Is this really the best anime of all time?
Is this really the best anime of all time?
I dropped it on the first episode after 12 minutes.
Watched both series. It's good, but doesn't really do anything special enough to make it the best
FMA 2003: 9/10
FMA Brotherhood: 2/10
no way, brotherhood is 9/10. not the best, but one of my all time favorites
As someone who doesn't know a lot of anime, I watched FMAB for the first time this year after hearing about it all the time and how good it was and... yeah, I thought it was really good. The story was interesting, the main characters were charismatic and well developed, the secondary characters were also detailed enough for one to care about them and the villain was simply awesome. I don't know if it's the best but I liked it a lot.
I am definitely biased because I watched 2003 FMA back when I had no standards, but it remains my favorite anime by far. Even if both of them have pretty shaky endings.
edgy 03 retard mad he got btfo
Its pretty boring on reflection i forget i watched the whole thing.
I think it appeals to germanboos.
no, but the manga is certainly deserving of the praise it gets.
Brotherhood glosses over far to much for me to be satisfied with it as an adaptation, but still works as a series. whereas 2003 had some neat ideas and Brotherhood's first 12 episodes done right, but bogged down by everything else.
how can it be 9/10 when it doesn't have the Northern Wall of Briggs?
Brotherhood is the epitome of generic battle shounen.
2003 tried to be more than that.
>b-b-but brotherhood sticks closer to the manga
Implying the source material isn't trash??
Implying your opinion isn't trash??
Nah, I agree with you.
>Ok it's time for a serious moment, the stakes are high, the heroes are in a low point, lets let the drama unfold and the weight of things se-LOLOLOLOLOLWAKKY HIJYNX!!!!!111
Yes, it is.
No. Go back to Sup Forums or reddit or wherever you came from
>Battle shonen
Are you sure about that fanfic-kun?
Is this your first day here? Lurk for two years before posting
>Posts tripfag meme
>Call other people new
FMA 03 did better than Brotherhood in ALL of its emotional scenes. Whether it be Barry the Chopper, Hughes death, or even the characterizations themselves. FMA Brotherhood was too dependent on comedy and many generic shounen tropes, which in my opinion caused many of the characters to feel flat and difficult to empathize with. Half of them practically had no relevance to the plot anyway. The overall balance of tone was just off to me.
And with the whole Nina thing, I think FMA dealt with it better. In Brotherhood, Ed immediately connects the dots without very many clues and it just seems weird. Whereas in FMA, sure you can guess the twist, but the way they did the scene was so much more heartwrenching. Brotherhood's take on it was way too over the top and dramatic to the point of parody.
No, but it is probably one of the best shounens around.
I have not seen it because it looks too sad.
I watched 2003 first and I lost interest. A few years later picked the manga and love it.
Looking back 2003 feels like it tried way too hard to different/dark like something posted on a fanfic site.
No, but it's better than 2003.
>I watched 2003 first and I lost interest
Probably because you have ADHD and can't go without an irritating comedy scene every 5 minutes.
brotherhood made the stupid decision to compress what was essentially the first 25 eps of 2003 into 10 episodes. basically everything loses it's impact, from Nina to Hughs; even something as minor as freaking Sheska's introduction is halfassed.
I'd agree that the tone of the show had difficulty being any sort of consistent for a long time, but by the time the Xingese characters are introduced i think it sorts itself out. It really kicks off from here and seeing shit like the military framing Maria Ross for Hughes' death, Mustang's plan to catch them out on it, Barry's decision to help him out based solely on his murderboner for Lust, Mustang killing envy, and Havok being paralyzed was a pretty good recovery point.
>Mustang killing envy,
Lust, whoops. though that also happens.
Best Anime of All-Time is right here.
Try and find a flaw
The director's cut was worse than the OVAs. All this thread is full of casualfags
The plot is thin as paper
manga's better than both
>Portrays nazi germany in a negative light
Did it do the end of the world better than NGE?
Nope it's a fucking shonenshit
Eva is the greatest anime of all time.
Don't bother debating the objective facts
Weaboos btfo
Suck my dick MODS for banning me
>Is this really the best anime of all time?
FMA 2003? Maybe, yeah.
FMA Brotherhood? No.
>all these people arguing over which series is better
>not realizing the truth that neither is strictly better or worse than the other
2003 has better pacing and a superior soundtrack.
Brotherhood is a more satisfying overall story.
2003 is fucking garbage
The Conqueror of Shamballa was a great movie. The entirety of FMA 03 was pretty great.
Prove me wrong
No, not even close.
Not sure if bait or just legitimately retarded
This nigga knows what's up
K-On excels in showing the slow progression of a group of friends through high school daily life to an impactful ending at the end of its second season. The rich detail of the character dynamics and the underlying existentialist thenes, aided by excellent animation, direction, soundtrack, and voice acting, set it apart not only from the rest of the slice of life genre but from almost all other anime.
Go ahead, tell me I'm wrong.
K-on>>>>FMA 2003
Can i get and autograph?
I fucking love this show, but the best?
Nah. It's like an 8/10.
Yes. But no. Brotherhood is, 2003 is just plain crap for emo kids.
again with the FMA forced memeing, OP?