a bullet point list of jordans words, then this guys words, then why it was a refutation?
i listened to it on multiplied speed and i still can't understand what he's refuting or trying to refer to when he puts up peterson to say things then responds.

It doesn't make any sense. they want this massive system that gives away tons of free shit that middle class white people have to pay for.
but at the same time they are doing everything they can to make middle class white people extinct.

Tbh, capitalism should be lightly regulated to smooth out the worst of the boom and bust cycles. Pure capitalism sucks and leads to wealth accumulation at the top. Money begets money.

History is not a deterministic line toward a goal. Nonlinearity and chaos rule. There will always be an elite because there are winners and losers in every system.

>no ruling class

Socialism can only work in a world without scarcity, and then it wouldn't even be socialism.

I could see the whole post scarcity thing, kind of, maybe, but there will always be an elite ruling class.

That's literally how every single economy ever has been. When socialism busts millions die of hunger or it completely collapses. When ancient slavery busts it's an economic downturn and a rebellion but can be turned around. When Feudalism busts it's poor health causing death. When capitalism busts it's people are just more poor and you just have to wait it out. I'll take that over all the other ones niogger.

Make sure you post a 'Present' pic of Venezuela.

that image would be the surest way to ensure a tragedy of the commons. with people being able to freely enter a store and leave with whatever they want trash would build up at a massive rate and we would deplete our worlds resources even quicker than we are now

The Power of Socialism and Good Will

Didn’t refute anything you mong.
Self ownership with moral principles that cast aside ideologies is the key to a healthy functioning society.


>It's your fault I can't understand something

Good man. I'm not actually a commie but ancap shills rub me the wrong way.
Nice retcon and reinterpretation of disparate phenomena as liberal capitalism style crashes lmao.

>wealth at the top is inherently bad
>light regulation is possible when government inertia exists
You're never gonna make it brainlet

i'm not saying its your fault.
i genuinely cannot find a logical progression of points argued and refutations.
it was a giant mix mash of gifs, sound files, agreeing, disagreeing, and random praising of authors.
you're not responding to anyone else and obviously are not busy, can you please give me the bullet list?

Who said anything about light regulation?

Wealth accumulation has been demonstrated to be worse for the economy as a whole, because you have more money concentrated in less hands, leading to a loss of efficiency. The money is re-invested less efficiently, if it is even invested at all and not just sitting in a bank somewhere.

i've watched four of this zero books guys videos and have learned nothing about how to be a better person to myself, my friends, my family and everyone around me. i haven't learned the trivium, the quadrivium, or anything about natural law and objective moral integrity.
this might be the most disgusting, degenerate, self-hating, self-loathing piece of human trash i've ever discovered.
good lord.

Robots can be banned from performing certain tasks, commercial production by humans ensured by inspections and video

>"Capitalism should be lightly regulated"
Are you stupid?
>has been demonstrated to be worse
No it hasn't
>because of a loss of efficiency
Money is not the same thing as wealth and even assuming you're correct, which I think not, it's less damaging than what happens when you implement welfare

Furthermore, the observed wealth inequality is a result of consolidated corporate and banking wealth that is in opposition to capitalist forces. And this isn't even getting to what role the Fed has

meme flag


>b-but it's not real capitalism!

Based op

The Bible predicted this.

>I'm willing to cuck all of humanity and halt progress to keep a robot from stealing my McJob.

You? Nothing, you capitalist, racist, trump supporting piece of shit.

>I'm told "It's not real capitalism"
No you're not faggot. You're told it's the Jews and you plug your ears, ignore it and cry about rich people because you're a non-human who needs to be executed

Prove socialism comes after Capitalism.
If all the jobs are replaced by robots you'll just have capitalism on steroids.


Talk amongst yourselves.

>being this dense

>literally every facet of every industry and every transaction is regulated, and the dollar and taxes are manipulated
>but our society is capitalist
Anyone retard who let's his phrase come out of their mouth needs to go look at the federal register for their industry.

The farther we stray from free markets and consistent rule of law the farther the country the country will fall

43% of the 1% are Jews you filthy antisemite.
Reported for reeducation, enjoy the pogrom.

>actual socialism has never existed anywhere and never will because there will always be groups of people thriving to and succeeding in becoming the ruling class. itś not something a group of naive autists can change since it's all biological.

There will never be an equality of the masses. No government means might makes right in a lawless society. As soon as a government is established there is now a ruling class that makes rules for those below them.

That's because you've only existed in a period where capitalism isn't the main force dumb shit

>every time I said I want to go to space people always tell me we don't have the technology

Your life is shit and I'm going to spend my day imagining you being sad because attractive females don't like you. Kys lol

t. Brainlet

I always enjoy these cause when you ask
>Where does the free labor come from
There's never really any answer

In a post scarcity society the economy doesn't matter. Socialism only works in that situation. Until we can strip mine planets that isn't going to happen.

It's comes from your mother's rancid asshole

>this system is susceptible to Jewish subversion
>let's just go back to before it was subverted surely this time it'll work

You can do your part today tho. Kys

Economic policy is irrelevant when your nation is composed of only whites. White men can make any system work.

Meanwhile, in fucking reality.

trading 20 eggs for a sheep is capitalism?

>A moneyless society
Uh huh
>With no ruling class

>In a post scarcity society the economy doesn't matter.
Currently working with some post-scarcity academics on a project. This is the kind of nonsense they actually believe because they equate economy with money. The truth is society is an economy regardless of methods of exchange and record keeping because economics is about the management of matter, energy and transformation.

>well that will be the ruling class of co-:Op

Add "gay" in front of the second capitalism and then you're on track

I meant last "capitalism"

>an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.


It's exactly the same thing as Forex so yes.

>we can't defeat capitalism so we'll wait until it collapses like it did multiple times before and it ends in socialism just like it did not every time after it collapses but actually become more capitalist

Wew lad, this gunna be fun.

I have firearms because of Commies.
Go do your Commies bullshit on your own.
Not only do I want no part in it - I will actively repel any of your attacks against me.
Go fuck yourself and have a nice day.

>wot eif roobots do all duh woork, den de econumy disapeas
This breed of numale retard is why I'm confident democrats will adopt an anti automation policy that taxes automation and distributes it as basic income. Then they'll get a whole new class warfare playground to play on except it will be infinitely worse because 90% of the population will be invested in it

The Cycle of Socialism:
1. Socialists implement socialism in a country.
2. Socialism fails.
3. Country and its economy collapse.
4. Socialists say this wasn't real socialism, it was all the fault of capitalism and the only solution is more socialism.
5. Return to step 1.

I fixed this for you.

> Meglio fascista che frocio.

Why do subhumans like OP love socialism? Because they are too inferior to be able to compete in a Capitalist market. Capitalism rewards those with abilities that are greater than the average person. Socialists are people who have no abilities that are greater than the average. None that are actually useful to the rest of their people anyway.

Socialism will lead to a dilution of talent and intelligence in the human gene pool. It will lead to a higher percentage of the population carrying genetic defects and diseases. To make matters worse, these subhumans tend to breed at higher rates than superior humans when given subsidies/aid from the superior humans (see population growth in Africa). Socialism is designed to allow inferior humans to survive without having to compete with superior humans for their resources. In the past, these inferior humans would have died from starvation, illness or being killed by superior humans. Socialism goes against evolutionary laws that allowed the human race to become the dominant race on this planet. It will lead to the downfall of humanity.

But how do we help these subhumans from being unemployed and starving to death or dying of untreated medical conditions? We don't. The human race is better off without these subhumans. We should remove all socialist programs (welfare, unemployment, food stamps, subsidized healthcare, subsidized housing, etc.). We should allow them to die to prevent them from breeding further and passing on their inferior genes into future generations of the human race. Their death before breeding age benefits the human race as a whole. Allowing them to continue to multiply will only lead to downfall of humanity.

If you must allow socialist programs in your country like I listed in the previous paragraph, then they should require mandatory sterilization before any benefits are received. Though, I would prefer to just euthanize them.

^ the 3D printer and artist trained AI kills this.