Carter Page was used as an informant on Trump by FBI

Curious if anyone else put this together, but let’s look at the timeline.
> Carter Page is informant on two Russians accused of working as Russian Agents
> Page is under surveillance repeatedly throughout a relatively seemingly unknown time frame
> Page randomly reaches out to Trump campaign once he gets up in the primaries (remember the Pied Piper plan by Clinton to push up undesirable candidates?)
> Page reaches out to Trump campaign December 2015 asking to help. This is about the same time as Washington Free Beacon contracts Fusion GPS
>In March 2016, Page is formally listed as advisor to Trump
>April the Clinton Campaign contracts Fusion GPS,
> May is when Papadopoulos gets drunk and shittalks to a Austrailian intelligence agent. This is BEFORE the DNC hack saying “the Russians have dirt in Clinton”
>June Trump wins Nomination. This is also when Steele is contracted by FusionGPS and the DNC servers are hacked seemingly by Russians
>July Page gives a speech in Moscow. Steele finishes a report shortly after and goes to a Rome US Embassy to relay his findings.
>Late September Page takes a leave of absence from the campaign because of the negative publicity from a Yahoo article later cited as verification by the FBI for their FISA warrant.
>FBI doesn’t get a new FISA warrant until late Oct. This is well after Page left the campaign.

So, two really weird things in this scenario.
1. Pages important events match a lot of FusionGPS ones. Given their connections with the FBI and DOJ, it looks coordinated. Steele going to FBI and them essentially “taking note” but not doing anything visible in July means they were likely getting info without a warrant.
>Carter Page seemingly came out of nowhere. He has a history informing on Russians yet somehow gives speeches in Russia with no investigation into it by FBI

How much you willing to bet Fusion and FBI set him up to be an insider?

Other urls found in this thread:

Sorry for the numerous typos and such. Phone fag here.

Another thing crossed my mind: why was everyone concerned that this memo would leak information that would compromise our investigation and intelligence communities? Because it listed an agent: Carter Page.

FBI wanted things redacted because it was embarrassing but could also possibly lead to Page in this role.

If it’s found out, it would prove the FBI and FusionGPS started this well before the memo states and actually used Page as a way to leak inside info on a rival campaign.



That's funny, I remember that "gotcha" moment some actor playing a reporter had with this dickhead. Details are foggy but the way it was acted out as if he had something to hide was again poorly executed and always been suspicious of Moby

It’s also why, despite having the most Russian connections in the whole “Muh Russia” debacle, he seemingly has come unscathed. He hasn’t been charged with anything, despite all the public bitching.

I think he is charged. user said the other day that page lied about meeting with some Russian oil guy!?!

you would be correct user.

Two things:
1. FISA is retroactive i.e. all his past communications are (((fair))) game. This is the “insurance policy”. Interesting to note that FISC requires evidence that he is an actual secret agent working nefariously for an enemy country. He isn’t.
2. The notion that random drunken raving is the (((new))) reason for the (((investigation))) is even MORE OUTRAGEOUS AND DESPICABLE than the dossier.

good points.

Alas, common sense is not so common.

I did a thread on this yesterday here:

>Investigative journalist Michael Isikoff said Friday that he was surprised to find out that an article he wrote about Carter Page prior to the election was used to obtain a spy warrant against the former Trump campaign adviser.
One “essential” part of the application was the uncorroborated Steele dossier, according to the memo. And an article that Isikoff wrote for Yahoo! News on Sept. 23, 2016 that was based directly on the dossier was “cited extensively” in the application.

>Isikoff was shocked, he said, because his very article was based on information that came from Christopher Steele, the former British spy who wrote the dossier. He said it was “a bit beyond me” that the FBI would use his article in the FISA application.

>“Obviously the information that I got from Christopher Steele was information the FBI already had,” he said, noting that Steele began sharing information from his dossier in July 2016. “My story is about the FBI’s own investigation,” he continued.

>“So it seems a little odd that they would be citing the Yahoo! News story about the matter that they are investigating themselves based on the same material that had been separately presented to the FBI before I was ever briefed by Christopher Steele.”

archive of article:


>How much you willing to bet Fusion and FBI set him up to be an insider?
This is what I thought initially as well. FBI and DOJ used Page to infiltrate Trump's campaign and set up Trump for a year's worth of heartache.

keep this alive.

Papadopolous as well.
He has State Dept connections.
People dismiss him as a coffee mule.
He was a lot more connected than that...
He was working in oil and gas promoting Israel interests in gas field off Cyprus.
I suspect his meeting with aussie adorned was a set up and also designed to provide cover for the GCHQ involvement in the US FISA and their own surveillance.

Here is some scroll by help

Yup. I have a saying to never trust a completely bald headed man and it ha never done me wrong.

Forgot my pic


Page is a Tribe Member. Y do those fucks always appear when some shit has been stirred?

Plausible. Unimaginable that the party of MLK now defends government secrecy. Seems they only have outrage for scandals they control knowing no real reform will come of it.