Poland is currently being colonized by the US military

More and more soldiers are introduced to Polish society, making inroads into Polish culture and the general Polish way of looking at America.

Poland has also geared up its efforts to introduce Americanism to its people, mostly through reruns of MacGyver, Falcon Crest and Dougie House M.D., showing the best of the best of American spirit.

Will this work out? Will the 30,000 US soldiers to be stationed in Poland by 2025 be accepted by the Polish?

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I fucking hate Americans
Who thought this is a good idea?


We're coming for the white polish women with big pale tits.

I like polish women. all my family immigrated from poland though.


Manlet, always wearing a fake smile, loud and obnoxious with a small dose of 56% genes.
El goblino americano

well you know America is a country of niggers and spics, so when you import American military you will get niggers, spics, and assorted wigger SJW faggots

I don't mnie americans, much Berger then russians and if it Irks German then better. Besides we share similar values regarding freedom of speech and gun ownership.

>reruns of macgyver
why won't they show those here?

>gun ownership

Americans of Polish descent colonizing Poland. BOOHOOO soo wrong!!!

Trump - descendant of polish queen Jadwiga
Even Jared Kushner is descendant of polish jews

Because people would notice how much better things were back then

Those guys on the pic sure look Polish to me.


I can't wait to inject 56% cum into a polish WHORE. They'll thank me for the gift too.

Amerimutt meme is funny though. Even as an American i can say that.

Anyways to be true your country is going to probably be one of the last white countries in Europe and as a nationalist type myself i would say Poland belongs to the Polish.

>pooland not laughing now
>Europe recovers while Polans sinks

Looks like Hulu has 1 season and CBS (distributor) has all episodes on their streaming platform.

Media companies are saving their better, nostalgia content for paid streaming sites, and not leave it on syndication on cable any more.

Does Polish-Haitanians look Polish to you?
They are polish descendants whether you like it or not.

fucking fight this shit poland if you dont you'll go the way of western europe and your government will start embracing homosexuality and feminism and then use ruthless social engineering programs on your populace

accept your doogies

Look at the desire in her eyes as she stares at the alpha negro American war machine. You can see it in them, she yearns to experience him inside of her body, flooding her fertile Polish womb with virulent ape sperm, forever destroying her bloodline! She can hardly contain herself lol. Look at her! She's about to jump the table to get one of their cocks into her eager mouth to taste their exotic cum.

Then she'll come home and kiss you on the mouth without so much as rinsing.

they are haitians whether you like it or not

Poland is about to get blacked.

Fug.. you just blew my mind.

Look at those deformed nigger heads eeeew.

That doesn't make them Polish, and nothing ever will.

>ooga booga ya das rite ima fuck sumadem wite poleish bitches

God I fucking hate this country. You think I'm exaggerating but that is literally what these niggers are saying to each other when the women aren't around.

Poles are so fucking dumb for welcoming Americans, at least the Russians would be Slavs. Your entire culture is unironically about to get BLACKED, and make no mistake about it, the US government knows EXACTLY what they are doing.

thats funny because Poland used to be exacly the same thing what USA is nowdays. We used to be the most multicultural and tolerant country back than.

>Europe recovers
What timeline are you living in?

and look how it turned out.

we become regional superpower? They had to attack us 6 vs 1 some of the wars lasted even up to 100 years until they managed to "destroy" us.

2 terrorists attacks in romania lel wut?

>Will this work out?
Say it with me:

If you think multiculturalism was our strenght then you are mistaken. We became a regional target because of our liberal policies in the age of absolutism, the dumbest shit you could do.

Americans are the kikes of europe after the kikes, they were the ones who brought their niggers over here for d day and produced the first group of half cast spawn amongst out women because they couldn't keep their filthy niggers on a leash , women cannot be held responsible because they are dumb cunts

You're the original kikes, im glad we robbed you dry after what you did to us in 1812, and pulled us into WWI and II.
You'll continue to take in rapefugess and like it.

The first wave of diversity was french and us troops and now we have thousand of spic, niggers, manlet and ugly fat bitches with the cost of the taxpayer in germany.

as a american of polish descent, this rustles me to know in, fucking anglo's bringing niggers into the white world, fucking why?

America please send more of these

How much do you want to bet those girls were blacked the very next night?

Look at the polish girl on the right.
>Monkeys. What are they doing in my homeland?

If they don't want to fight it, just show them latin america
It will become a shithole if colonized by UZA

Poland will be forced to accept migrants and have pride parades in the name of freedom and democracy

Irish confirmed nonwhite.

it will be good for your economy

We have a neverending supply of experienced black lesbians we will be happy to send you. Let them fuck your lovely Polish women for a while.

>Poland refuses islamic immigrants
>instead send them waves of nigger americano troops

Jews are behind this.

poland loves america and not eurocucks. They are like america please colonize us.


We're going to be #1 allies, and we're going to take back EU together.
Deal with it, kurwa.

It was called the Warsaw Pact, and you withdrew. Whose fault is that?

Total Kike shill.
>We became a regional target because of our liberal policies in the age of absolutism,
You stand out like your hair is on fire

Time to get culturally enriched Poland. The whore of Israel will not stop until their degeneracy its world wide