ITT: Manga panels that have given you an existential crisis
ITT: Manga panels that have given you an existential crisis
Thats not fair, the second guy has 101%
>people believe this meme
That's the point
I took it as the max is 100% of both talent and hard work, where an overwhelming difference in talent can trump any amount of effort.
Ever wondered what happenned to all those child geniuses you see on TV ?
Maybe he shouldn't try competing in areas where he isn't a natural. Maybe he should just be good at what he's suited to do, and avoid getting his ass kicked by the naturally good freaks.
they grow up and become regular geniuses
Most of them become average. They were good for their age but then they coast on it and dont get better.
What if his passion is in the areas he's competing in? What if he has 60% talent in that area, more than any other field he's found, and still gets trounced by those with 80%, 95% talent despite his effort?
Some people just enjoy hobbies they're mediocre at, even if they have natural talent somewhere else. For example, I love drawing and painting miniatures, but the people who know this often tell me I'm not very good at it. It doesn't matter to me because I'm being entertained. Even though I spent hundreds, if not thousands, of hours, in these hobbies my entire life, I still don't regret any of it.
Also, there will always be naturally gifted people in every hobby, no matter where you go. It's not most people invest their lives on some activity they thought they would fail at, most just can't accept it and move on. What people need to know is to stop being so obsessive with this urge to be number 1 on some sport/craft/skill, because statistically, they're probably not even the top 5% overall.
Whether Talent or Hardwork matters more is dependent on the skill cap for the task in question.
Regardless, having Talent AND Hardwork is the best strategy (ie high IQ and high conscientiousness)
shit I didn't think of that. I'll start having more talent, then.
They were "geniuses" because they reached the adult level of doing a certain art form as a child. Once they are adults there is no reason left to fawn over them as they are just one from the many artists.
Their talent was in reaching the expected level quick, not surpassing it.
Alright but what does any of this has to do with fucking one's twin sister
You're being facetious but there IS a third path: cunning.
Even the smartest guy in the world can lose a game/bet if you're cunning like Kaiji.
>/ic/ in a nutshell
What kind of retarded measurement is percent of talent?
Talent is an arbitrarily defined concept that can only be vaguely observed in retrospect after a person has put in years of work. It's a pointless thing to think about.
Almost all "talent" loads heavily on g - fluid intelligence, which is best measured by IQ and works quite well.
This. People only call others talented when they've already succeeded at whatever they are called "talented" at.
It's basically just another way to say intelligence
IQ tests are fake news user
Talent can be seen almost immediately in most cases. They wont be masters of their craft instantly but you can see that they have a better grasp of the subject than others.
er, but the top of the world is full of people who are 99% hard work and 1% talent
see: tsuuman, kobe, brady
There's a difference between "genius" as shown on tv doing useless shit and real geniuses who are able to grow into their field of expertise and thrive.
Party tricks != genius.
How did you know Haikyuu was my favorite?
Unless they also surpass it, in which case they are remembered as plain geniuses. Say, Gauss.
This. Success = getting lucky + being talented + working hard. You can change only "Working hard" variable, and most likely you have no chance of getting to the top no matter how hard you work. And even if you do well, there will be fuckers who work less but achieve more by pure luck.
Someone post that one from Kaiji.
>100% of talent
>1% of talent
Pretentious piece of shit.
this panel made me lift
>1% talent
>1% hard work
I gave up on competing, therefore I can never lose to anyone, no matter how talented or hardworking they are.
That person with 100% talent can give up better than you
which one? Tonegawas speech?
Time to unleash my 1% hardwork potential
Some reason Mangaka ignore the power of building a team in favour of individualism every time.
It doesnt matter if you're the most talented the most hardworking individual if you're in the worse team.
Wars are won by thousands of teams of people, platoons vs platoons. Not 1v1 duels.
The best sports players still lose because their team wasnt as good as them.
the first time I read this, I literally felt as if I just ate Warhead sour candy
read or watch Haikyuu if you want some teambuilding
(Teppu is fucking Amazing)
However, that panel is just patently false. The problem with manga, and sports manga in particular, is that they treat talent as absolute.
In the real world, the better player doesn't win every time. They just win more. A thoushand small factors(Glare of the sun, sleep last night, relationships, the way the last few patches of grass you stepped on were layed out and so forth).
I'm a professional football player, and I've beaten players that are much more talented than me, and lost to players who are much less talented than me. All real life is is a hunt for consistency. That's why the fabled "zone" is such a big deal in sport's culture, because it let's you access all of your potential for a significant measure of tiime, instead of just a few moments at a time.
Obviously the character's stance/opinion doesn't reflect the manga's, at least in this case as Eyebrows won against Natsuo. Teppu really doesn't treat everything in absolutes, not that you necessarily said it did or that the panel reflected the manga's stance though.
That is the largest version of that page which is scanlated. Had I posted a larger raw, it would not be clear what I meant.
The best talent in real world sport is the ability to avoid injury and stay healthy.
Well I know you have no talents.
>treat everything in absolutes
Well fuck me I just noticed how I really misread that now, as you wrote:
>treat talent as absolute
Let's just change that to "doesn't treat talent as absolute". time to go to sleep
As long as you're not trying your best you can protect your ego with that as a excuse
"I could do that if I worked for it"
"I'm smarter than him he just worked harder, I could do better"
Really helps one maintain a sense of superiority
Themes of talent and hard work and how the latter will never beat the former if the talented guy works hard is so overused in anime/manga. Fuck, in sports anime/manga I can swear on my right kidney there will be a subplot with this shit sooner or later. Why is Japanese(and by extension Asian) media is hell bent on pushing this angle when in Western media its rarely touched upon?
Japs don't push the "everyone is equal and can follow their dreams" stuff as much.
That kind of logic is so stupid holy shit. Someone may be good at something but if they don't polish that ability they will end up getting stuck with their supposed "talent".
I hate this attitude of people who think that just because they failed once they will never succeed at something ever again. Fuck these negative nancys. Measure yourself by your own achievements rather than comparing them to other people.
>implying you shouldn't just cheat to win
>literally 0% talent and 0% hard work can be beaten by cheating
fuckign cucks
>tfw 1% talent, 1% hard work
Bringing out the noose soon.
Put me in your suicide note