Don't hate Atheists

In some shamanic cultures, the shaman themselves embark on a spirit quest of sorts, in which they climb the Tree of Life - the tree being the universal heriarchy of manifest reality; that is to say, at the base, its roots, is cold mathematical pattern and energy, intertwining, which brings forth atoms, then molecules, then biology, and so on, all the way up to the transcendent and finally God.

Consider for a moment then, that widespread Atheism here in the West is in fact our collective journey - there are many now who sit at the base of this tree, convinced that mathematical patterns and energy are all there is and all that can be - they are in the underworld of being, but the spirit simply cannot be satisfied with that.

In time, they will climb the tree, or suffer greatly, and when they do climb - the full society will be reinvigorated by this new bulk of strong spiritual people.

People for whom "faith" is a stupid term; people who will know, not believe...

don't you ever speak to me or my wife's son ever again

anyone who believes in any religion, astrology, or another other unproveable bullshit is weak-minded and childlike. Religion and new age stuff is all the same thing.

Richard Dawking has some interesting perspectives. I enjoyed the selfish gene, but his writing comes off snide and factual. When its real theoretical and open to different interpretation.

This. All I need is my Nintendo Switch, interracial porn, and Rick and Morty to make me happy.


he gave us the meme, after all

>if you don't believe in talking snakes and blood magic then you're a numale cuck
is this a new meme?

Humans have already moved beyond shamanistic exploration of the natural divine, atheism is the moral DEGRADATION incited by the Synagogue of Satan.

Christ already spread his message, it is time to rediscover his church.

God save you child

God save me from the talking snake? With blood magic?

>In time, they will climb the tree, or suffer greatly, and when they do climb - the full society will be reinvigorated by this new bulk of strong spiritual people.
by the time that happens there wont be a west left

>God save you child

so god cares about you rite?

shame dawkins got booted for being politically incorrect while feminists were destroying new atheism

Those stories are not literal. Stop arguing like a Fundamentalist Christian.

It's reality, autismo

The ancient Hebrews believed in the Big Bang and evolution and the mudman origin theory was just a "metaphor" to them, right?

And the blood magic is quite literal. God became a human so he could die and cleanse the sins of the world with his blood. Blood magic.

It will be a positive feedback loop.
The few who do this and articulate their experience confidently enough will inspire the weak hollows in the underworld to fill themselves with light and climb.

The problem with modern day religion, especially christianity, is that the preachers are tired, they're old, they don't sound like they believe in anything at all - they don't sound like they've been through a journey themselves.

They sound like hucksters spitting-out soundbytes of approved bullshit to rake in boomers and their brainwashed children.

Mark my words, there will be a great fire soon, and it will burn away this old bark, and the spirit will rise again like a phoenix.

Spirit must have a youthful vessel - just as the Goa'uld must have a host.

They could not possibly believe in scientific FACTS unknown to man at the time, any more than they could call each other on their telephones and order pizza to the local tabernacle.

Stories are and always were meant to represent substories - but the substory; the meta-story - is dark and mysterious, it's hard to grasp and potentially impossible to explain in its fullness without a mask, without a story to take as its host.

In a thousand years time, what fool might look at Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and the Marvel movies and laugh heartily in their own self-absorbed intellectual hubris, and with scoff proclaim:
>"I can't believe those primitives of the 21st century actually BELIEVED THOSE THINGS WERE REAL! hahahaha, we are so much more advanced than they are."

Just because it has allegorical meaning doesn't mean the ancients didn't think the creation myth was literally true. And here's one tougher to swallow: Judaism emerged from Canaanite polytheism, so yeah, they believed all sorts of crazy shit. They didn't sacrifice animals for fun, they thought sacrifices would please the dude who made man from mud and earth from nothing, who fought the serpent Leviathan, etc etc

Nobody is suggesting we conduct our lives as the ancients did.

In fact, i'm not even suggesting we conduct ourselves religiously exactly the same way we did 50 years ago.

There must be rebirth, as there always is.

Look, it's great that most/many Christians and Jews no longer believe those stories are literal, and science has replaced their explanations. That's how it should be, it would be silly to do otherwise. Genesis has a decent allegory beneath the myth too. But telling people it wasn't meant to be taken literally is just wrong.

nothing wrong with spiritual quests.
i was an atheist and found god after tripping on mushrooms a few dozen times.
if there's no afterlife, at least you can still have profound spiritual experiences while your still alive.

Science has replaced the inferior material explanations, as it should, but it has no spirit to it - it is efficient cold analysis of the material.

The two are apples and oranges; science is as incapable of nourishing the human soul as religion is as incapable of creating computers, satellites, medicine and chemical compounds.

No real argument here.

Afterlife, in my estimation, is quite literal: After-life.
It's the way your memory is digested into the collective conscious of people; what ripples it leaves behind. What, if anything, it inspires of people.

The Negroid has a less developed prefrontal cortex.

That's just a dismissal coming from a weak place, and threatens to degrade the discussion into a back-and-forth of 'no u'.

I expect better from you.

No real argument here = You won't get any argument from me

>feminists were destroying new atheism
Literally the ONLY good thing feminism ever did.

part of me wants to think after-life is extinction/non-existence/void, part of me wants to think after-life is impossible, and i'll just be reabsorbed into some mass collection of 1 energy entity we call "god" and i'll daydream a new novelty again.

that's my predicament..
it's all or nothing. existential crisis

like 2/3 of those atheists just rolled into the feminist movement and got louder and dumber without atheism's conservative/libtard demographic

It's not hard to see what's happening. Europe is much more developed and citizens are more well informed than people from shittier countries, so there's no need for religion in a modern world, and people from prosperous countries know that.

>there's no need for not going to hell
Maybe that's your opinion.

But hell isn't real silly. If religion was so convincing, it wouldn't need to threaten me with eternal torture to get me to believe in it.

>no results found

Ok, I'll say it. You're spouting off Talmudic garbagio, and your understanding of the situation is garbagio. Fuck off stupid Catholic.

I always felt like hell was mostly a place you got to tell yourself your enemies were going, even if they bested you and died wealthy and happy. I think that's how it probably started anyway.

I still have to finish reading that book. It's a specious, meretricious work and only an idiot would take it seriously.

>let me invent my own idea of what God would and wouldn't do based on my own faulty logic

Hades is no picnic, but, it's gates cannot stop Christ's people leaving when the last day dawns.

You deserve eternal torment as a corrupted human being, all Jesus does is to give you a way to avoid that doom.

I am? Explain.

There is no collective journey. You are normalizing atheism even more into the ranks of Christians. In other words, you're basically saying there is no enemy and we just have to overcome ourselves. Babylonian garbage.

We DO have to overcome ourselves; our sins. what the fuck do you think MAKES the collective?

Look again, you're referring to Christians as a collective. You worship the idea of a collective rather than Christ. There may be a journey for some individuals, but God breathed life into Adam, so all of us have hearts fashioned in the same manner. Our hearts were made to hear and accept the word of God. Western atheism rejects the truth and hates God. It ridicules God ever chance it gets.

There is no hope for a collective body to get over this. There is only hope that God spares his remnant. Salvation is only found in God, not in collective, earthly power. The Babylonians said to themselves that they could anything. This is why God broke their tongue so that there may not be a massive collective.