Subs are dead, subs are dead

Subs are dead, subs are dead
Subs are dead, subs are dead
Talk to herkz, that's what he said
Are subs still around? No, subs are dead
It's all over, HorribleSubs are dead

Other urls found in this thread:

You know they don't list the new series. don't you?
Also, most of the time there aren't many anime series airing on sunday.

Fansubbing is dead. Bury it. Consider this mercy.


How new are you?
several shows are airing today

This is the list of shit they are ripping

Not as new as you at least.

Netflix is such a fucking cancer, holy shit.

Fansubbing died years ago, that's not what we're discussing here.

Kid, I've been here since 2012. I'm older than anyone else on this entire board.


HS is not a fansubbing group memeboy

HorribleSubs has nothing to do with Fansubbing.

You just confirmed what I said.

user where did my subs go?


Baited for this EXACT reply


You're a big guy

>I was just premeditateively being retarded, jokes on you!

Include me in the screencap.

You can't be serious

CR is saving a lot of their summershow lineup for Anime Expo.

>putting effort to show he was baiting
that's now how it works kid

Yeah but the shows that actually matter like Fate are being held by Netflix.


>Implying Fateshit like F/A matters

>no more Fate cancer on this board

wtf i love Netflix now

It's time to reluctantly welcome our new overlord.

Baited for this exact reply again. It's not truly pretending to be retarded because HorribleSubs actually did sub AKB0048's first episode.



This imagine if Netflix gets all the shonenshit anime.

Sup Forums would be rid of cancer for 3 months because the shonenfags would be unable to get their anime since Netflix subscribed to the bingewatching model.

When Amazon and Netflix decided they wanted the Anime catalog is the moment CR died.

It's going to be curious seeing CR having less and smaller series every season.

CR already announced 2 new series today which aren't listed on HS schedule yet for some reason. Maybe 3 series if CR also has Yami Shibai 5 which they haven't announced.

One new series today is HIDIVE exclusive so I don't know if HS is going to rip it.

>you will see the day when watching CR is considered to be a sign of having a high powerlevel

I didn't ask for this.

Why the fuck you do guys so much?
Don't tell me you guys actually pay to watch anime when torrents/xdcc exist.

well congrats summerfag on your first bait

>Why the fuck you do guys so much?
I have no idea

*you guys care so much

Where the hell do you think that shit comes from?

>looking at HS schedule
>at the beginning of the season
Is that your first season? HS schedule is always fucked up at the beginning and never show which anime are getting subbed, just wait a few weeks, and hopefully that Netflix bullshit wakes up some dead fansubs.

Not all rips are from web/streaming services fag

Guys comonn! STop so much.
We're than this.

Please save us Hadena!

>Talk to herkz, that's what he said

>it's a capitalism doesn't work episode

Those comfy days of stealing from CR were too good to last.

good job

Can't wait for funimation and crunchyroll to die.

Just look at the crunchyroll youtube channel.

They literally pay some asian weeaboo in japan to blog about anime and japanshit.

What a waste of money.

Also, looks like horriblesubs days are over.

Don't think horriblesubs can handle Amazon plus Netflix double gangbang.

Also, whoever owns the Macross license in America also hopefully shuts down one day. Heard they run some farm now.

Fuck off, Herkz.

they dont sub fag

>The Jew get their hands on Anime now

Is there ANYTHING that are safe from them?


>Also, looks like horriblesubs days are over.

Good fucking riddance.


People still need subs in current year? One would think you people would had picked up a few things after so many years of watching anime.



more chicken little bullshit from the faggots who brought you "nyaa is dead"

>people are praising CR's death
>when netflix is shittier

But Nyaa is dead. my friend is the true successor of Nyaa

>believing in HS lies

But it still counts, user. Nyaa died.

>subbing one anime in like 2012 means everything they do is subbed by them

>Believing anything HS says
Nice trips newfag

This was hard to read

I feel great happiness when a garbage netflix anime flops hard, like LWA.


and everything was fine regardless. just like this will be.

Who wants an invitation to AB.
I have 2.
Post your 5 favorite manga and anime+fake email.



Do you really think the subhumans in this kind of thread read manga?

grand blue
saijou no mei
break blade
initial d

keep your word user

One Piece
Fairy Tail

[email protected]

Anime: Uchouten Kazoku, Gundam Unicorn, Birdy the Mighty Decode, Shingeki no Bahamut, Speed Grapher.

Manga: Mob Psycho 100, Sangokushi, Dungeon Meshi, Okusan, Silver Spoon

[email protected]

It's five per category retards

naruto, dbz, bleach, one piece, fma
[email protected]

>Shingeki no Bahamut
You were so close user


Shit taste.

>dead fansubs
>FFF still haven't even finished their last few season shows
>DDY is also the same like FFF
>GJM is currently stalling all their shows for some reason
>Commie is mostly only herkz now
>Asenshi goes on hiatus this season for whatever reason

DIVE!! ~Even More Gay Swimming~

>You were so close user

It's a well-animated show that balances goofy comedy and melodramatic action perfectly. If you're not watching Virgin Soul, I pity you. Shit's been divine.

Here I was thinking Mob would be your arbitrary disqualifier.

I wish CR would stop pretending they fucking mattered.

There, your shows "quality" blows itself in it face with just that.

Or Okusan since it's mostly shitty fanservice with a whole lot of comfy backgrounds and panel work.

Oh no, a dedicated fanbase who buys merch that funds the creation of quality anime likes this anime! Must be shit!

Come the fuck on. Are you really so sensitive that what some faggot watches hundreds of miles away from affects what you decide to watch?

Again, though, your loss. Shit's fantastic.

>defending fujoshit
Shut up, landwhale.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

I don't watch anime yet user. I'll watch anime when I get into AB

Man what's to defend about it? Nothing you say is going to affect what's good about it or why I enjoy it. I'm just attacking your small dicked insecurities. Get over yourself. You'll enjoy more things that way.

At this rate I would welcome those fuckheads back with actual cash in hand.


HS is not a fansubbing group memeboy.
Stop trying so hard.

Fujoshits often have surprisingly good taste.

Is it not possible to rip from Netflix? I thought I remembered Matt or someone saying they were working on a Netflix ripper.

That ayyliens show last season was shit though.

Anime: Yahari, Steinsgate, Madoka, Monogatari, Shirobako

Manga: Yotsubato!, Kakegurui, Tokyo ESP, Tomodachi Game, Shokugeki

[email protected]

thanks user