Now that the dust has settled, can we agree that this was pretty good?
What went so right?
Now that the dust has settled, can we agree that this was pretty good?
What went so right?
>What went so right?
I thought it was alright, but it's probably something that will be completely forgotten a few years from now.
Satania was the worst part of the show, though.
My wife Vigne being so cute.
That's not Gabu, who ruined her own show
Why is Raphi the only one wearing heels?
She's the only one who's a proper lady.
My girlfriend Vigne is so pure.
Gabu is cute and funny, though.
I like all dropouts
Satania a best. A BEST.
Gabu a shit. A SHIT.
Now that the dust has settled can we agree Vigne was best girl?
Satania and Gabu
Too vanilla. Satania a best
What a cute couple.
You need to stop spamming like this. Stop making off topic posts that have nothing to do with anime or manga. Stop trying to bait people and "troll".
An efficient machinery.
Clockwork you may say.
Keeps its perpetual motion.
Is this haiku? Pretty good.
There was something really charming about this show
Gab's feet.
How good is it compared to Umaru?
An insane poster.
Keeping himself up day and night.
Endlessly spamming.
Making everyone hate his life.
Insipid to a fault.
Wow, look, I can do it, too. Now stop meta posting.
Gabu says yes
Why does she treat her so bad, then?
Go away. People haven't actually been able to talk about this show since episode 4 aired.
because she is tsundere
Don't reply to trolls.
No, it's terrible, dropped at ep 2
>namefag hates it
Must be ppretty good.
if they had alignments, would this be correct?
>true neutral
>lawful evil
>chaotic good
lawful good
Which dropout is most likely to have sex with fat old men for money? Pic unrelated.
Satania, for melonpan.
Gabu, for the wifi password
Tapris. She wouldn't know what was going on and just go with the flow
I didn't watch this show but I would put my penis into Satania
>What went so right?
it didn't focus on the "mc"
>worse than the one-gag dog
>worse than the one-gag tenshi
Chaotic evil
Lawful evil
Chaotic good
Lawful good
>What went so right?
Not the threads, that's for sure.
What evil deed did you do to honor Satanichia today Sup Forums?
Why? I'm new to the threads
demons being perfect
angels being ok
Umaru would annoy the fuck out of Gabu
both of her forms
pretty much this
Glad we were able to come to a consensus anons
>She wouldn't know what was going on and just go with the flow
Pic related
what's your favorite end card? pic related
>What went so right?
Vigne married me.
Where did the Raphibros go?
Fun and entertaining to watch? Sure
Will it be remembered like other SOL such as Lucky Star and K-ON? Probably not
I think Raphi wwould do it for pleasure, she has plenty money. Gabu would be the one to do it for money
Post more endcards
Holy shit that is one cute Gabu outfit. I wish I could see her getting fucked in the ass while wearing it.
The same applies to all of them.
my wife, so cute.
I want to impregnate your wife's butthole.
>chaotic evil
>lawful evil
>chaotic neutral
>lawful good
Both of you back away from MY wife!
I want to fuck Gabu in the ass and make Vigne clean my rod with her mouth. I bet she would even enjoy it. The slut.
>I could see her getting fucked in the ass while wearing it.
>not actually fucking her in the ass while wearing it
Which dropout has the most sex appeal?
guys, guys, remember to NOT sexualize the dropouts.
We'll start with you, Satania.
calm your tits, sperg boy.
>Chaotic evil
looks like somebody didn't watch the specials
Are you triggered?
no, you just sound like you should be posting on a bad subreddit.
There are good subreddits, master redditor?
Several things.
No, it sucks
Fuck off she is already my girlfriend.
>wife > girlfriend
Put a ring on it before you claim.
It was the worst among Dogakobo's best, just bellow New Game and Sansha San'you but just above Nozaki-kun and Mikakunin.
When it's it my turn? I'm waiting for Vigne since ages.
Your time will come, Chappy.
If she were good she wouldn't take advantage of her friends so much. Alignments are dumb anyway.